Zi Yan showed a depressed expression. She was not afraid of the Dragon League, but because she was a dragon herself and didn't want to shoot at the same kind in the Dragon League.Pippi Reading Network www.pptsw.com

The county master of Jidu thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and said: "Why don't you join the Dragon League, now that the aliens are invading, the Dragon League is also vigorously recruiting members. Look at your amazing vision when you turned into a dragon last time, the dragon The blood purity should not be worse than that of Long Gaitian. At that time, you and Long Gaitian have the same status, and if you take action against the forces of Tianlonghai, Longgaitian will not be able to use the forces of Longmeng to suppress you."

"That's a good idea."

The water was rippling, Zhang Tian stepped out of the water house at some point, and said with a smile.

Zi Yan immediately cheered, jumped in front of Zhang Tian, ​​hugged his arm, and said coquettishly, "Does Dad also support me in joining the Dragon League?"

Zhang Tian nodded and said: "I heard Gu Taxian mention the Dragon Alliance, the power in the virtual world is very large, it occupies a lot of blessed land, and has a lot of resources. If you go there with your aptitude, you should be vigorously cultivated, just in time. It can make up for the gap between the physical body and the spiritual power."

Zi Yan said: "Since my father said so, then I will go to the Dragon League and try it."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, then looked at Jidu County Master and said: "You have worked hard this time, those soul stones Ziyan at the bottom of the lake are no longer used, you can keep them all by yourself, or you can use them with other forces. Get some useful treasures from heaven and earth."

"Thanks a lot, Senior Zhang."

Seeing Zhang Tian taking the initiative to talk to her, Jidu County Master suddenly showed a flattered expression and nodded again and again.

On the same day, Zi Yan embarked on a journey according to the guidance of the Princess Jidu, and ran towards the headquarters of Longmeng in the Mortal Realm area. Although she encountered many disturbances along the way, she was close to her spirit at this time. The level of the ancient creatures is extremely tyrannical. No matter how many people they meet, they will be solved with one punch, and they will soon arrive at the Dragon League headquarters.

The dragon family likes water, and the headquarters of the Dragon Alliance is also located in a huge ocean. There are a large number of dragon-shaped palaces in the scattered branches. They are luxurious, tall and majestic, especially the most central one, which is [-] feet high. The dragon body of a divine dragon exudes terrifying dragon might.

"Dragon League important place, come and stop!"

In front of the majestic Dragon Gate, ten young strong men in dragon armor jumped out, holding a black dragon spear, majestic and majestic. Anyone who placed them on Shengyuan Continent would be a top talent who could sweep the wasteland.

Zi Yan clasped her hands on her chest, and said with a lively expression, "I'm here to join the Dragon League, and let your boss come out to meet you."

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of laughter, and a burly young man said: "Little sister, do you also have the blood of the dragon clan? We are the headquarters of the Dragon Alliance, and we don't accept miscellaneous dragons. You first turn a dragon and show it to me. "


Zi Yan nodded, her dark eyes were suddenly covered with golden light, and in the next instant, the terrifying dragon roar shocked the world.


A black gold Taixu ancient dragon with a height of [-] meters was born, and the dragon's power swept across ten directions, directly blasting ten dragon warriors out. , , .

Chapter 308 Warm Invitation from Dragon Emperors


Unparalleled coercion!

The pure and ancient dragon power exuded by Zi Yan instantly alerted the entire Dragon Alliance. In the major dragon palaces in the headquarters, hundreds of amazing auras rose and rushed towards the dragon gate.

They want to snatch Tianjiao!

"Star Dragon Envoy, get out of the way, this dragon son belongs to our Fire Dragon Palace!"

"Our Water Dragon Palace has not seen a new dragon child for three hundred years. This dragon child must belong to our Water Dragon Palace. Whoever dares to grab it, I will be anxious with him!"

"Haha, look at the golden light on this dragon son, how well it matches our Golden Dragon Palace."

Countless powerful escaping lights roared in the void with terrifying giant dragons, rushing towards the dragon gate, arguing with each other, and even fighting, the quaking void kept roaring and trembling.

The ten dragon warriors guarding the dragon gate watched the expedition in the void and listened to the unbearable abuse, all of them were dumbfounded.

You must know that these people are all divine dragon envoys guarding one side of the Dragon Palace, and their cultivation base is amazing. Which one is not revered and infinitely admired by Wanlong on weekdays, but now they are like shrew in public, and they are filthy in public, without a trace of grace.

But they also heard that this little girl who just came to take refuge was actually a genius of the dragon child level, and she was directly rated as a dragon child by the major dragon envoys before she had been appraised.

In this way, their disputes are not surprising. The value of a dragon child is inestimable, and the dragon palace that unearths the dragon child will also receive a lot of rewards, which is worthy of the major dragon envoys to put down their airs and compete.


However, after a few breaths, hundreds of powerful escape lights came to the front of the Dragon Gate, smashing large pits on the ground, revealing one after another tyrannical figure, and everyone exuded the terrifying dragon might.

These people guarding one side of the Dragon Palace are all real big men, and their own cultivation base is at least the immortal emperor, but the cultivation base is sealed, so that they reside in the virtual world of war.

Although they can only mobilize the cultivation level below the demon king level, their realm and understanding of martial arts are far from comparable to Tianjiao.

But at this time, these big figures showed very kind expressions, like kind old grandfathers, stunned the gatekeeper dragon warriors who were used to seeing the majestic dragon envoys.

"Little girl, are you here alone? I'm the dragon envoy of the Black Dragon Palace. Would you like to come to our Dragon Palace and sit for a while?"

An old man wearing a black robe and black dragon horns said with a smile, he couldn't see a trace of majesty, but those who really knew him knew that this old man was a quasi-emperor and the hero of a big world. , stomping and stomping the feet will bury thousands of corpses.

"Little sister, now the aliens are invading, and the outside is very chaotic. It's amazing that you can walk here alone. How about Sister Long taking you to the Guanglong Palace to drink a cup of spiritual tea?"

A middle-aged and beautiful dragon girl walked to Zi Yan with a seductive figure and said in a sweet voice, but she saw that her skin was as crystal clear as amber, as if it would glow. The powerhouse has also reached the quasi-emperor level.Literature under Pen 88 www.glgw88.com

"People have come all the way, and your Guanglong Palace only serves spirit tea, which is too shabby. Little girl, come to our Fire Dragon Palace, I will give you a thousand-year-old dragon fruit, enough to eat!"

A boy-like dragon man swaggered forward and said old-fashioned.But seeing him dragging a red dragon tail, he was still braving the scorching fire, as if he could burn the void.Although he has not touched the emperor realm, he has also reached the peak of the immortal emperor realm. He once killed the Quartet in the emperor realm.

This is a big competition. Based on the vision of Zi Yan when she was transformed into a dragon, these people saw her extraordinary, and no one wanted to let go of this rare dragon child, so when they came up, each The Great Dragon Emperor began to invite each other.

Both are divine dragon envoys, and their status is also divided into high and low. Seeing a group of quasi-emperor-level divine dragon envoys open their mouths, although those divine emperor-level divine dragon envoys are not reconciled, they can only retreat to the back. As soon as he is hated by the Emperor Zhun and pursued across borders in the real world, it will be miserable.

Zi Yan reincarnated into a human form. Although she was invited by these big people, her expression was still cool and unmoved. She saw a flash of light in her eyes, and said loudly: "I'm here to join the Dragon League, you put your own The quotations are all out, and whoever has the higher price, I will go to whose Dragon Palace."



"Little Slicker!"

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