The Immortal Emperor seemed to be insane, and his eyes were full of pain. Twenty million years ago, he was a quasi-immortal emperor, and Shang Ke could use his terrifying vitality to fight Zhang Tian reluctantly.

But after [-] million years, he had made little progress, but he was shocked to find that Zhang Tian's progress was still so fast that he had been left far behind, and he was not even qualified to fight.

Zhang Tian did not respond to the Immortal Emperor's question, but said in a low voice: "Answer this Emperor, has the ban on Nanming Immortal Volcano been lifted? Where is Feng Zu?" , . . .

Chapter 293 See Who Can Save This Troubled World

The Undying Heavenly Emperor was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and said in a low voice: "It seems that the Heavenly Burial Emperor has really ignored the common things for a long time. Since I appear here, the seal of the Nanming Forbidden Area is naturally broken. As for Fengzu, he was as early as three million yuan. He left by the method of Nirvana a few years ago, and re-established the Taixu Gufeng family in the Taixu Realm. The one who stayed in the Nanming Forbidden Area was just a clone of him, which was already beheaded by me."

"Did he only endure it for two million years? He hasn't made any progress in these tens of millions of years."

Zhang Tian's tone was very light, but the killing intent contained in it made everyone in the audience shudder, as if Feng Zu, who was born in ancient times and had a great impact on the nine mountains and seas for hundreds of millions of years, was just a random person in front of him. Killing ants.

The Undying Heavenly Emperor's heart tensed. When the ancient Heavenly Court banned the Nanming Undying Volcano, he personally made an oath that he would never leave the restricted area. Now he has broken his promise, fearing that he will suffer a disaster.

As if sensing the thoughts of the Undying Heavenly Emperor, Zhang Tian glanced at the Undying Heavenly Emperor with a half-smile, and said, "Don't worry, this Emperor is here today to do another thing, and I have no time to take care of your mess."

All the aliens were stunned when they heard the words, as if they couldn't believe that the Emperor Burying, who always regarded aliens as haters, would say such a thing.

An alien ancestor asked tentatively: "Emperor Buried said that we don't care about us, so does this virtual world also allow us to compete?"

"court death!"

A group of alien powerhouses just put their hearts down, but they all raised it again, and they scolded this alien ancestor ten thousand times in their hearts. This is so desperate, and they dare to take an inch in front of Emperor Burial.

However, what they didn't expect was that Zhang Tian not only didn't get angry, but nodded and said: "The virtual world is not a forbidden place. The human and monster clans can't keep it, they are incompetent."

He has already seen it, since now the forces of the human and demon clans are selfish and complaining about the domineering of the ancient heaven, then simply let the nine mountains and seas return to chaos, and see who can save this troubled world.

"The Emperor Bury the Heavens, it's impossible. When the alien powerhouses enter, they will not wantonly snatch the resources of the human and demon clans, breaking the existing pattern in the war world, which is very detrimental to the human and demon clans." Gu Taxian said loudly.

Zhang Tian waved his hand and said: "The big forces of the human and monster clans will withdraw the defenders who are stationed here, why should you worry about them. You were the world master of the fairyland appointed by the emperor himself, and you can persist until now. , it can be regarded as loyal and commendable, and now this emperor gives you two choices.

One is to inherit the world origin of the virtual world of war and become the true master of the virtual world of war. From then on, all the laws of the six boundaries of the virtual world of war can be mobilized at will, and the combat power is comparable to that of a quasi-immortal emperor.The other is that this emperor will give you back your free body, and give you a ray of Hongmeng purple energy to help you prove the Dao Immortal Emperor. "

When the people present heard the words, they all showed envy. The heart Dao, Gu Taxian, was betting on the right treasure this time. The divine artifact of Hongmeng Ziqi, similar to the miniature way of heaven, recorded countless Dao laws and became Zhoutian by itself. Circulation, even aligning with the Immortal Emperor is also very helpful.Dong Dong Novel

It is a pity that the number of these things is very rare, but some were born when the world was first opened, and all of them were in the hands of the ancient gods.Later, when the Desolate Ancient Heavenly Court was established, the Buried Heaven Emperor sealed off part of the plundered Hongmeng Purple Qi, which was the only time the Hongmeng Purple Qi was revealed.

At that time, a total of seven paths of Hongmeng Purple Qi were divided, and six paths were rewarded to the heroes who followed the Emperor Buried to fight against the nine great mountains and seas.

Except for the one that was rewarded to the people of the world, the whereabouts of the purple qi is unknown, the other six cosmos of the cosmos have been sacrificed and refined into a well-known small universe, independent of the nine mountains and seas, such as the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss in the Pure Land of Buddhism, which is one of them. one.

