The rest of the branch leaders looked at the horrific Great Elder, and they were so frightened that they didn't dare to say a word.

"Hey, let's go!"

The first elder dragged his severely injured body and withdrew from the main house with the help of Li An. Those from the branch also left one after another, leaving only the high-level members of the main branch.

"The patriarch is mighty, and his strength returns to the peak, and he will definitely revitalize my main line!"

I don't know which one shouted first, and the audience immediately boiled over. All the main line clan members showed excited expressions. After decades, their main line was overwhelmed by a group of branches, and now they can finally raise their eyebrows.

Yu Xin said softly: "Don't be too happy, Patriarch Li's injury has already entered a critical state, ordinary medicine stones are useless, and it has been consuming life support. Although my Six Flower Jade Dew Pill has miraculous effects, it is also It can only be barely one or two, and within half a month, the medicinal power will subside."


All the mainline clansmen showed stunned expressions, and could only last for half a month. Wouldn't they have to be squeezed out by major side branches after half a month?

Li He's face darkened, and he said bitterly: "Little friend's eyes are like torches, the injuries I suffered back then were indeed very serious, and I spent a lot of money to find high-level alchemy masters, but they all said that they had no solution. Having reached the nine-pattern level, it must be difficult to have such a magical effect. But today, if I can vent my bad anger, I, Li He, will die without any regrets."

The ruthless man frowned and said, "Second sister, Patriarch Li is Li Ming's father. I wonder if you can help me?"

Li Ming couldn't care to get up at this time, he knelt down in front of Yuxin with a 'puff', and said sadly: "I beg Master Zhang to take action and save my father. Master Zhang is recognized as the unparalleled arrogance in the alchemy world of Donghuang. With the inheritance of the Pill Emperor, the talent is amazing, and there will definitely be a way."

"The unparalleled genius recognized by the East Desolate Dan Dao world?"

Everyone in the Li family was shocked, but they couldn't help but feel relieved. The unparalleled Tianjiao is an existence that can overwhelm the world. He was born to break the rules, and it is not surprising that he did any amazing things.Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look forward to it.

Yu Xin said softly: "If Patriarch Li was just injured, it would not be difficult to heal, but now that he is terminally ill, I am afraid that even taking Jiuhua Yulu Dan will not be able to recover. Besides, I have not tried the pill technique now. To refine a spiritual pill of that level, you can only say that you do your best."

"Nine Flowers Yulu Dan?"

Everyone can't help but take a deep breath. In terms of grade, Jiuhua Yulu Dan can be compared with the immortal pill. Only top alchemy masters can refine it. With the Li family's ranking, even if the family goes bankrupt, it is difficult to invite that class. The alchemist came forward. 61 Biquge

"That's all about Lao Ermei."

Ruthless said a heartfelt sentence, then looked at Li Ming and said, "You get up first, I can leave this matter to my second sister."

"That's all there is to Master Lao Zhang."

Li Ming clasped his head towards Yu Xin again, and then stumbled to his feet.

At this point, the Li family was in a terrifying crisis, and with the cooperation of Ruthless and Yuxin, the solution was announced.

In the dark of night, the ruthless man returned to his room, and did not rest, but directly exercised his kung fu, and realized what he had achieved before.

Combining "Undefeated Emperor Fist" and "Water Emperor Breaking Sword", and adding a ray of human emperor's power, the combined sword moves, the power actually surpasses the strongest sword in "Yin Yang Ice and Fire Sword" The style of 'ice and fire double heaven', approaching the reversal of the sword, surprised her.

You must know that it is the two Sword Soul-level Sword Intent that motivates the 'ice and fire two layers of heaven'.

This allows Ruthless Man to see the potential of this sword move. It is still so powerful now. If she can also improve the Invincible Emperor Fist and the Water Emperor Sword Intent, how powerful it will be, I'm afraid it will even surpass the Reverse Chaos Sword. potential.

However, the improvement of Martial Dao will is very difficult and needs to be tempered through constant battles of life and death, so the ruthless man did not spend too much time on this, but went directly to the next important thing.


