Everyone held their breath and stared at the world-shattering battle, only to see the sword light collided with the dragon claws, and a huge power erupted.

In the next instant, the Azure Dragon Claw, which seemed to be able to tear the sky apart, collapsed directly, exploded from the inside, and shattered!The mighty sword force remained unabated, and smashed directly on Zhenhaihou's chest, sending the blood he vomited upside down.

"Marquis Zhenhai, go to hell!"

The ruthless man strode forward, like an enraged fierce beast, with a mighty slash, countless glaciers emerged from the ground, directly freezing the Zhenhai Hou, and then countless flames poured out, evaporating all the ice layers.

All gazed at the place where Marquis Zhenhai collapsed, there was nothing but a pair of Pixiu gloves.

The marquis of Zhenhai, the dignified and dignified man who shook the North Sea, was destroyed in both form and spirit! , , .

Chapter 305 The Void Battle World is in a bloody turmoil!

"Marquis Zhenhai... is dead."

I don't know who said a word, and it caused an uproar. The leaders of the major families couldn't help but take a few steps back. Looking at the ruthless man, his eyes were full of fear, as if he was looking at an ancient beast.The half-step king kills the high-ranking king, this is an unheard of legend.

The ruthless man stepped forward with a blank expression, picked up the Pixiu gloves dropped by the Marquis of Zhenhai, and put them in the storage ring. These gloves are very extraordinary, and they seem to contain the spirit of the ancient beast Pixiu, not an ordinary emperor. The rank attack Noble Phantasm did not suffer the slightest damage in the violent collision just now.

After doing all this, the ruthless man turned his eyes to the crowd and said solemnly: "You have also seen that the Marquis of Zhenhai was guilty of a guilty conscience and killed the secret agent of the sea monster clan without authorization. I will report it to the Beihai Alliance, and before that, I will take over the No. [-] fortress, any of you have any opinions?"



The ruthless man was as majestic as a god emperor, and his tone was as cold as ice, but no one dared to say half a word, because the sword of the ruthless man was still dripping blood, dripping with the blood of the high-ranking king, the Marquis of Zhenhai, officially conferred by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty.

"Since you don't speak up, I'll take it as your agreement. If anyone dares to disobey my orders in the future, don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword."

The ruthless man said something indifferently, returned the sword to the sheath, took out the blue conch Noble Phantasm, and played the entire conversation inside.

"This time it's a big mission. A batch of strategic materials will be shipped from the No. [-] sea area. There are three Eucharistic Hearts in it. They will be transferred to the Beihai Alliance headquarters in the No. [-] sea area."

"The handover time is set in two days, and the specific route has not yet been determined, but it will definitely pass through the Fire Rock Island, where the terrain is complicated and it is very suitable for ambush."

"Remember that you must send more troops. It's best to gather all your strength to attack. As long as you rob this batch of materials and kill the escort warriors, Sea Area No. [-] will belong to the Sea Monster Clan."

After listening to it completely, all the commanders could not help breaking out in a cold sweat. If there were no ruthless people who saw through the conspiracy, I was afraid that they would really be wiped out and lost to the No. [-] sea area.


The ruthless man turned off the Conch Noble Phantasm and said in a low voice, "You all heard it, since the Kraken people are going to ambush us, then we will do it as well and give them a big gift."

As soon as these words came out, all the commanders took a deep breath.

One of the commanders said cautiously: "Commander Zhang means that we will ambush the sea monster army in turn? This, this is too risky."

The ruthless man waved his jade hand and said domineeringly: "I don't have so much time to delay, I have to do it all in one battle. If I can eliminate another group of strong sea monsters on Huoyan Island, it will be enough to guarantee the sea area No. [-] for a long time. Peace. You all go down to prepare, the specific order, I will tell you on the day of departure. "

Although the commanders still had doubts in their hearts, they did not dare to disobey the ruthless man's order.

