The Princess Jidu was heartbroken when he saw it, and quickly stepped forward to stop him: "Xiao Caifan, stop now, this kind of mineral vein has a vein spirit. If you mine it at will, it will lead to the loss of aura, and then your loss will be huge!" Literature under Pen 88

Zi Yan said: "Then what should I do? I can't just watch it here, I need soul stones."

Jidu County's beautiful eyes turned around and suggested: "Our Zhennan Palace also has a lot of people in the virtual world, if you want, I can bring people to help you mine these soul stones, but the output [-]% of the soul stone should belong to me."

Zi Yan thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes, but the speed must be fast, I don't want to wait too long."

The county master of Jidu was stunned for a while, but did not expect that Zi Yan, who has always been a fan of wealth, did not make a bargain. Originally, she opened her mouth wide, just to reserve some room for bargaining, such a precious mid-grade soul stone vein, even if only half of it was given to her , that is also an inestimable wealth, so she is a little embarrassed.

"I didn't expect this little money fan to be quite righteous at the critical moment."

The county master of Jidu murmured in his heart, and had a more favorable impression of Zi Yan, and said: "It's rare that you are so loyal, and I will not take advantage of you. Tomorrow I will transfer all the people from Zhennan Wangfu to help with mining and mining. I only need to make half of the soul stone out. However, this soul stone vein is very precious, and it is estimated that it will attract a lot of jealous powers.

Zi Yan clenched her fist and said, "Don't worry, whoever wants to grab my soul stone, I will blow him up with one punch!"

"You are too violent!"

The county master of Jidu seemed to remember Zi Yan's brutal performance during the bloody trial, and her beautiful eyes flashed with a smile, and suddenly said: "Actually, there is another way, you can directly reveal the identity of Taixu Gulong and let others I thought you were from the Dragon Alliance, so no one would dare to disturb you."

"Longmeng? The Mirror Moon Fortress seems to have mentioned it just now, what is that?" Zi Yan asked curiously.

The county master of Jidu said: "I really convinced you, and I ran in without doing any homework. There are six areas in the virtual world of war, and I don't know the others, but in the area of ​​​​the mortal world, the Dragon Alliance is very famous. The largest power of the demon clan, it has gathered all the demon clan with pure dragon blood, and its branches spread throughout the mortal world, even the Phoenix League and the Lin League cannot be compared."

Zi Yan was shocked: "Someone has gathered the power of all the dragons together, that's really amazing, and the phoenix and the unicorns are also very powerful."

The Lord of Jidu County said: "What is this, the dragon and phoenix clans are the three major fierce clans of the ancient times. They once ruled the entire monster clan. The four sea monster clans belong to dragons, birds and birds belong to phoenixes, and all hair and armor belong to unicorns. I don’t know how many times the momentum has grown since then. Since you have such a pure Taixu ancient dragon bloodline, you can really join the Dragon League, where you can get a lot of resources, such as those Taixu ancient dragons in Tianlonghai, all of them. Joining the Dragon Alliance, I don't know how many benefits I have gained."

Zi Yan frowned and said, "You mean that Long Gaitian also joined the Dragon Alliance?"

Jidu County Master said: "The Shengyuan Continent was very brilliant in the past, and there were many immortals and gods, leaving many passages leading to the virtual world. Long Gaitian, as the top genius of Tianlonghai, entered the virtual world. It is also a matter of course for the world to join the Dragon Alliance. It is said that he has become countless times stronger than the blood test in this year."

"That's it, then I'll go to the Dragon Alliance for a while."

There was a rare coldness on Zi Yan's face. , , .

Chapter 298 Golden Dragon Martial Soul, Blood Sea Enemy Traces

The next day, Jidu County Master really called in a large number of Zhennan Wangfu masters, who were high-level warriors in the Transcendent Realm.These people have a superficial background, and they are like ants in the virtual world where Tianjiao gathers, but they are also qualified for the hard work of mining.

Zi Yan's soul is indeed much worse than her physical body and spiritual power. Zhang Tian also wanted to make up for her as soon as possible, so he personally set up a spirit formation. It will be stimulated and absorbed very easily.

Zi Yan just sat in the center of the spirit formation, and let the people in Zhennan Wangfu put the mined soul stones into the formation, refining them frantically, and the power of the soul was also enhanced to the naked eye.

Two days later, Jingyue Lake suddenly fluctuated violently, the earth trembled, and even the mountains hundreds of thousands of miles away collapsed one after another, as if the end of the world was coming.

