This fire dragon boy is an emperor-level genius with unparalleled combat power, but he has been trapped at the peak of the Immortal Emperor Realm for thousands of years. If there is such a treasure as the Qinglong blood essence to help, it is likely to break through the shackles immediately and reach the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

Where do these people know that there is still a drop of blood essence of the same value or even higher value in Zi Yan's body, which is the blood essence of King Ming Peacock obtained from the Immortal Temple of Bloody Cave.

The Peacock Ming King of the Pure Land of the Buddha Kingdom is an immortal king with no enemies at the pinnacle level. He can be called the Banzhun Immortal Emperor, and has a great reputation in the entire nine mountains and seas. Although this drop of blood was left behind before she achieved the status of the Immortal King, it was not. It is not comparable to Qinglong's blood essence.

Many dragon envoys are waiting to see Zi Yan's joke. This drop of Qinglong blood is likely to belong to Huangchen Dragon Emperor's grandfather, the guardian Qinglong of the virtual world. Zi Yan's words are undoubtedly blaspheming Dragon Immortal and Huangchen. The most respected person of the Dragon Emperor.

However, what is shocking is that instead of being angry, Huangchen Dragon Emperor seems to have done something wrong, and hurriedly explained: "Don't get me wrong, it's not that the Qinglong Temple doesn't want to give you more Qinglong blood, but because of this The blood essence and energy are immense, and with your cultivation, it is very difficult to refine, and it takes a long time to just drop one drop."

Zi Yan remembered the last time she devoured the blood of Peacock Ming Wang, and slept for half a year, she couldn't help but nodded: "I know this, it is really troublesome to refine, then I don't blame you for being stingy."

After speaking, Zi Yan turned to the beautiful middle-aged woman of the colorful dragon clan, and said pretty: "Sister Long, you have also seen that this uncle is very sincere and is willing to give two thousand catties of dragon source, plus the blood of Qinglong, to convert It’s seven thousand catties of Longyuan, can you still offer a higher price for your Guanglong Palace?”

The beautiful middle-aged woman showed a very speechless expression. This little girl regarded Longyuan as Chinese cabbage, and she still had [-] catties of Longyuan, and she couldn't take out even [-] catties.The [-]-jin Longyuan quotation given by the Fire Dragon Boy before needs to be borrowed from various friends and clans. It is the limit that he can take out [-] catties by himself.

After a little silence, the middle-aged beautiful woman looked at Huangchen Dragon Emperor and said solemnly: "Huangchen Dragon Emperor, you said before that you came back this time under the order of your grandfather Qinglong Xianzun. Could it be this order?"

Huangchen Dragon Emperor nodded without shyness, and said in a low voice: "Mansha Dragon Emperor is really smart, it is this matter, so this person, our Qinglong Palace has to do it."

As soon as this statement came out, there was a sudden exclamation, and everyone looked at Zi Yan in surprise. Unexpectedly, this little girl was even alarmed by the guardian Qinglong standing on the top of the virtual world.

Suddenly, Huangchen Dragon Emperor's expression condensed, and he seemed to sense something, looked at Zi Yan and said solemnly: "This emperor has other important things to deal with, and your reward Qinglong Palace will be honored. There is one more thing, grandfather. Ask me to bring you a sentence, and ask you to greet Ling Zun on his behalf and the Ancient Immortal King."


All the dragon envoys only felt that their hearts were about to explode. Ancient Immortal King, that can be a peerless Immortal King, or a strong one among Immortal Kings, who can be a pair of three without falling behind. You can wipe out a big world in a short time, but at this time you still have to say hello to this little girl's father?

What kind of terrifying identity should this little girl's father be?

Zi Yan didn't feel anything, and waved her hand casually: "I know, I have seen both of them, they are not bad, I will talk to my father when I have a chance."

"Are the people nice?"

Everyone was so shocked that they were about to vomit blood. A pure-blooded Qinglong, a peerless Immortal King, in this little girl's mouth, she could only get a 'not bad' evaluation?Even an immortal king of the same level would not dare to boast like that.

The Huangchen Dragon Emperor took it for granted, and said, "If that's the case, then the Emperor will leave first, Long Yu, this little dragon girl will be handed over to you, and she is very considerate."

The master of the Qinglong Palace, a beautiful woman in a blue gauze immediately bowed and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I will take care of her with all my heart."

The Huangchen Dragon Emperor nodded slightly, and once again transformed into a huge Qinglong body, swept towards the depths of the Dragon Palace, and entered other areas through the underground teleportation array.

