In Jingyue Lake, all the warriors of the Zhennan Palace were worried and unwilling to continue digging. Several old men stood beside the Jidu County Master, looking at the shaky formation, and couldn't help but suggest: "The County Master, If this continues, Jingyue Lake must be broken by these aliens, and the big guy will be in danger. Let's go and ask Senior Zhang."

Princess Jidu was wearing a purple dress, which perfectly outlined the slender curve. Hearing the old man's suggestion, he couldn't help bending his eyebrows. After thinking about it, he finally walked towards the water house in the center of the lake where Zhang Tian retreated.

Unexpectedly, she just came to the door of the water house, and before she could knock on the door, the water door waved with a burst of aura, automatically spreading out a passage, and Zhang Tian stepped out like a jade.Out of touch, the county master Jidu almost threw himself into Zhang Tian's arms and couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

"Zhang...Senior Zhang, you are out."

Jidu County Master's pretty face was slightly red, and she said with a little joy.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, nodded his head, stepped on the lake, walked on the water, and waved his right hand towards the void. The gleaming guardian formation with the divine pattern suddenly failed, and it turned into a little bit of aura and disappeared, and all the alien races who attacked all poured in.

"Haha, a breakthrough! The human and demon races are really weak, and they should get out of the virtual world."

"What a rich water element spiritual energy, this treasure, my Shuiyun clan wants it!"

"I smelled the breath of the soul stone. There must be a soul stone mine here. It is a supreme treasure. My Black Spirit will never let it go!"

There are tens of thousands of alien masters pouring into Jingyue Lake, standing in the sky, looking contemptuous, turning a blind eye to the warriors of Zhennan Palace standing in the center of the lake, and they have begun to quarrel over the distribution of the spoils.

Jidu County Lord Liu eyebrows stood upright, and her snow body trembled slightly, but her heart was also shocked to the extreme. She felt an incomparably terrifying aura from these alien masters.These are all powerful aliens from the nine great mountains and seas, not comparable to aliens in a small place like Shengyuan Continent. I don’t know how many times stronger, even the weakest person is comparable to her.

Suddenly, an ugly alien master with a single horn on his head stared at the people in Zhennan Palace, and said coldly: "First kill these human warriors, I will be angry when I see them!"

After speaking, the single horn on the top of the alien's head suddenly emitted a burst of black light, sending out terrifying fluctuations, sweeping towards Jingyue Lake, and suddenly blasting countless water waves.

This is the natal supernatural power of the Black Spirit Clan. This family is born with the profound meaning of destruction, and the natal supernatural power is extremely terrifying. Just when this black light was about to cover the warriors of the Zhennan Palace, a breeze suddenly blew past and directly wiped out the black light.Jushuku

"Who, who blocked this uncle's magical powers!"

The powerhouse of the Black Spirit was furious, staring at the audience with triangular eyes.

The rest of the alien masters also stopped arguing, with shocked expressions on their faces. They knew the horror of this Black Spirit powerhouse. They could be said to be one of the five strongest people present. They didn't expect his Xeon attack to be easily 's block.

Zhang Tian's eyes were cold, and he took another step forward, creating a circle of tiny ripples in the lake.

Taking this step, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the infinite emperor rose up into the sky. The entire Jingyue Lake seemed to turn into a terrifying demon in an instant. Hundreds of huge water dragons rolled up, domineering volleyed into the sky, and watched all aliens.

"This... what kind of martial arts is this?"

Tens of thousands of alien powerhouses were stunned, looking at Zhang Tian surrounded by a hundred dragons, as if looking at a dragon god, it is hard to imagine that there are such terrifying powerhouses in the human race.

"Since you have worked so hard to come in, this Emperor will send you to hell for free."

Zhang Tian opened his mouth lightly, waved his hand, and hundreds of water dragons roared out, opening their bloody mouths, and they were invincible. All the aliens were swallowed, bombed, or crushed, turning into bloody corpses. Throwing out Jingyue Lake, nine magnificent corpse mountains were built in the surrounding open space.

The sky above Jingyue Lake turned blue again, and there was no other alien standing. Zhang Tian clapped his hands as if he had done a trivial thing, and suddenly chuckled: "I forgot to tell you, the reincarnation of hell. Among the six ways, there is no way of your alien race."

Jidu County Master and others looked at each other in awe, all of them were in awe of Zhang Tianshenwei, and looked at the nine towering and terrifying corpse mountains from a distance, and suddenly became very reassured. The presence of these nine corpse mountains is the best deterrent to foreign races. He also dared to step across the Thunder Pond.

Sure enough, in the next few days, no other aliens came to disturb the Jingyue Lake. Even with the Jingyue Lake as the center, the radius of [-] miles was turned into a forbidden area, and all the aliens could not avoid it.After all, this virtual world of war is too big, and there are countless treasures, so there is no need to die in this extremely fierce place.

