"The world is on fire!"

"Two layers of ice and fire!"

One after another terrifying sword light danced wildly, tearing the entire Iceland to pieces.

"Strong, too strong, there are such terrifying powerhouses in the Beihai Alliance, everyone retreat!"

"It's too terrifying. You can kill dozens of people with one sword. Who can stop it?"

"Unmatched, it's a devil!"

All the powerhouses of the Sea-Monster tribe were killed by the Ruthless, and the entire [-]-strong army lost more than [-] people in just half an hour. Among them, only two were killed by the Ruthless. More than a thousand, she is like a shadow of death, everywhere, all life is harvested.

"No, everyone, don't disperse, gather together!"

A strong man of the sea lion clan roared loudly, and the powerful coercion came out wantonly, and instantly gathered thousands of sea lion clan people, backed by an iceberg stone wall, strictly guarding against it.

"Oh? This saves trouble."

The ruthless man chuckled and charged towards the iceberg with his sword.

One breath!

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

In only three breaths of time, the ruthless man had already rushed to the top of the team, crushing it with a bang. Wherever he went, the air continued to roar and burst, and a sword light like a rainbow, every time it was swayed, it brought a large rain of blood. .

Fourth breath!

The ruthless man had already rushed to the center of the Kraken army, waving his long sword, and the sky seemed to be raining blood.

Fifth breath!

Some people who didn't have time to hide further away were directly affected by the terrifying sword energy and were torn to shreds.

Sixth breath!

Seventh breath!

Eighth breath!

Before the ninth breath had passed, the thousands of Sea-Monster Clan experts were already dead and wounded by [-]%, and the remaining Sea-Monster Clan experts in the whole place, less than [-] people, no longer had the will to fight, and they all fled.

"Want to run? How easy is it?" Meimi.com www.meimi.cc

A cold voice flashed in Ruthless Man's eyes, and he suddenly threw out the Yin Spirit Sword, which turned into a fire rainbow and shot into the distance.

The second level of Imperial Swordsmanship is to use the divine Imperial Sword!

"Ah ah ah..."

Countless howls resounded in the expanding sea area, and there were continuous sea monsters who were burned to ashes by the fire rainbow sword energy.

All the warriors of the five major families showed extreme chills, deeply shocked by the invincible might of the ruthless.


The long sword returned, the ruthless man returned the sword to its sheath, and said in a low voice: "Pack up the spoils and prepare to return. Next, it's time to clean up the 'bugs' in the fortress."

Li Ming flashed to the side of the ruthless man and said softly: "As expected by Senior Sister, there are people in ambush here. It seems that there are traitors of the Kraken clan in the No. [-] fortress. No wonder since the start of the war, the front line of the No. [-] sea area has been one step at a time. Shrinking step by step, being beaten by the Kraken, I don’t know who did such a shameless thing.”

Ruthless Man looked into the distance, a figure vaguely appeared in his mind, and said flatly: "I already have a guess, just go back and confirm it."

Li Ming's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "Senior Sister Zhang's eyes are like torches, if you can find out that spy, it will be a great achievement. But just based on the merit points of the sea monsters we killed this time, It's enough to make the Li family not have to worry about recruiting for ten years."

"Combat merit points? What is that?" The ruthless man asked curiously.

Li Mingdao: "Senior sister, I don't know, the Beihai League and the Kraken are fighting. In order to make the warriors of the major families fight the enemy bravely, they have launched the measure of merit points. Every time they kill a strong Kraken, they can Get the corresponding battle points. These battle points are a good thing and can be exchanged for any treasure. As long as the major families earn enough battle points, they don’t need to send a team of warriors to participate in the war.”

"So it turns out, this is somewhat similar to the contribution points of Deity Academy. I don't know how many battle points I can earn this time? What treasures can I exchange for it?" No amount of treasure is enough to refine.

Li Mingdao: "Senior sister killed nearly [-] sea-monster masters this time, and you can probably get about [-] battle points, enough to exchange for an imperial treasure, or ask the master of the alchemy and the master of the tool to make a move, if it is true There is nothing you want, you can directly exchange for spirit stones."

The divine light in the eyes of the ruthless is even better. She is still using a royal sword. If she can exchange it for a royal sword, or ask the master of Qi Dao to make her royal flaming gem into a fire-attribute royal sword. Excellent thing.

Two days later, Ruthen and others returned safely, and the Marquis of Zhenhai went to the port to greet them in person. Seeing Ruthen's fleet, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he said solemnly, "Congratulations to Commander Zhang for returning safely, seeing the scars on your warship. , but encountered an enemy?"

The ruthless man looked around for a week, his eyes flicked on an old man with a drooping head, and then looked at Zhenhaihou, and said calmly: "It's not a big deal if you encounter a small set of twists and turns."

"Oh, that's good. Ben Marquis just received the news that there will be a batch of supplies to be delivered in the No. [-] Sea Area in two days. There are not enough people in the fortress, so maybe I will trouble you to make a trip." Zhenhai Marquis's tone was very polite.

The ruthless man said: "The Marquis of Zhenhai has an order. I will obey it. If there is nothing else, I will go down and rest first."

That night, the moonlight was hazy.

The ruthless man did not rest, but through the information he obtained from side-by-side attacks, he took a detour and walked outside the room of Shangguan Qianhe's grandfather, Shangguanxiong, and spread his powerful soul power out.

"There's a new mission again, Sea Area No. [-]..."

"It's very likely that Zhang Ruren led the team last time."


The door to Shangguanxiong's room shattered, and the ruthless man strode in, caught a glimpse of Shangguanxiong shrinking in the corner, terrified, and said coldly, "As expected, you were tipping off the news, and I sensed that you had murderous intentions towards me before. , I heard that your surname is Shangguan, does it have something to do with Shangguan Qianhe?"

Shangguanxiong was very flustered, tightly holding the cyan conch treasure in his hand, and said viciously: "You... you don't want to spit people, I am the confidant of Zhenhaihou, how can I inform the sea monsters." , . . .

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