This sound was as startling as a thunder, and the power of more than [-] holy realm powerhouses resounded throughout the sea.

Shangguan Qianhe's original grim expression suddenly froze, and then he frantically said to an old man in gray among the saints: "Patriarch, what are you doing? This man cut off my arm and killed Feng. Lao and Xiao Lao, how can our Shangguan family suffer from this grievance!"

"Shut up! I'm Shangguan's family, there's no such renegade as you!"

The ancestor of Shangguan scolded, his face was green with anger, he slapped in the air, and slapped Shangguan Qianhe Fan directly, and said coldly: "Yan'er, treat me with this bad boy!"

"Yes, patriarch."

A young woman flashed out of the saints, but seeing her tall and thin body, wearing black tights, like a sharp blade out of the sheath, her originally pretty face was covered with several terrifying scars, looking very hideous. terror.

When she came out, all the geniuses on the island could not help but take a breath of cold air and felt chills down their spines. In the entire Beihai Alliance, there was no one who did not know this black-clothed woman. This person was Shangguan Yan, the chief criminal law elder of the Shangguan family. She is also the leader of the Shangguan family's war department, a peak powerhouse of the holy king, known as Shura, and even ordinary holy masters dare not provoke her.

"No, no, I am the direct descendant of the Shangguan family, and I am the direct descendant of Tianjiao..."

Seeing Shangguan Yan, even the lawless Shangguan Qianhe showed an expression of extreme fear, desperately sitting and struggling in the end.

However, his roar didn't make Shangguan Yan move in the slightest. He saw Shangguan Yan stepped out of the sky and grabbed his right hand towards the void. A black cage suddenly appeared around Shangguan Qianhe, and countless iron cables protruded from the void, directly piercing his bones. , imprisoned.

It was only then that Shangguan Yan said coldly: "Senior Zhang is a half-step emperor, and it is an unforgivable sin for you to lead someone to offend his majesty. Elder Feng, Elder Xiao, their two families have already been robbed of The war department will be wiped out. Then it will be your turn. When I bring you to the Hui clan, you will be sent to the front line of the battlefield, and you will never return."

As soon as these words came out, all Tianjiao felt a chill in their hearts. The former Shangguan Qianhe, as the direct descendant of the First War Clan, was so glorious. I didn't expect to achieve such a level now. The whole family will be sent to the battlefield until the last drop of blood is shed.

All this is because he offended a person who should not have offended.

These Tianjiao are even more aware that Shangguan Yan said these words in public, on the surface he was convicting Shangguan Qianhe, but in fact he was giving Zhang Tian an explanation.

This is what shocked everyone the most. The Shangguan family, as the first war clan of the Beihai Alliance, how proud they are, that is, compared with the large ancient sect holy places in the Middle Earth, their strength is not inferior, but now they are forced to judge in public A descendant of the family.

"Miss Zhang's father turned out to be a half-step immortal emperor."

Nalan Ruoxue's eyes are very complicated. She has always been smart, and she has long seen Zhang Tian's extraordinary through layers of signs, but she never imagined that the other party's true cultivation has reached the peak of the entire continent.Xixi Novel Network

The head of the Bai clan of the eight major families stepped forward and said respectfully, "Senior Zhang previously tried to kill the Supreme Sage Ice Emperor at the Deity Academy, except for the great harm of an alien race for our human race. Even though he lives in a barbarian land by the North Sea, he is very famous for his predecessors, so after receiving Ling Feng's report, he immediately came to greet him, and I hope that seniors will not be blamed for the rudeness."

This time when Zhang Tian was in Beihai, their Bai family took a big advantage. It was precisely because the head of the Bai family received the news and passed it to the Beihai Alliance in time, which prevented the Shangguan family from making a big mistake. Regarding this matter, the Shangguan family But I owe the Bai family a huge favor.

"Damn, it's a misstep!"

Yang Daoyuan secretly regretted in his heart, and wanted to slap himself a few times. Originally, he had the best chance to flatter the Zhang family, but because he was careful everywhere, he was not firm when he should take a stand, and he missed a lot of good impression opportunities. Now Come to think of it, it really blows my heart out.

You must know that if you can get the favor of a half-step immortal emperor, then his status in his clan and in the Beihai Alliance will skyrocket, and it will even be enough for him to walk across the entire Beihai.

But it's too late to regret now.

Facing the careful escorts of the ancestors in the holy realm, Zhang Tian looked very impatient and frowned: "This emperor came to Beihai to accompany his daughter to deal with a small matter. What should you do? Don't bother."