After a few days, under the full efforts of the warriors of Zhennan Palace, most of the mid-grade soul stone veins in Jingyue Lake have been mined, and after absorbing so many pure soul stones, Zi Yan finally has them again. There was a big movement, and an amazing momentum swayed from her retreated cabin, causing the entire Jingyue Lake to rise with strong winds and waves.


The void trembled, as if the heaven and the earth were terrifying.

All the warriors who were mining at the bottom of the lake ran out, tossing and stumbling for a while, the county master Jidu looked at the strange scene in the sky, couldn't help covering Xingkou, and said in shock:

"This is the Golden Dragon Martial Spirit, which is several times stronger than the last time I saw it. Could it be that this little witch is attacking the second-order Martial Spirit?"

Chapter 307 Dragon Immortal, Dragon Immortal King, Dragon Immortal Emperor!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The golden dragon is roaring, roaring towards the sky, as if to break some shackles.

If you look intently, you can see that on the dragon's body, one after another of black-purple iron chains are bound, like the shackles of the avenue, imprisoning the golden dragon to further grow.

"The shackles of the avenue appeared, and this little witch really raised the martial arts to the first-order peak level. It's only been a few days of work, it's too perverted."

Jidu County Master was speechless for a while. She was born in Zhennan Wangfu, she has a lot of knowledge, and she knows that martial arts is the most important thing in a martial artist, and it is also the foundation of martial arts proving methods. Every step forward needs to be broken. A layer of avenue shackles, get a new life.

As far as she knows, the high-level kings who can possess first-order martial spirits are already considered middle-level. As for second-order martial arts, even if they are semi-sages, not everyone can have them. At this time, she actually witnessed a round The arrogance of the sea is attacking the second-order martial arts, which has almost subverted her three views.


The vibrating sound lasted for a whole day, but the shackles of the Dao shackles were too strong. Zi Yan had not yet condensed her martial arts, and she had accumulated too much. Even with sufficient soul stone support, she still could not break the shackles. Finally, the Golden Dragon Martial Soul Essence Exhausted, with a whimper, he returned to the wooden house.

The next day, Zi Yan walked out of the hut sullenly.

The county master of Jidu stepped forward and comforted: "Little witch, don't be discouraged, it is very common to fail to attack the realm of martial arts, not to mention that you are attacking the second-rank martial arts. I have seen semi-sacred powerhouses attacking in succession. It has ended in failure a dozen times, you are very close to success this time, and there will be no problem next time."

Only then did Zi Yan recover a little, holding Fen Yingying's fist and said: "But I am still very angry, and I have to find a place to vent. Didn't you say last time that the forces of Tianlonghai also established a stronghold in the virtual world? I I'm going to tear down that stronghold to soothe my grievances!"

The county master of Jidu rolled his eyes and said angrily, "You are too violent, didn't you fail to attack the second-order martial spirit, how can you anger others."

Zi Yan shook her head and said, "You don't know, I have a grudge against them, and I will go to get revenge sooner or later. Just this time I'm in a bad mood, so I'll first destroy their stronghold in the virtual world."

The county master of Jidu pondered: "Since there is an old hatred, then I will not discourage you. But you must know that Tianlonghai is a big force in Shengyuan Continent, but it is not worth it in the nine mountains and seas. Mention. They were able to separate one side in the virtual world of war, but in fact they relied on the power of the Dragon Alliance, to be precise, the power of Long Gaitian."

"Long Gaitian? How much can he do alone?" Zi Yan asked strangely.

The county master of Jidu said: "Didn't I tell you about the Dragon Alliance before, it is the first demon power in the virtual world of war, and there are many descendants of the dragon race with pure blood in the Tianlonghai, all of whom have joined the Dragon Alliance. The separatist party is actually under the banner of the Dragon League. However, the Dragon League is too big and has distinct internal levels. According to the purity of blood, it is divided into bronze, silver, gold, Dragon King, Dragon Emperor, Dragon Emperor, Dragon Immortal, Dragon Immortal King, Dragon Nine levels of Immortal Emperor.

Most of the descendants of the dragon race in Tianlonghai are bronze and silver-level dragon blood purity. They belong to the mixed dragons and are not valued by the senior leaders of the Dragon League at all. However, Long Gaitian was identified as the bloodline of the dragon king level, even very close to the dragon emperor, causing a lot of trouble. The big sensation even alarmed the senior officials of the Dragon League in the Imperial Realm, and was designated as the Dragon Son.If you take action against the power of Tianlonghai, even for the sake of Longgaitian's name, Longmeng will never ignore it. "

"What can we do then?"

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