Until his dragon shadow disappeared, all the dragon envoys were really relieved, and their eyes were a little more inexplicable when they looked at Zi Yan.

The beautiful middle-aged woman of the Colorful Dragon Clan bent down again and said in a more kind tone than before: "Little sister, my name is Long Mansha, and I am a member of the Colorful Dragon Clan of the Ninth Mountain and Sea Realm. You can continue to call me Dragon. Sister, you can also call me Sister Mansha, although you did not join the Guanglong Temple this time, but if you encounter trouble in the future, you can come to me for help, whether it is in the virtual world or in the Ninth Mountains and Seas."

Zi Yan blinked her big black eyes and said crisply: "Sister Mansha, my name is Zi Yan, you are very good-looking and have a good figure, why don't you marry my dad, he must like you."

Long Manshadan's lips were covered, revealing an expression of crying and laughing, if others dared to talk to her like this, even the emperor who dominated a dynasty would be half-dead, but Zi Yan's words were different, and even made her faintly moved.

"Elder sister also wants to see the commanding respect, but I'm afraid he won't look down on her beauty."

As the beauty Tianjiao of the most proud dragon clan, Long Mansha seems to be very shy and unconfident. After all, Zi Yan's father is the person who asked Gu Taxian, the peerless fairy king, to say hello.

That existence, even if she is as arrogant as her, can only look up. , , .

Chapter 311 Sacrifice the world with your blood!

When the Huangchen Dragon Emperor appeared in person, Zi Yan suddenly became popular, no longer a simple dragon child-level arrogance, and a group of divine dragon envoys even regarded her as an equal.

All the procedures for joining the alliance were simplified. After Zi Yan and Long Mansha said goodbye, they were taken directly to the Azure Dragon Hall by Long Yu, and even the steps to test the bloodline talent were omitted.

Because this is no longer important, Zi Yan is already recognized by all the dragon envoys as the dragon girl. Even if there is no real bloodline purity certificate, she will be fully cultivated by the Qinglong Temple.

Two thousand catties of Longyuan and a drop of Qinglong blood essence were soon sent to Zi Yan. The quality of those Longyuan is very pure, exuding colorful divine light, even if they just smell the breath, the dragon blood in Zi Yan's body will burst for a while. Violently tossing.

Originally, Zi Yan just planned to make a name in the Dragon League, and then go directly to Tianlonghai's stronghold in the virtual world to take revenge, but after seeing so many pure dragon sources, she dismissed the idea and planned to take the dragon first. After the source is refined, then go to revenge.

Just like that, Zi Yan fell into a boring closed state again.The retreat this time was quite simple. It was to swallow a large amount of Longyuan at one time, and then go straight to sleep.

The cultivation of the demon clan is very dependent on blood and resources. With Zi Yan's blood, the current realm is far from the limit. As long as there are sufficient resources, the strength can be improved without limit.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

When Zi Yan was sleeping soundly in the Azure Dragon Hall in the virtual world, the ruthless man also spent a very stable training time in the Sea of ​​Scarlet No. [-] sea area.

After the final battle on Huoyan Island, the six sea monster tribes suffered heavy casualties and could no longer organize an attack. Sea Area No. [-] entered the quietest period in a thousand years.

The ruthless man also had a rare leisure time, and concentrated on polishing his self-created "Reverse Chaos Sword Art". He wanted to combine the three powerful sword intentions of ice, fire and destruction to create the fourth sword. Shishi sword move, that will be a big leap, and it will also greatly increase her combat power.


In the secret room of the fortress, the ruthless man slowly opened his eyes, and the illusory little sword suspended in front of him immediately shattered into pieces, and disappeared as little auras.

"I failed again. It's really not easy to combine these three sword intents. The main reason is that my control over the destruction of the sword intent is too poor. If I can..."

The ruthless man sank and analyzed a little bit. After dozens of failures, she had gradually figured out the doorway, and each time she was closer to success than before. I believe that after a few more drills, she can deduce this sword move.

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from outside the secret room, which seemed very urgent.

The ruthless man frowned slightly. After all, he opened the secret room and walked out. He saw Li Ming with a panicked face.

Seeing the ruthless man, Li Ming immediately came forward and said anxiously, "Senior Sister Zhang, something has happened!"

"Slowly tell me what's the matter, could it be that the sea monsters are attacking again?"

The ruthless man asked indifferently.

Li Ming said: "This matter is even bigger. Senior Sister Zhang still remembers the Marquis of Zhenhai who was killed by you. After all, this matter reached the ears of King Jinghai, which made him furious and sent an envoy personally to inquire."

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