"Xutian War World is a good place. The human and demon clans have fallen, and they do not deserve to be monopolized. Today, the emperor is here in person. If you can't send people who match the strength of this emperor, let's make a way."

The Undying Heavenly Emperor's tone was very light, but with a domineering arrogance that could not be ignored, as if he was giving an order directly.

However, at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the distance that could not be seen, as if the morning bell and the twilight drum sounded the silence of the void.

The faces of the thirteen alien ancestors changed dramatically. Every time the footsteps sounded, their faces became ugly. In the end, even the undead emperor showed a moving look and looked at the source of the sound.

At the end of the world, a figure is getting closer and closer.

"What the Undead Emperor said is very true, the human and demon races are indeed in decline."

"However, even if it falls, not everyone can spy on it."

"This emperor is also here to ask Wanzhi aliens, is there anyone among you who can be on an equal footing with this emperor?"

"If not, all races will be silent." ,, . . .

Chapter 292 Destroying the Immortal King with One Finger!

Accompanied by the voice of the vast emperor, a slightly blurred figure stepped over from the end of the void.

The strong terror is unfathomable, as if it is connected to the heaven, and the body fits in the void. Although everyone sees its shape, if they feel it with their souls, they will only find a void.

"Emperor Burial, you... are you back?"

The voice of the Undying Heavenly Emperor was full of tremors. He sealed himself in the Nanming Undying Volcano for [-] million years, just to avoid the divine power of the Heavenly Burial Emperor. It was not until the Heavenly Burial Emperor was determined to return to seclusion that he dared to come forward. Muzzle on.

"Undying Heavenly Emperor, you are still born after all."

Zhang Tian walked in front of the ten thousand clans, looked at the Undying Heavenly Emperor with a hint of sadness, and sighed softly: "It seems that Feng Zu has also defected. The nine great mountains and seas are really chaotic, and the demons are dancing wildly."

The Fengzu in his mouth is the ancestor of the Taixu ancient style clan. One of the 'Nan Ming undead volcano' to taste the sin.

Now that the ancestors of the undead clan in the Nanming Undead Volcano were born struttingly, and even wanted to meddle in the virtual world of war, the last pure land of the human and demon clans, one can imagine what Feng Zu did.

Looking at Zhang Tian's figure, thousands of aliens, no one dared to say a word, all of them seemed to have fallen into an ice cave full of frost and snow.

The name Burial Emperor is the highest level of taboo for aliens, even more awe-inspiring than the ancestors of his own ethnic group.Because it is this person who, with his own strength, buries all the power of the rise of alien races, forcing peerless heroes like the undead emperor to seal themselves to avoid disasters.

"My subordinate, Gu Taxian, the master of the immortal world of the virtual world, welcomes the return of the buried emperor!"

Above the blue dragon, a figure rushed down, half-kneeling in front of Zhang Tian, ​​as if using all the strength of his body to shout out.

"Human and demon, welcome the return of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Human and demon, welcome the return of the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Human and demon, welcome the return of the Emperor of Heaven!"

In front of the portal of the virtual world of war, the army of millions of monsters knelt down with a bang, and their eyes were full of fanaticism.

The two races of shemale and demon are saved!

The virtual world is saved!

Even the pure-blooded azure dragon, which was born in ancient times and is hundreds of thousands of miles long, crawls down the dragon's body, like a mortal citizen who pays homage to the emperor, and looks very humble.

Zhang Tian turned his eyes back, fell on Gu Taxian, and sighed: "Is it only you? It seems that Emperor Yang Qing and the others have also turned their backs on the ancient heaven."

The sadness in his eyes is a bit more, as if there is a universe in which countless stars have fallen, disillusioned and disillusioned.

Emperor Yang Qing is one of the Five Elements Immortal Emperors of the Ancient Heavenly Court. He is a quasi-immortal emperor and is in charge of the way of wood spirits in the world. He is also the true guardian of the virtual world. It constitutes a solid barrier for the treasure land of the virtual world of war. ok composition network www.okzuowenxs.com

But now, only Gu Taxian, the world master of the fairy world, is left. Under Zhang Tian's perception, Emperor Yang Qing and the other five world masters are no longer there.

Gu Taxian knelt down on the ground, the blue veins on the back of his hand burst out, and said hoarsely: "Emperor Yang Qing left three million years ago, he said, if the Emperor of Heaven is in power, even if there is only one Immortal King World Lord left. , it can also ensure peace and tranquility in the virtual world of war. If the Emperor Burial is not there, even if he is in charge of himself, he will not be able to keep this treasure. Therefore, it does not matter if he goes or stays. As for the other Immortal King Realm Lords, There are reasons for each.”

It's not that he didn't understand what Emperor Yang Qing meant, but if Emperor Yang Qing didn't leave, he could at least continue the tranquility of the virtual world for a while, like the immortal emperor, how dare he put on an aloof posture.

Zhang Tian suddenly chuckled and said: "The world is bustling for the benefit, the world is busy for the benefit, the departure of Emperor Yang Qing is for the benefit, and the arrival of the immortal emperor is also for the benefit. It can be seen that even if you reach the quasi-immortal emperor realm, you will not be able to. Get out of this law. Protecting the portal of the virtual world of war, which is of no interest, naturally no one wants to do it, and you can still stay, which is very good."

Gu Taxian said bitterly: "If I leave, the virtual world will be ravaged by aliens. Every time I think of this scene, I feel heartbroken. How dare I leave without authorization. Now that the Emperor Burial is back, I finally don't have to worry about it anymore."

When all the aliens heard the words, their hearts trembled, and an alien ancestor roared: "Emperor Burial, you have gone into seclusion, do you still want to obstruct my alien affairs today?"

"Retreat? It's your turn to judge what this emperor did?"

Zhang Tian's voice was flat, and Gu Bo was not surprised. When the voice fell, he raised his hand and pointed slightly, and a vast power of heaven was vented.

The immortal king realm alien ancestor who just spoke, suddenly suffered heavy injuries, all the Shen Xi on his body dissipated, his body cracked, and even the two quasi-immortal king realm ancestors next to him and the tens of thousands of alien races behind him all flew upside down. Go out, fall into the starry sky, and explode the blood flowers all over the sky.

Terrible, terrifying!

Destroy the Immortal King with one finger!

With just one finger, the nine great mountains and seas of Zhenshuo, the famous alien ancestors, were killed! !

Those alien powerhouses were all covered with cold, so frightened that they wanted to flee directly.Back then, the matter of burying the Emperor of Heaven and returning to seclusion caused a lot of uproar, causing a lot of conjectures.One of them is that the Emperor Buried Heaven was besieged by the warriors of the nine quasi-immortal emperor realms.

But now Zhang Tianyi's power has suddenly shattered their illusions.

This kind of power is even more terrifying than they remember.

"This is... the finger of killing the immortal? It is much stronger than [-] million years ago!"

"Is there an end to the fairy road? Why can you keep making progress?"

"Are you still an Immortal Emperor now?"

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