A sky-shattering dragon roar suddenly sounded, and immediately, an azure-colored claw protruded from the portal of the virtual world battle world, which was thousands of miles in size, covering the sky and the sun, and accompanied by the immense pressure, the cover pressed down.


The void was torn apart by five terrifying cracks, and the three ancient alien kings rushing to the front suddenly wailed.

The offensive of the alien powerhouse suddenly stagnated, and everyone looked up, following the terrifying dragon claw, and saw a huge Azure Dragon Panheng in the void, like a dragon cage. His eyes were full of cold killing intent.

This is a real Qinglong, not a descendant of the dragon race with dragon blood, but a pure-blooded adult Qinglong. Just now, it was his power that killed three ancient alien kings.

However, this is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that above the blue dragon, there is still a figure standing, wearing cyan armor, with black hair flying in the wind, but the body of two feet, but it gives people a kind of immemorial mountain. Unshakable invincible power.

This power is even ten times stronger than Qinglong.

"I am Gu Taxian, the master of the virtual world of war, and I was ordered to guard the virtual world of war by the Emperor of the Ancient Heaven Burial. You and other Xiaoxiao aliens who dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool will be killed!" , . .

Chapter 291 The Immortal Emperor!Burial the Emperor!

"I am Gu Taxian, the master of the virtual world of war, and I was ordered to guard the virtual world of war by the Emperor of the Ancient Heaven Burial. If you wait for a small alien, who dares to take a step beyond the pond, you will be killed!"

The figure above the blue dragon made an indifferent voice, which exploded directly in the minds of all the alien powerhouses, containing supreme coercion. One person and one dragon covered the power of these hundreds of thousands of alien powerhouses.

However, at this moment, a terrifying coercion shrouded the world again.

Behind those alien powerhouses, more than a dozen huge cracks were broken open, and from them came out a figure of light and shadow shrouded in Shen Xi.


The momentum confrontation, bursting out countless thunder, swept the Quartet.

"Oh my God, there is definitely more than one Immortal King, it's too terrifying, it makes people desperate!"

In front of the portal of the virtual world of war, all the guards of the human and demon warriors all looked like dirt. I didn't expect that the offensive of the alien race was so fierce this time, and so many ancestor-level figures were dispatched all at once.

"Gu Taxian, I respect you as a character, obediently let go of the passage of the virtual world of war, and I will not hold you accountable today."

An alien ancestor said in a gloomy tone, his whole body was shrouded in Shen Xi, if you look at it with all your eyesight, you can vaguely see that it is a five-color divine tree, hundreds of thousands of miles tall, reaching the sky and the earth. , every branch is like a divine chain of order, as if it contains infinite power.

"Old Kuishu, what are you talking about with him? That Heavenly Burial Emperor has long since abdicated and cannot hide from the world. He is a peerless Immortal King who dares to block the rise of my alien race. Just kill him."

Another ancestor shrouded in Shen Xi said arrogantly, his eyes looked contemptuous, with a domineering arrogance that looked down upon the common people.

Another alien ancestor said solemnly: "Gu Taxian, I will ask you one last time, do you want to refund or not?"

Above the blue dragon, Gu Taxian untied the ribbon of his hair, let the black hair dance all over his head, took out a dazzling black spear, and said Ling Ran: "I, Gutaxian, buried the emperor with great faith, guarding the emptiness. Heavenly War Realm, there is no retreat if there is death!"

"Then let you die!"

Gu Taxian's stubborn will annoyed the alien ancestors in Shenxi. In an instant, the three alien ancestors shot at the same time, the sky and the earth changed color, vast ripples appeared in the void, and endless fiery divine light rushed out, rolling towards the ancients. Step fairy.

"The virtual world is guarded by me, you can try your best!"

Above the blue dragon, Gu Taxian let out a long roar, drawing a sky-shattering spear, and greeted the attack of the three alien ancestors.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The void burst, and the terrifying spear light seemed to be wrapped in boundless flames, shaking the three fiery divine lights, and there was a faint trend of bursting them.

"What an ancient stepping immortal, worthy of being a person who deserves to be valued by the Emperor of Burial. He has the style of the white-clothed immortal king back then. All of you fellows, let's all take action to kill him!"

More than a dozen alien ancestors, all of which are famous and invincible from the nine great mountains and seas. At this time, in order to fight against Gu Taxian, they did not hesitate to take action at the same time, turning a dozen terrifying gods towards Gutaxian. He drowned together with Qinglong.

This is the most peak duel, whether it is the ancient king of aliens who attacked the portal of the virtual world before, or the warrior generals of the two races who guarded the portal, they have become a foil at this time, and there is no room for them to intervene.

Seeing that the ancient Ta immortals were retreating every day, the warriors of both the human and demon races showed sadness.

The former two races of human and monster, under the leadership of Emperor Burial, have swept the world and the world. They are a big family, and their population is more than ten thousand times that of foreign races. What is the virtual world of war, even the entire nine mountains and seas are human and monster two. The pure land of the clan.Jing Aishu Novel www.jingaishu.com

Unexpectedly, the Emperor Burying disappeared for only a million years, and the alien races recovered one after another, broke out of the ban, and devoured the territory of the human and demon races. Now, even this virtual world of war wants to get involved. For millions of years, it has been attacked. How many times, the tool was blocked.

But this time, the alien race is obviously not a tentative attack. These alien race ancestors are the most shocking force of the family. Usually, they will never leave the tribe without permission. Today, a dozen people gathered together, obviously it was premeditated.

"Haha, Gu Taxian, what, do you only have this ability?"

An old man from an alien race spoke sarcastically, intending to disturb Gu Taxian's will.

"The two races of human and monster are all greedy and infighting people, so they were abandoned by the Emperor Buried. This virtual world of war should also be returned to the hands of all beings in the nine mountains and seas, and resources should be redistributed."

"That's right, my aliens are gifted, and I'm more suitable for cultivation than the human and demon races. I should be the master of this world. The human and demon races have lost the protection of the Emperor Burial, but a group of ants will either be slaves of my alien race, or they will perish forever. , there is no third option."

Countless warriors of both human and demon races held their knuckles white with anger on their faces, but they had nowhere to vent.

Because the words of these alien races are not all false words, since the Emperor of Heaven was buried, the control of the ancient heaven over the virtual world of war is almost zero.The major forces of the human and demon clans have all sent back the strong men stationed in guarding the entrance for the sake of internal struggle, resulting in the weakening of the entire defense force by nearly [-]%. This is also the main reason why the alien army dares to attack so arrogantly.

All this is the fault of the human and demon races, but it just makes them unwilling to the warriors who are still here.

They desperately hope that the Emperor Buried can return, reorganize the rivers and mountains, and deter all ethnic groups.

But they didn't wait for the Emperor to Bury Heaven, but they waited for another terrifying figure.

I saw an abyss split in the void, and a figure with red hair and blue eyes walked out, surrounded by nine black dragons, looking at the peak battlefield, with a finger, a sky-shattering power swept out, directly fighting the battle. Both sides were blasted out.

"Immortal Emperor, is that you?"

Gu Taxian barely stabilized his body, looking at the figure surrounded by black dragons, his eyes were full of shock.The vitality of this family is terrifying to the extreme, and the Immortal Emperor is the most among them.

"Gu Taxian, you are very good. You can resist the attack of three immortal kings and ten quasi-immortal kings by one person. However, that's it."

The Immortal Heavenly Emperor walked forward with his hands behind his back, and every step he took, with the power to shock the soul, made all of them involuntarily tense up.

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