"I'm afraid they won't be able to wait for the support to arrive."

The ruthless man said something softly, then raised his eyes to look at the piece of Iceland, revealing a thoughtful look.

With her soul perception, she could clearly feel that there were a large number of Kraken masters in ambush in Iceland, there were nearly [-] masters, most of them were at the Transcendent level or above, and even half-step Demon King level. Yes, there are hundreds of them.

This is a large force. Even in a head-on battle, it is not easy to gather such a force. She does not believe that the Kraken has such a strong action force. You can know their route, and directly gather the power of the six tribes to ambush on their way home.

If the above can really be done, then this sea area No. [-] should have been occupied by the Kraken Clan long ago.

The only explanation is that there was a traitor in the No. [-] Fortress or the people of the five major families, and they tipped off the information before the team set off, letting the Kraken know the purpose and route of the trip in advance.Only in this way can the Kraken have time to make such ample preparations.

"It seems that the No. [-] sea area is not easy."

There was a playful look in Ruthless Man's eyes. When he saw that the Du family's ship was approaching Iceland, his expression suddenly became condensed, and he said solemnly: "Inform all warriors, speed up, charge towards Iceland, and prepare for battle at the same time!"

At this time, under the ice in Iceland, the masters of the major tribes of the Kraken shivered, but their expressions were very excited and there were many discussions.

"This time, 'that guy' has given us a great gift. As long as we wipe out all the people who came from the Chaoxing Sea Sea, and then seize a batch of supplies, this No. [-] sea area is almost useless."

"Yes, it is said that there is also a half-step king who has comprehended the ice-type sword soul. This is a peerless genius. In the future, he can at least become a half-saint. Taking her head back is a great achievement."

"Hehe, this Iceland is an excellent location. Even the powerhouses at the top of the three-level of life and death profound gates will never be able to spread their souls here. When they arrive, we will swarm them, even if they are legendary kings, they will have to drink their hatred."

"Wait, someone's here!"

A tiger-shaped monster man said coldly, and all the sea monster powerhouses immediately froze.

"Why is there only one sea ship? Don't care, dispatch!"


The layers on Iceland exploded one by one, and the Du family ship was instantly covered with countless murderous auras.


Before the martial artist who reported the news on the Du family's ship had finished speaking, he was directly blocked by a wolf-shaped master.

"Kill! Don't let one go!"

The noise resounded through the sky, and a killer whale clan Tianjiao roared loudly, tearing the two Du family Tianjiao to pieces.

"Ask for help, ask for help!"

Du Feng, the commander of the Du family, roared loudly, then looked at the big man of the Dragon Whale clan with red eyes, and asked angrily, "How did you know our actions, and who gave you the tip?" www.shudaitxtxs.com

"You're dying, what's the use of knowing the truth?"

The dragon whale clan stepped forward step by step, with a very terrifying oppression. He knew that Du Feng was delaying time, but he didn't care, and even hoped that Du Feng's cry would be louder, and the remaining four ships would also be destroyed. attract.

Because this ambush operation was carried out jointly by the six major tribes, only two tribes are attacking now, and there are four tribes still in ambush, to catch everyone!

"At least let me die. I don't believe it is such a careful ambush. To say that there is no traitor."

Du Feng stepped back, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw a famous clan person fall, and she panicked to the extreme. At this time, she desperately hoped that the Ruthless Man would lead a team to come to the rescue.

The dragon whale clan man seemed to have guessed Du Feng's mind, and sneered: "I heard that there is a half-step king in your team who has understood the ice-type sword soul. Are you waiting for her to come to rescue?"

Du Feng was startled, he didn't expect the other party to be clear about such trivial matters, and immediately said: "Yes, that person is very powerful, even Xiao Wei, the king of the sea breaking knife, died in her hands, you better immediately retreat."

"Haha, the King of Swords of the Sea Broken Sea? That's a piece of shit, I want to kill you all today!"

A cold look flashed in the eyes of the dragon whale clan big man, and a huge dragon claw suddenly formed, pressing hard on Du Feng.


The violent roar exploded in all directions. The strength of the dragon whale clan was extremely powerful. With just three claws, Du Feng vomited blood and flew upside down.

Then, the fourth claw suddenly fell!

"My life is over."

A look of despair flashed in Du Feng's eyes, and just before she was about to close her eyes and wait for her death, she suddenly saw a white figure standing casually on the side of the ship. Looking at Qingliu, an elegant ancient sword slanted across her waist, adding a third of her dignified air, and it was the person he missed the most at this moment.

"Zhang Ruan... Commander, save me!"

Du Feng shouted out struggling, but found that the ruthless man was also looking at him, a mocking arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his body moved slightly.


Du Feng's eyes widened, and he watched the dragon's claws pass across his neck. Thousands of regrets flashed in his heart, but life cannot be repeated.

"You, when did you arrive?"

The big man of the dragon whale clan killed Du Feng, and he was complacent when he suddenly found a girl with a sword standing beside him, and he was shocked.

"Arrived long ago, just waiting for you to help me deal with this unsightly guy. Next, it's your turn."

The ruthless man said something indifferently, and drew out the Yin Spirit Sword, which turned into a sword light.

What kind of sword light is this, arrogant, cold, like a cold moon hanging upside down in the sky, swaying and dragging, but it rushed to the sky in an instant, and the dragon head of Dou Da rose into the sky.

"Five clan warriors obeyed the order and swept all the Kraken people in one sweep!" , . .

Chapter 302 Killing all the way, the spies are released

The ruthless man stood on the top of the sail, swooped down, and the Yin Ling sword in his hand swayed with boundless sword energy, instantly killing dozens of Kraken masters.

"Frozen for thousands of miles!"

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