The middle-aged man and the young man looked at each other, and both saw the slyness in the other's eyes.

I just heard the young man say: "Little girl, you are lucky to meet us. We are from Ziyunxian Tujingyuebao. We are currently recruiting for three soul stones per month. Would you like to come and try?"

Zi Yan squinted her eyes and said with a very ignorant look: "What is a soul stone?"

"I really don't know anything."

The two in the carriage were even more delighted, the middle-aged man flipped through the storage ring, took out a jet-black spar and threw it to Zi Yan, and said, "This is the soul stone, and it is also a special product of the virtual world of war. , in the outside world, it is difficult to exchange ten thousand gold..."

Before the man finished speaking, he saw Zi Yan throw her hand and throw the soul stone directly into her mouth, chewing it.

But after three or two mouthfuls, Zi Yan swallowed a soul stone, and suddenly felt a very mysterious energy flowing in a circle in her body, and finally rushed to the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

"It can actually strengthen the soul, it really is a treasure!"

Zi Yan's big black eyes suddenly became round, and then she looked at the middle-aged man, spread her palms, and said excitedly: "How many soul stones do you have, hand them over."

"You... you actually swallowed my soul stone, courting death!"

The middle-aged man was shocked and angry, the kind expression on his face was torn up at once, and the young guy was also confused. It was obvious that they wanted to abduct this little girl, but they were robbed instead.Zhuiwen Novel Network

Zi Yan said angrily: "You two, you two are thirsty, you don't look like a good person at first glance, do you still want to deceive me, who is wise and wise? While I'm in a good mood, hand over all the soul stones, and I'll spare your life. ."

The middle-aged and the young man saw the conspiracy at a glance, and they stopped pretending, and said directly: "What a smart little girl, I intended to make you comfortable for a while. Since you are courting death yourself, you can't blame others. Come on, give it to you. I will take her down and catch one more person, at least I can exchange ten soul stones from the castle master."

hula la...

Just as the middle-aged man's voice fell, more than a dozen figures flew out of the bronze carriage and surrounded Zi Yan.

"Dad said that there are top talents in the virtual world of war, let me see your level."

A flash of fighting intent flashed in Zi Yan's eyes, and she stepped on the ground with her right foot, directly blasting a huge pothole, rolling up more than ten meters of dust.


The middle-aged man on the carriage was startled by this terrifying force, and in the next instant, he broke Zi Yan through the wind and sand, appeared directly in front of him, and grabbed his neck with one hand.

"Good come!"

The middle-aged man let out a long whistle, swung a whip with his backhand, and turned into a series of blue shadows, like a blue-striped poisonous snake, fiercely pounced on Zi Yan.


The two collided, and the middle-aged man was shocked to find that his poisonous whip, which was inexorable, was easily held in Zi Yan's hand.

"Get up you!"

Zi Yan shouted, and like a chicken, she threw off the whip and threw the middle-aged man out, smashing heavily on the besieged people behind, and suddenly fell down a lot, spitting blood from each mouth, embarrassed .

"This, this Nima is too strong."

The young guy was completely frightened, and when he saw Zi Yan looking at him, he immediately shouted nervously: "Don't mess around, we are people from Jingyuebao, if you offend us, the owner of the castle will never let go. yours."

While speaking, his cuffs were suddenly raised, and three poison darts flew out, attacking Zi Yan at a strange speed.

"I know you're not being honest!"

Zi Yan pouted and blasted out a Sun Peng fist directly, forming a golden fist shadow in the void, directly blasting the three poison darts along with the young guy, and smashing them hard on the bronze carriage behind.


The fist wind swept across, and the bronze carriage also shattered into a big hole, revealing the scenery inside, which turned out to be rows of cages, with dozens of people locked in them, all dressed in tatters, like beggars on the street.

Zi Yan walked closer, flipped out the young man's storage ring, and checked it slightly, there were twenty soul stones in it, and she couldn't help showing a very happy expression.

At this moment, a dirty man in one of the cages suddenly exclaimed: "Little witch, is that you?"

Zi Yan raised her head and asked curiously, "You know me?"

The man said excitedly: "I am from the Zhennan Palace. I was with Jidu County Master at the time, and I saw you in the blood test. Please save the County Master, she was given to her by the people of Jingyuebao. Caught!" ,, . . .

Chapter 295 Taixu Ancient Dragon!Dragon League!

"What? The little princess is also in the virtual world of war?"

Zi Yan was taken aback when she heard the words, walked to the man's prison, punched out at will, and directly interrupted the shackles.

The man was amazed again, and quickly said: "Our Zhennan Palace had a stronghold in the virtual world a long time ago, but because the power is too small, we can only hunt down some soul beasts and sell them for money, which is a small mercenary group. Right. About half a year ago, the little county master also entered here. I didn’t expect that when he was on a mission, he was attacked by the people of Jingyuebao and took us as slaves for them to mine.”

Zhennan Palace can be said to be very powerful in Shengyuan Continent, but it is more than mentioned in the virtual world of war, not to mention that the captives and enslavement of them are the very famous fairyland forces in the ninth mountain and sea world, even if they want to get it back in the real world Justice cannot be done.

Zi Yan's eyes lit up and said, "These people took you to dig, but this kind of soul stone?"

After speaking, Zi Yan flipped her palm and took out a soul stone. The appearance of this soul stone is very similar to that of the spirit stone, but it is all pure soul power inside. It is unimaginable to put it into the outside world.

The man nodded and said, "That's right, soul stones are unique treasures in the virtual world of war. They are invaluable, and soul stone ore veins are also very rare, but the Ziyun Immortal Earth is so powerful that it not only occupies a middle-grade soul stone ore vein in Jingyue Lake. , there are also several low-grade soul stone veins in other places. I am going to be sent to another mine this time, but the little county master is still in Jingyue Lake. Please look at the friendship with the little county master and help Bar."

"Mid-grade soul stone veins? Is that more powerful than this soul stone in my hand?"

Zi Yan's excited eyes lit up, and she immediately cleaned her face and coughed: "Well, I have a good relationship with the little princess. Since she is in trouble, I will naturally go to help, you don't have to worry."

How could that man not know Zi Yan's financial fantasies, and immediately tempted: "The middle-grade soul stone ore veins in Jingyue Lake will produce a large number of middle-grade soul stones every day, and they will be transported out after about half a month of accumulation. Today is delivery day. If you're late, maybe they'll take away the newly mined soul stones."

"What? Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Zi Yan said angrily, stepped on her toes, flew directly to the middle man who collapsed on the ground, and said anxiously: "Take me to Jingyue Lake!"

"Jingyue Lake? You... do you want to go to the headquarters of Jingyuebao?"

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