Li Ming hurriedly said: "Today is the deadline for the call-up order. The teams of the other four major families have already set off. Our Li family's warriors have also been assembled, and we are waiting for Senior Sister Zhang to lead the team."

The ruthless man said: "It's fine if there is no delay. When I go to tell Dad, I will set off immediately."

Walking to Zhang Tian's small courtyard, the ruthless man glanced at him and saw only Zhang Tian and Zi Yan, and couldn't help but wonder, "Where did the second sister go?"

Zi Yan pointed to the sky and said with a shriveled mouth: "Second sister is there to refine the Nine Flower Yulu Dan for that Patriarch Li."

The ruthless man followed Zi Yan's gesture and saw a huge Taoist platform standing in the middle of the entire island. It was hundreds of feet high and divided into seven layers. Each layer was filled with array flags. Gather the spirit of Aoki around.

And Yuxin was sitting at the top of the Taoist platform, her face was calm, and from time to time she shot a fire in the purple gold dragon cauldron in front of her.Nine Flower Jade Dew Pill is a peerless healing pill that can be compared with the Immortal Pill. It is almost the limit of the fourth-grade spiritual pill. Even the ordinary top alchemy masters have to fail several times to refine it.Tutufei Novel Network

Not to mention that Li He's injury requires the use of the top-level nine-pattern and nine-flower jade dew pill, which is undoubtedly a very important challenge for Yu Xin, who has only been promoted to the master of alchemy for more than half a year.

Looking back, the ruthless man said strangely: "Why is the third sister not in high spirits, who is making you unhappy?"

In her memory, Zi Yan has always been full of energy, rarely when she is so quiet.

Zi Yan pulled a blade of grass out of nowhere, bit it in her mouth, and said sullenly: "Eldest sister has broken through to the half-step king this time, and the second sister will soon become a top alchemy master. You are all making rapid progress, only I've been learning a lot of precious arts for more than half a year, but my cultivation hasn't changed at all, and if I do this, I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my reputation as a 'Tianjiao'."

The ruthless man couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: "So you also have times when you are in a hurry, but I don't know much about the cultivation method of the demon clan. You should ask your father for this matter."

Zi Yan hummed lightly: "Dad is biased, likes the eldest sister and the second sister, and doesn't help at all... oh, oh."

Before she could finish her words, Zhang Tian bounced her head twice, holding her head and screaming in pain.

Ruthless people feel sorry for Zi Yan, and said to Zhang Tian: "Dad, what Zi Yan said is not unreasonable. It has been almost a year since she opened ten round seas, and she has swallowed so many divine source liquid and Taiyi Shenshui. In other words, no matter how deep the foundation is, it is time to break through to the transcendent realm, is there any problem in this?"

Zi Yan also shouted Qu Road: "Yes, the Fourth Court Competition is about to be held. If I don't break through to the Transcendent Realm, I'm afraid that I will be famous and ruined."

Zhang Tian smiled and said: "You are welcome. Well, I originally planned to wait for you to accumulate for a while and then tell you. Since you are in a hurry, I will tell you in advance. You can't break through to the transcendent realm, not because the background is too deep, but It's because you don't need to go through the transcendent at all."

"No experience required? What does this mean?" The ruthless man asked curiously.

Zhang Tian said slowly: "Actually, in ancient cultivation methods, there is no realm of 'transcendent realm'. Because the bloodlines of those ancient creatures are very powerful, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is far more refined than today, it is common to open up ten round seas. Even as long as you condense the Jiulunhai, your spirit and spirit will be strong to an extremely terrifying realm, you can directly prove the Dao with strength, break through the obstacles of the bridge of heaven and earth with absolute strength, and become a legendary martial artist who penetrates the world."

"What? Jiu Lunhai is directly promoted to the legendary realm?"

Ruthless and Zi Yan were both shocked. You must know that in contemporary times, Jiulunhai and Legendary realm are [-] miles apart, and you need to go through the extraordinary ninth level to qualify for promotion to Legendary realm.

Zhang Tiandao: "The power of the ancient creatures is far beyond your imagination. The most powerful ones are born immortal kings, and their descendants can tear apart ordinary gods and demons even in their infancy. It was only later that the world changed dramatically, and the spiritual energy declined greatly. The creatures of the nine mountains and seas have also become more numerous, most of them have mixed bloodlines, and they cannot prove the Tao with the same strength as the ancient creatures, so there is a transitional realm of 'transcendence'. The so-called transcendence is a process of making up for one's own deficiencies. ."

The ruthless man exclaimed: "In other words, Sanmei's background is comparable to that of an ancient creature, and she can directly cross the transcendent realm, prove it with strength, and become a demon king in one step?" , . . .

Chapter 290 I am ordered to bury the Emperor!