If Emperor Yang Qing and the five Immortal King Realm Lords who had left knew about this, they would have to destroy their intestines. Such a heaven-defying opportunity would not come even if they worked hard for [-] lifetimes.

Gu Taxian didn't think too much, and said very firmly: "The subordinate chooses the first one, inheriting the origin of the world of the virtual world of war."

Zhang Tian said softly: "Inheriting the origin of the world of the virtual world of war, although you can immediately have a combat power comparable to or even surpass the quasi-immortal emperor, it is only limited to the inside of the virtual world of war. If you choose Hongmeng Ziqi, with your aptitude, you can break through to the quasi-immortal emperor in three million years at most. Are you sure your choice will not change?"

Gu Taxian said: "The subordinates are confirmed. The subordinates have been guarded here for thousands of years, and their hearts have taken root. In addition, these people who follow the subordinates after seeing this, the subordinates cannot abandon them. As long as the emperor buried in the sky does not return to the heaven for one day. , my subordinates will always control the virtual world of war, protect the rights and interests of the human and demon clans as much as possible, and hope that the Emperor of Burial will grant permission."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said: "Since this is your choice, this emperor does not force it on you. This virtual world of war is very mysterious, and its world origin is also very unique. Even Emperor Yang Qing did not get this. The origin of the world, now, it belongs to you, I hope you can take advantage of it."

After speaking, Zhang Tianping pointed a little, and countless powers of the heavens fell, turned into a divine hand of order and grabbed towards the virtual world of war, and took out a light jade shaped like a heart. Void turned for a while and directly plunged into Gu Taxian's body.

Suddenly, a power of divine might burst out from Gu Taxian, as if incarnated into a world. At a glance, it is vast and boundless, giving people the feeling of boundless and powerful sea.

The Immortal Emperor's heart froze. The current Gu Taxian seems to be carrying the power of the entire virtual world. Although this world is not as complete and powerful as the nine worlds of mountains and seas, it is similar. He has blessed him with a lot of power. Extraordinary quasi-immortal emperor strength.Even a veteran quasi-immortal emperor like him should be treated with caution.

Zhang Tian nodded with satisfaction, looked towards the alien races, frowned and said, "This Emperor sees that you are still very annoying, go away, and you are not allowed to approach the virtual world for three days."

The voice fell, and the infinite emperor's might burst out, rushing in like the tides of the sea, including the undead emperor, all the alien races were blasted out, breaking through layers of space, and I don't know where they fell.

Gu Taxian was stunned for a while, and respectfully said: "My subordinates are very grateful to the Emperor Burying for the heavy treasure. I don't know why the Emperor Burying is wandering here, and my subordinates may be able to serve one or two."

Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and said with a chuckle, "You reminded this Emperor that since he found the entrance, let that little guy go in early and feel it. There are only three days of peaceful days." ,,. .

Chapter 294 Do you want to kidnap?I'm going to rob!

Millions of miles away, Zi Yan was sitting in the void enchantment boringly counting the time and space turbulence that passed by from time to time. Suddenly, a mysterious force came and teleported her directly to another space.

In the mortal area of ​​the virtual world, the void fluctuated violently, and a crack suddenly split open, and Zi Yan fell directly from it.


The turbulent flow of time and space made Zi Yan dizzy and fell directly to the ground, smashing a huge pothole.

Slowly crawling out of the pit, Zi Yan looked up, and her eyes were suddenly drunk. I saw that this world is very magical. The purple cold moon hangs high in the sky, emitting a purple monster moonlight comparable to sunlight. The boundless earth shines as bright as day.

"Is this the virtual world of war? Where did Dad go?"

Zi Yan patted the dust on her body, and was about to find a way to leave this desolate place, when suddenly she heard a sound of wind and thunder, rolling in from a distance.

After a while, I saw a bronze carriage running from a distance. The carriage was hundreds of feet in size. It was made of bronze and looked like a small palace. The carriage was pulled by four very handsome war horses, with two pairs of black wing.On top of the carriage, there was also a large flag with the word 'Ziyun' written on it, and it rang in the wind.


Not far from Zi Yan, the bronze carriage stopped steadily, walked out of a middle-aged man in a short coat, glanced at Zi Yan, and said disappointedly: "Why is it a little girl, I thought there was such a big movement. What kind of treasure was born?"

Another young guy stuck his head out and said with a grin, "Maybe this is a transformational form of a peerless medicine, do you want to catch her and take a look?"

While the two were talking, Zi Yan had already stepped in front of them, and said crisply: "Is this the virtual world of war?"

The two people in the carriage were stunned, and the middle-aged man rolled his eyes and said, "You came in by yourself, don't you know?"

Zi Yan shook her head and said: "I fell directly from the air. It seems that this is the virtual world of war, so how should I practice?"

"Is this girl mistakenly entered the virtual world of war?"

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