The ancestors of the eight great families hurriedly said: "Senior Zhang's daughter is recognized as an unparalleled genius in the East Wilderness. Since she has come to Beihai, how can you not discuss with the geniuses here, and when the next day comes to the central area of ​​Beihai, my eight great families will decide Welcome to the bed."

"The arrogance of the world?"

The arrogances on the island were all shocked when they heard the words, and their eyes were full of horror when they looked at the ruthless man. The arrogance of the world, even the arrogance of the world, even if it was only recognized by Yihuang, has not exceeded the number of the first-hand for thousands of years, and it is absolutely rare.

But recalling the powerful performance of Ruthless Man in the secret realm of Kui Niu, they had to obey. This level of strength is enough to overwhelm Beihai and deserve the name of the world's best talent. At least in Beihai, it is difficult to find an opponent who can match.

Nalan Ruoxue stepped on the lotus and walked to Ruthless Man, and said kindly, "I don't know what Miss Zhang is going to do in Beihai? Can you please let me know?"

The ruthless man said: "I have a follower in the Heavenly God College who was born in the Chaoxing Sea of ​​the North Sea. There seems to be something wrong with his family. He invited me to help. I don't know the specifics."

Nalan Ruoxue said in amazement: "The Sea of ​​Chaos? It is a very remote sea area, and there is no record in the ordinary geographical map, but my Nalan family also built a Lingbao Pavilion there. I was there a few years ago. There was an auction. If Miss Zhang doesn't dislike it, I can take you there as a guide, which should save a lot of trouble."

The ruthless man calculated in his heart, it was only a few days before the Li Ming family meeting was held, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved. After getting Zhang Tian's acquiescence, he said, "Since Miss Nalan has invited her kindly, we will be disrespectful."

"Where, where, it is my honor to be a guide for Senior Zhang and Miss Zhang."

Nalan Ruoxue quickly glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​her excited face was as rosy as a rosy glow, how could she still have the cold and noble appearance of Concubine Xue.

Seeing that Nalan Ruoxue had seized the opportunity, the rest of Tianjiao beat their chests and feet and felt extremely remorse, but they secretly remembered the place name 'The Sea of ​​Chaos' in their hearts. , , .

Chapter 283 Unparalleled Heaven's Arrogance Zhang Ruren!

Three days passed by, and on the blue bay of the North Sea, a huge frost dragon roared forward, sometimes swooping on the sea surface, rolling up large waves, and bursts of laughter could be heard faintly on its back.

Chaos star sea area, lively.

Because today is the day of the Li family's clan meeting among the five major clans in the Chaoxing Sea, the Tianjiao who has traveled all over the place have all returned and gathered together.

At the entrance of the Li family mansion, Li Ming walked back and forth nervously, sometimes looking at the sky and the intersection in the distance.

"Ha, isn't this Li Ming? Why is it shrinking here like looking at the door?"

"Second brother, don't make fun of him, they are waiting for that 'honorable' senior sister, and I don't know if this person really exists."

"My Li family actually has such a direct line. It is the family's misfortune. It would be great if Ange was the direct line of our Li family."

Behind Li Ming, a group of people walked out surrounded by a young man in brocade, looking at Li Ming with mocking eyes.

Now that the Li family servant is weak and the master is strong, the elder has broken through to the realm of high-level kings, but the patriarch fell to the peak of the middle-class king due to an injury and could not advance an inch. In this way, the power naturally fell into the hands of the elders, and each branch became effective. The kind of people who oppress the direct line.

And this young man in brocade, who was surrounded by all the stars, was the son of the great elder of the Li family, Li An, who had always competed with Li Ming.Because the Great Elder misappropriated the family resources to supply, although Li An was a little smaller than Li Ming, he had already broken through to the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm, which was far from Li Ming's comparison.

At this time, guests walked past the door from time to time, all of them were high-level figures in the Chaoxing Sea Sea. When they saw the movement here, they all looked over, which further fueled the arrogance of Li An's group. The abuse was very ugly. The main vein was in disrepair, in order to make room for this vein of the Great Elder.

Li Ming secretly clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hands burst out, but he knew that his main vein was weakening, so he could only answer to humiliate himself, and immediately turned his head to be silent.

Unexpectedly, this action annoyed Li An, and Li An said with a gloomy face: "Li Ming, you rubbish, I'm talking to you, didn't you hear it? Are all the people in your main line deaf? ?"

"Damn your mother! You are deaf!"

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