Zi Yan also looked at Zhang Tian excitedly, waiting for his answer.

Under the ardent attention of his two daughters, Zhang Tian pondered: "If you want to break through the bridge of heaven and earth with force, you must be extremely strong in spirit, energy and spirit. Among them, 'Essence' is the blood of the flesh, and Zi Yan is too weak. The blood of the ancient dragon emperor is only one point away. 'Qi' is spiritual power, and Zi Yan has opened up the tenth round sea, which has enhanced her spiritual power more than ten times, and is barely two points away. Only the soul, Zi Yan is far behind. , at least six points away."

"With the current strength of the third sister, is it so much worse than the ancient creatures?"

The ruthless man showed an unbelievable expression. You must know that after Zi Yan opened up the tenth round of the sea, she couldn't even guess how strong it was. I didn't expect that there was still a big gap compared to the ancient creatures.

Zi Yan knocked on her head and said helplessly: "I haven't eaten any treasures that can enhance my soul."

"Yeah, there are many treasures that can enhance the spirit, but the spirit is related to the will of the martial arts, and it has always been the most difficult to improve. I rarely heard of any treasures that can enhance the spirit. And according to what my father said As a standard, Zi Yan must at least condense a second-order martial soul, which is also difficult for a strong person."

The ruthless man shook his head again and again. He couldn't accept such harsh conditions. You must know that Shi Wuhua and others spent more than ten years in order to sharpen their will to achieve perfection. She was able to condense the first-order ice and fire sword soul, and it was also due to various opportunities. Even high-ranking kings are very rare with second-rank martial spirits, and all of them are quasi-sacred children of ancient sect holy places.

Now it is impossible for Zi Yan to condense the second-order martial arts with a martial artist who is only in the Lunhai realm.

Zhang Tian chuckled and said: "About the soul, I have found a good place for Zi Yan to improve quickly. I originally planned to take her there after she has trained her physical body and spiritual power to the perfect state. Since it has been mentioned , I'll take her for a walk while you go to the Sea of ​​Scarlet."

The ruthless man looked at Zi Yan's hopeful eyes, nodded and said, "That's fine. I went to the third area of ​​the Scarlet Sea this time. There are only warriors below the legendary realm, and I don't need my father to shoot."

After finishing speaking, Ruthless Man glanced outside the door again and said, "It seems that they have already waited in a hurry, then Dad, I will leave first."


"Miss, walk slowly."

Watching the ruthless man leave, Zi Yan immediately threw herself into Zhang Tian's arms and said excitedly, "Dad, where is the place you're talking about?"

Zhang Tian hugged Zi Yan's soft body, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes, and said softly: "That place is called the virtual world, not the material world, but a spiritual world, between the virtual and the real. In between, only the soul can enter, but the improvement obtained can be synchronized to the real world. The top talents of the nine mountain, sea, monster and two tribes are all gathered there, representing the most terrifying killing and the most abundant harvest, you can do Ready to go there?"

Zi Yan couldn't help showing a serious expression when she heard the words, and nodded her head.

Zhang Tian didn't say any more, he raised his hand and grabbed at the void, as if countless divine chains of order poured out from his palm, pierced through the void and opened a door to another world.

The next moment, Zhang Tian took Zi Yan's hand and appeared in a gray space, where time and space were whistling.Zhongyuan Book Bar

"You wait here first, I'll look for the entrance to the virtual world, where I haven't been there for millions of years."

Zhang Tian explained that he turned a field around Zi Yan, and then disappeared suddenly.

The virtual world of war is a very mysterious world. It has existed since ancient times, as if it does not belong to this universe, but there is no doubt that there are endless treasures in the virtual world of war, which are inexhaustible. Inexhaustible, especially for the help of the soul, there is no treasure that can compare with it.

Therefore, for millions of years, all the powerful forces of the Nine Great Mountains, Seas, Humans and Demons have opened up channels to the virtual world of war, and they have continuously sent the arrogance of the sect to here, one for experience, and the other for collecting treasures.

It is worth mentioning that although there is only one entrance to the virtual world of war, it is not integrated, but divided into six areas, namely ordinary, king, saint, emperor, emperor, and immortal. Completely guaranteed the same-level competition.

Zhang Tian walked along the ancient starry sky road, watching the unfamiliar and familiar scenery around him, and soon found the entrance to the virtual world of war, but he was still, because at this time, there was a huge explosion in the entrance. fierce battle.


Zhang Tian looked at the chaotic battlefield from a distance, and saw that in front of the huge portal of the virtual world of war, countless ancient kings of alien races went forward one after another, constantly charging towards the inside.

"Bold alien race, the power of the virtual world of war, Qi Rong Er and others are wild. Remember, the one who killed you today was a noble Qinglong!"

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