The ruthless man took out a few storage rings and threw them into the void. Immediately, countless treasures were released. All of them were condolence gifts from the eight major families to Zhang Tian. Even the entire family property of the Li family was counted together, and it was not as good as three of these gifts. one part.

Among all the gifts, except for a set of middle-grade defense formation flags from the royal family of the formation family, the others are of no use to the ruthless, so she plans to refine these things together to make up for the massive resources she needs to break through. .

"Swallowing the Devil, the hell is out of the oven!"

The void trembled, and a huge crack suddenly opened behind the ruthless man, as if it was connected to the netherworld, the sea of ​​swords and the sea of ​​fire, a huge hell oven kept spinning, and the terrifying suction force poured out from it, absorbing all the treasures.


The ruthless man took out the golden storage ring sent by Yang Daoyuan. The hundred thousand king-grade spirit stones were tired into a hill, and the spiritual light was extremely bright. With a wave of the ruthless man, he threw it into the hell oven without pity.

With the support of these high-level spirit stones, the refining speed suddenly increased by a hundred times, and countless pure spirit energy condensed into spirit dragons, which roared into the body of the ruthless man, and was suppressed by the immortal body of Wushou, and merged into the nine seas of rounds.

Time flies, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

All the members of the Li family gathered in front of Ruthless Man's room, with anxious expressions on their faces. Today is the deadline for recruitment and departure, but Ruthless Man has not yet left the customs, and they did not dare to disturb them, so they could only wait outside.

Just when everyone was impatient, an extremely terrifying coercion surged out and swept across ten directions, as if there was a sound of dragon roars, rising straight into the sky, the sky and the earth changed, and then a statue. The phantom of a woman with a height of hundreds of feet appeared, and it continued to solidify, wearing golden armor, and even every hair was lifelike, like a peerless queen.

The queen's face was hidden in the golden light, making it impossible for people to distinguish it, but the majesty of the emperor who looked down on the sky and the sky was clearly displayed, and people couldn't help but feel the heart of surrender. , , .

Chapter 289 The secret of the ancient creatures!

The shocking power stirred the void, forming nine vast vortexes of spiritual energy, spewing out a large amount of spiritual energy into the phantom of the queen in the void, making it more and more solid.

The entire Chaoxing Sea Territory was disturbed, and countless hidden ancestors broke through the barrier, looking at the terrifying vision in the void in shock, and the same thought came into my heart: a saint in the Li family was born!



In the backyard of Li Mansion, all the members of the Li family who were waiting outside the door of the ruthless man's wing fell to their knees, trembling all over, looking at the wing in shock, it burst with a bang, brilliant golden light against a peerless figure sitting cross-legged, Like gods and kings.

Li He murmured: "What a terrifying background, this is a vision that breaks through to the half-step legend realm, even if a saint is born, I am afraid it will be nothing more than this."

After a long time, the vision gradually dissipated, and the queen in the void trembled slightly, turning into infinite golden light and pouring into the body of the ruthless man, the coercion disappeared, and all the Li family members collapsed to the ground, and their whole body was directly penetrated by sweat. .

Seeing the ruthless man step out, Li He immediately led his people forward and said, "Congratulations to Miss Zhang for successfully breaking through the shackles and becoming the king of the half-step legendary realm."

Although there is only one step between the peak of the transcendent realm and the half-step king, it is actually a world of difference. After becoming the half-step king, it means that the body has evolved to the extreme, and the bridge between heaven and earth in the body is connected, which can mobilize the power of heaven and earth in a small part. The warriors of the extraordinary peak are comparable.

Next, as long as the two qi of life and death are induced, one can penetrate the world and become a true king of the legendary realm. Every move can take advantage of the general trend of heaven and earth.

The ruthless man clenched his fist slightly, and felt a force that shook the space surging in his palm, he couldn't help but nodded slightly and said, "This breakthrough is indeed a qualitative leap. It's been a few days, hasn't the call-up schedule been delayed?"

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