Li Ming finally couldn't bear it anymore, roared loudly, pointed at Li An's nose and scolded: "Don't go too far, I am the direct descendant, you are just a sideline, didn't your father teach you respect and order?"

This scolding is earth-shattering, venting all the shame and humiliation that Li Ming has had this month, and stunned everyone.

Afterwards, Li An was furious and strode forward: "You are a beast, today I will teach you a lesson on behalf of your father, and let you know who is the head of the Li family!"

While speaking, Li An had already turned his body and ran to Li Ming. He raised his hand and moved his claws. It actually condensed the phantom of a blue-striped python, tearing its mouth and fangs, and waving its huge snake tail towards Li Ming. .

"This is the Li family's martial art 'Wild Python Roaring Sea Claw'. Only the main line can learn it, even Li An can do it."

"What a fierce attack, this Li An, is it possible that he has murderous intentions."

The onlookers were stunned. Although the contradiction between the main line and the branch of the Li family has long been spread throughout the Chaoxing Sea, no one expected that it would be so intense that it was almost endless.

Li Ming was also horrified when he saw Li An's attack. He only had a fourth-level cultivation base in the Transcendent Realm. How could he wait to block this fatal blow? Just when he was thinking of desperately trying to kill both sides, a cold voice suddenly came from a distance.Cola Literature

"Who dares to bully my followers!"

As soon as the words fell, a violent sword energy came forth, with the invincible domineering over everything, directly hitting Li An.


A huge explosion sounded from the ground, and the poisonous python created by Li Anhua was directly smashed, and the sword qi continued to smash into his chest, sending his whole body flying backwards, blood gushing wildly.

"Okay...a terrible sword energy."

All the onlookers were shocked and looked towards the door.

Li Ming was stunned for a moment, glanced at the door, and suddenly said in surprise: "Senior Sister Zhang, you are here."

The ruthless man strode closer, and it could be seen that her Yin Spirit Sword was hanging around her waist and did not move at all. The sword energy just now was just swung out of her hand.

Glancing at Li An, who was slumped to the ground, the ruthless man said in a low voice, "It seems that the situation at your house is really not easy. Fortunately, I didn't come late."

Li An stumbled to his feet, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said grimly: "Okay, okay, Li Ming, this is the helper you invited, only a mere ninth-level extraordinary cultivation base dares to be so arrogant, and even put it here. Can't she be regarded as Donghuang? Today I will call her a human, come here!"

Li An roared like a devil, and quickly drew out all the guests in the main house. Many people hadn't figured out what was going on, but suddenly their eyes brightened and exclaimed: "Isn't this Xue Fei!"

This sound immediately attracted everyone's attention. Everyone looked at the sound, and saw Yingying, a peerless beauty behind the ruthless man, with light makeup and sculpture, which immediately attracted a tsunami.

"It's really Concubine Xue. I met her at the Lingbao Pavilion auction a few years ago. Over the years, her demeanor is even better than before!"

"As expected of the Beihai Alliance's first arrogant beauty, she is like a fairy descending from the earth. I didn't expect to see Xue Fei here today. It's a worthwhile trip."

"Huh? Why is there a man next to Xue Fei? Could it be her boyfriend?"

All the guests were talking about it, and the angry Li An had long since been forgotten. If the Chaoxing Sea Area is a small pond, then Li An is the fish and shrimp in it, and Nalan Ruoxue is the Qinghai Jiaolong, even if all the fish and shrimp in the small pond are taken Together, it is not as good as one of her fingers.

Even the head of the Li family and the first elder did not care about Li An at this time, so they greeted Nalan Ruoxue and respectfully said, "Fairy Xue Fei is here, it's really a splendid house, please come to the main hall and take a seat. ."

Their attitude is very humble, not to mention Nalan Ruoxue's own reputation, the Nalan family behind her alone can turn the Chaoxing Sea Sea upside down with just a finger.

Nalan Ruoxue met everyone's fascinated gazes, and couldn't help but leaned towards Zhang Tian, ​​and said softly, "Ruoxue came here this time, just to be a guide for Miss Zhang, please don't bother everyone."

