
The water of Jingyue Lake was tumbling and boiling, rolling up huge waves. The ultimate formation of Ziyun Immortal Earth also integrated the general trend of the world into it. At this time, the power of the lake water was mobilized to form a huge body of water. But the terrifying coercion that is like a prison is enough to suffocate an ordinary legendary king.

The lord of Jingyue Castle rose into the air and said with a sneer, "This is one of the three immortal formations in my Ziyun Immortal Land. Although the rules of this world have suppressed the power to the extreme, it is not something you can parry. ."

When the voice fell, the huge body of water figure seemed to lock Zi Yan, raised his hand and pressed it towards her. It seemed to be slow, but it came down in an instant and collided with Zi Yan's dragon claws.


A huge sound came out, and the big hand of the water body was directly caught in pieces, turning into countless water vapors to dissipate, but Zi Yan had been infused with the huge force, and the dragon body flew out directly.

clap la la...

The infinite water vapor spread, and the big hand of the water body healed in an instant, and pressed towards Zi Yan again.

This is the mystery of the formation method. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, the power is endless, immortal and immortal.I don't know that the loss of this kind of strong formation is also very alarming, and it is generally only activated during a war of powers.Daxia Chinese Website www.daxiabook.com


Another loud noise came out, and the Taixu ancient dragon transformed by Zi Yan flew out again, the dragon roared wildly, and the huge dragon tail swept recklessly, destroying the entire Jingyue Lake.

"Ah, ah, you are courting death! Even if it is a dragon, it will be buried on the ground today!"

The owner of Jingyue Lake Castle was bleeding from heartache. This is the construction of Ziyun Immortal Land for millions of years. He finally gave no attention to other things, and directly issued the killing order. A sharp water blade was formed, flashing icy light under the refraction of the purple moonlight, and mercilessly slashed towards Zi Yan.

"Little witch, be careful!"

The county master of Jidu shouted anxiously, and Zi Yan also stared at the dragon's eyes, feeling that the attack this time was very fierce, not her dragon scale defense layer could withstand it.

Just at this critical moment, a terrifying dragon's might came from a distance.

"Who dares to deceive me from the dragon family!!"

A huge shadow of a blue dragon swept across the sky, spreading for thousands of miles, as far as the eye could see. With just the strength of the dragon, it directly shattered the figure in the water body and exploded into countless splashes of water.

"This... this is the Azure Dragon, the guardian of the virtual world! It, how can it enter the mortal world area!"

The castle lord of Jingyue Castle was terrified and chilled.

On the contrary, Zi Yan shouted excitedly: "Dad, my dad is here!"

The lord of Jingyue Castle stumbled and said in horror: "This guardian Qinglong is your father?"

Zi Yan said: "Your father is the Qinglong, the one who came from the Qinglong!"


Everyone was taken aback, and the next moment, the blue dragon descended directly, and the mighty dragon suppressed everyone as if they were about to suffocate, and their brains went blank.

"Dad, you are finally here, or Zi Yan will let these people bully to death."

Zi Yan reincarnated into a human body, flew to Qinglong's back, and immediately began to complain.

The county master Jidu stood aside, and couldn't help but slander in his heart, it's obviously you who bullied others and destroyed millions of years of construction in other people's fairyland. You didn't break the defense at all, okay?

But she soon couldn't care about complaining about Zi Yan, but became frightened, because she was standing on the back of a pure-blooded blue dragon, and she felt a panic just thinking about it.

Gu Taxian stood slightly behind Zhang Tian, ​​and said kindly: "Is this the daughter of the adult? Sure enough, the background is amazing, and it can actually shake the ancient immortal formation."

Zhang Tian held Zi Yan in his arms and said with a smile: "You can cause trouble, and you have provoke a big force after you haven't seen it for a while."

Gu Taxian's heart tightened, and he quickly looked down and said coldly: "The mere Ziyun Immortal Land, dare to provoke the daughter of adults, the crime is unforgivable! Qinglong, blast them all out of the virtual world!",, ..

Chapter 297 The cold little Ziyan

"As ordered!"

Qinglong let out a loud dragon roar, raised its dragon claws, which were comparable to the mountains and mountains, and pressed down, erasing all the layers of immortal formations that Ziyun Immortal Soil had spent countless efforts to create, together with those sent by Ziyun Immortal Soil. The masters were also all ruined, turning into afterimages and disappearing.

As soon as one claw fell, there was no grass in the entire Jingyue Lake within ten miles.

Zi Yan shouted: "Oh! Don't destroy my soul stone vein."

Zhang Tian flicked her head, and said angrily, "Don't worry, the most quintessential part of this soul stone vein is at the bottom of the lake, and there are only a few impurity branches above it."

Gu Ta immortal said: "Since the adult's daughter has been found, then the subordinates will retire first."

He has just inherited the origin of the world of the virtual world of war, and has not yet been fully refined, this world still has a lot of repulsion to him.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, hugged Zi Yan with one hand, and pulled Jidu County Master with the other hand. With a flash, he appeared directly above the empty Jingyue Lake. An invisible force washed out, and the lake water looked like It was cut off with a knife, and it was immediately divided into two pieces, revealing a downward passage.

"Dong dong dong..."

Being held by Zhang Tian, ​​the Princess Jidu was extremely embarrassed, and her face was as red as blood was dripping. The heart is racing like a deer.

I don't know how long it took, until Zhang Tian stopped, she just came back to her senses, and when she looked around, she was suddenly shocked, and what caught her eye was a vast and boundless vein of soul stone, which could be seen almost with the naked eye. A large piece of soul stone does not need to be picked out from a pile of waste ores like the upper ore veins, and the purity is not known how many times higher.

"It turns out that this is the truth of the middle-grade soul stone ore vein. I said, how can there be so many impurities in the normal middle-grade soul stone ore vein."

Ji Du County Master said, her eyes are full of divine light. After staying here for a few months, she is very aware of the value of the soul stone. Such a large piece of pure ore vein, even for the great power of the immortals like Ziyun Xiantu. It is also a very valuable asset. For fear of damaging the core of the ore vein, it is a conservative approach to store this place and only take out the branches that spread out.

But she did not expect that the middle-grade soul stone ore veins that had been preserved for millions of years in Ziyun Immortal Land would be targeted by the little witch. She knew that the little witch did not cherish the treasure at all, and all kinds of waste made people go crazy. .

Sure enough, when Zi Yan saw this large piece of soul stone, her eyes suddenly lit up, she jumped up directly, slammed her fist down, and smashed the seal pattern engraved on the mineral vein by Ziyun Immortal Soil to pieces, and several soul stones also collapsed. It flew out, was caught by Zi Yan, and threw it directly into her mouth.

"Well, um, very good, as expected of a mid-grade soul stone,"

Zi Yan chewed the soul stone and said as if she was tasting a delicious meal.

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