After everyone left, Li Ming stepped forward and said worriedly: "Senior sister, this time you killed King Zhenhai, I'm afraid you will get into a lot of trouble. This Duke of Zhenhai is King Jinghai's confidant, and even he The emperor-level secret skills are all passed down to him. If you kill him like this, I am afraid that King Jinghai will be blamed. Although Senior Zhang is strong, there is a dynasty behind King Jinghai.” Novel 3800 www.xs3800.com

The ruthless man said casually: "My martial arts is to kill all the people who should be killed. As for the worldly rules, it is not important to me. If King Jinghai wants to come to trouble, let him come."

A flash of deep admiration flashed in Li Ming's eyes. The indomitable power of a ruthless man was something he could never possess in his life. This was the difference between a mortal and an unparalleled genius.

Returning to his room, the ruthless man's expression suddenly condensed, he sat down with his knees crossed, and sank his soul into his dantian.

I saw a number of small swords shining in the dantian of the vast Zifu. Under the small swords that contained the intention of destroying the sword, there was a light blue soul, which was faintly humanoid. It was the soul of Zhenhaihou. sign.

Even the ruthless did not expect that in addition to being a quasi-emperor-level martial artist, Zhenhaihou is also proficient in a very rare soul attacking secret technique, which he would activate just before his death. This divine soul attacked and suppressed, I was afraid that she had already suffered a very serious trauma.

After thinking about it for a while, the ruthless man transferred the soul of Zhenhaihou to a round sea, and used the pure spiritual power in it to help him recover. She did not believe that the powerful prince of the dignified ancestral dynasty would take the initiative to be the traitor of the sea monster clan. There is a deeper entanglement of interests, and she wants to investigate it clearly.

After dealing with all this, the ruthless man finally sank and realized the harvest of today's battle.

She experienced two battles in a row today, one battle against the elite army of [-] sea monsters, and one battle against the powerful high-level king of the legendary realm, which gave her a very big harvest, especially at the final decisive moment, she used three consecutive battles. Shi Reverse Chaos Sword Art, vaguely caught a spiritual light.

The aura that combines the three elements of ice, fire, and destruction with sword intent, if this can be done, the power of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art will soar tenfold!

Cultivation has no time, just in the retreat of the ruthless, two days have passed quietly.

At the No. [-] fortress pier, the army of warriors from dozens of families has been assembled, and there are nearly [-] people, all of whom are eagerly waiting.

It was not until the sun rose to the center of the sky that the ruthless came. She was dressed in a moon-white robe and covered with black brocade fur, making her look extremely heroic.

Walking to the center of everyone, Ruthless Man jumped and stood directly on the bow of the largest sea-going ship, and said solemnly: "Everyone, board the ship and set off, target: Fire Rock Island!"

This was a vigorous and decisive battle. More than [-] human warriors ambush the six major tribes of the Sea-Monster clan with a total of [-] elite troops, killing the sea of ​​blood and turbulent.

In the end, the ruthless force turned the tide, and one person invited tens of thousands of Kraken strongmen, and the results were brilliant.

This battle shocked the three major forces of the Beihai Sea Monster Clan, the Sea People Clan, and the Beihai Alliance. It was recorded in the history of the Beihai War and the chaotic history.

During the period when Ruthless Man was based in the No. [-] Sea Area and was prospering in the entire North Sea, the virtual world of war encountered an unprecedented impact.

The imaginary god gate, which had been closed for tens of millions of years, was openly opened, and countless alien races poured into it, madly eating away the rich treasures like wasps crossing the ground.

The entire virtual world is full of blood and rain. , , .

Chapter 306 Diwei rushes into the night, nine corpse mountains

Nearly ten days have passed since the three-day period established by Zhang Tian at the portal of the virtual world of war, and there is still a mighty army of aliens pouring in and divided into six areas.

Among them, in the Mortal Realm area, the vicinity of Jingyue Lake is rich in spiritual energy, and it also attracts a large number of aliens. Every day, countless alien powerhouses try to storm this blessed land.

Originally, Jidu County Lord led the people of Zhennan Wangfu to rebuild the guarding formation of Jingyue Lake, which was enough to withstand a very violent attack, but the impact of the alien race was too violent. In just a few days, the formation appeared unsupported. .

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