Jidu County Master hurriedly led people out of the lake, and saw a mysterious golden beam of light rushing into the void in the center of the lake, illuminating the entire void, and a golden dragon was looming in the golden column. Longwei.

"This is... Condensed Martial Spirit? Golden Dragon-shaped Martial Spirit?"

Jidu County Master sucked in a breath. Martial spirit is the core of Martial Spirit Demonstration Method created by Emperor Burial of Heaven back then. Because of the different martial arts, the condensed shapes are not quite the same, such as the common wolf among demon clan Shape, tiger shape, common fist shape in human race, spear shape.

There are many masters in the Zhennan Palace, and she has seen high-level kings condense their martial arts several times, but no one's martial arts can be compared to Zi Yan's. She even feels that this golden dragon-shaped martial arts is worthy of Compared to the ordinary second-order martial spirit.

"The perverted little witch, who has opened up ten rounds of sea again, and has condensed the golden dragon-shaped martial spirit. It seems that her reputation is unshakable."

A flash of exclamation flashed in Jidu County Master's eyes, and then he turned around and said: "Go back and continue to work, remember to keep the waste ore mined, it is also a good thing, you can transport it back to Zhennan Wangfu."

In a water mansion in the center of the lake, Zhang Tian looked at the Golden Dragon Martial Spirit rising into the night, and showed a touch of satisfaction. He was completely relieved. With a flick of his right hand, the void in front of him suddenly rippled, showing a vast ocean. The scene of the sea is just that the sea is red as blood, which is the famous blood-colored sea in the North Sea of ​​Shengyuan Continent.

The Bloody Sea is located at the junction of the Beihai Alliance, the Kraken Clan, and the Sea People Clan. Because of years of war, the sea water in this part of the sea has undergone qualitative changes, and the blood color cannot be faded.

Because the war is too frequent, many rules have also been derived. For example, in order to prevent high-level warriors from wantonly killing low-level warriors, the Sea of ​​Scarlet is strictly divided into several levels of areas, and cross-border killing is not allowed. Once discovered, the three major The forces will collectively kill.

The Scarlet Sea No. [-] sea area where the ruthless went this time is an area where only transcendental warriors are allowed to fight. Taking a sea boat, they reached the fortress they built here in a few days. It was like an island. The huge fortress is made of bronze and red gold.

"You are the warrior team sent by the Li family, why are you here so late, the mission is about to be dispatched, Zhenhai Hou is waiting, come with me quickly."

As soon as they landed on the shore, there was a man who looked like a butler chanting, leading the ruthless people to the depths of the fortress.

On the way here, Ruthless Man has basically figured out the pattern of this sea area.Because the Beihai League and King Jinghai of the Ancestor Dynasty had formed an alliance, this sea area was also guarded by warriors sent by the Beihai League and King Jinghai. The fortress was Lord Zhenhai, a legendary high-ranking king who was quite famous.

"This Li family is really ostentatious. Our four major families arrived four or five days in advance, but they actually delayed it until the last moment."

"Humph! The Li family has fallen, and it is estimated that there will not be enough extraordinary realm warriors. The five major families in the Chaoxing Sea Sea will soon become the four major families!"

In the blood sea No. [-] fortress, the warriors of the four major families gathered together and discussed a lot. Zhenhaihou was a mighty middle-aged man, sitting in the first seat without saying a word, which further contributed to the arrogance of these people.

At this moment, the man who looked like a housekeeper walked in and said loudly: "Master Hou, the people from the Li family are here, and the leader is a little girl who is half a king."

As soon as these words came out, the hall became even more noisy. Which of the four major families' warrior teams was not a peak powerhouse above the second level of life and death, and the Li family only sent a mere half-step king, which made them affirm the Li family. Rumors of failure.


Ruthless walked into the hall, and in an instant, four terrifying coercions suddenly descended. They were the leaders of the four major families, and they wanted to give Ruthen a disgrace.

The Marquis of Zhenhai frowned slightly, but when he thought that the Li family sent such a shabby team to finally come here, he was also a little dissatisfied, and immediately watched with a cold eye.


Just when the four coercion was about to come, the ruthless snorted suddenly, and a cold and biting sword intent was vented, turning the virtual into the real, condensed into an ice blade, and slashed the coercion of the four souls fiercely. .

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The four major screams sounded at the same time, and the leaders of the four major families all retreated several times, their faces pale and horrified.

Even the Marquis of Zhenhai, who was sitting in the main seat, snorted softly, and said in a low voice: "The king of the mere half-step comprehends the ice-type sword soul? It seems that the Li family still has some background."

"Under the Li family, Zhang Ruren met with the Marquis of Zhenhai."

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