"Ms. Zhang?"

The head of the Li family and the others all showed stunned expressions. They followed Xue Fei's direction and looked at the slender and ruthless man. They didn't know who this person was.

Li Ming strode forward and said with boundless arrogance: "This is my senior sister, the unparalleled Tianjiao Zhang Ruren in the Eastern Wilderness!" , . . .

Chapter 284 The Eight Great Families of Beihai Come to Congratulate

"This is my senior sister, the unparalleled Tianjiao Zhang Ruren in the Eastern Wilderness!"

This sentence, Li Ming exhausted his life's strength, contains all the humiliation he has suffered in the past month, so, with the ruthless people as his backing, he can finally vent.

"She, she is the senior sister of the Deity Academy you said?"

Li Ming's father, the head of the Li family, said in a trembling voice, he originally heard from Li Ming that the only helper he was looking for was the peak of the transcendent realm, and he was very disappointed. The concubine must show a respectful attitude.

"Under the Li family's head Li He, since Miss Zhang is here to help boxing, she is also a distinguished guest of my Li family. Please come to the main hall."

Li He is worthy of being the head of the family for many years, and he knows the way of life. He did not despise the ruthless man because he was young, but regarded him as a guest of equal status and respectfully invited him.

Just when Ruthless Man had just entered the hall, there was a sudden commotion outside the door, and words such as 'Eight Great Families' and 'Yang Jia Tianjiao' could be vaguely heard.

Li He and the others were surprised when they saw a handsome and handsome young man walking in. Although he was not imposing, he had the dignity of a superior, which made people dare not underestimate it.Behind him, there were two gray-clothed old men who were like slaves. They looked a little old-fashioned, but their eyes were shining brightly. They were all legendary high-ranking kings.

There were well-informed guests in the main hall, and they immediately recognized the identity of this young man, and said in shock, "This is Yang Daoyuan, the direct descendant of the Yang family of the eight major families of the Beihai Alliance. He, he actually came!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience. The Yang family of the eight major families is a big family in Beihai. It controls more than half of the spiritual mineral resources in Beihai. With a single order, countless small families like the Li family can be made. Family ruined.

Li He shuddered, and before he could react, he saw Yang Daoyuan's eyes lit up, walked in his direction quickly, and then respectfully bowed to the ruthless man: "I haven't seen you for a few days, Miss Zhang is still the same, go up. Cui Kui Niu Secret Realm, my Yang family has many inconsiderate things, the patriarch specially ordered me to give these [-] king-grade spirit stones to Miss Zhang as compensation."

After speaking, Yang Daoyuan took out a golden storage ring and respectfully handed it to Ruthless Man.

In fact, he wants to hand this storage ring to Zhang Tian, ​​that is the real purpose of their Yang family, but in his capacity, he is far from qualified to talk to Zhang Tian.In the entire Beihai Alliance, only the patriarchs of the eight major families, the dignified Saint Lord realm powerhouses, have this qualification, and they have to perform the junior ceremony.

The ruthless man raised her eyebrows, and she naturally knew what the Yang family really meant. It was fake to apologize to herself, and it was real to give her a greeting to her father, but thinking that this was the spiritual stone she needed the most, she was not polite and accepted it directly. Come over and say softly: "This gift is not light, thank the noble patriarch on my behalf."

Yang Daoyuan hurriedly said: "Where, where, it is my family's honor that Miss Zhang accepts it."

This change made everyone in the audience stunned, looking at the golden storage ring with an extremely envious look.Qidian Novel Network

You must know that this is a full [-] king-grade spirit stones, which is equivalent to one billion heaven-grade spirit stones. For a family like the Li family, which is divided into one sea area, the total income in one year does not exceed [-] million heaven-grade spirit stones. Only this One percent of the spirit stone.

Just when everyone was shocked, another young man walked in and said with a chuckle: "Brother Yang is so fast, I turned five teleportation formations in a row, but I still fell behind Brother Yang."

A guest exclaimed: "This is the direct descendant of the Guo family among the eight great families!"

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