The ruthless man raised his eyebrows and said, "Since I did this, I am not afraid of him, so where is the messenger?"

Li Ming showed grief and anger, and before he could speak, a loud noise could be heard outside the fortress.

"Zhang Ruren, get out of here!"

The sound was as bright as a bell, and it shook the entire fortress No. [-], and even the earth trembled.Le Wen's novel

All the warriors in the fortress were alarmed and flew out to watch. When they saw the person coming, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

A commander-level figure even whispered: "This is King Jinghai's personal guard general Tian Meng, a semi-saint-level powerhouse, and a peerless murderer. Commander Zhang is in trouble this time."

"Alas, the Beihai Alliance's response was too slow, and it even allowed King Jinghai's people to take a step ahead. I'm afraid that this time Commander Zhang is doomed."

All the onlookers sighed secretly. During this time, Ruthless has used her strength to convince all the human race warriors in this sea area, but in the face of this scene, these people can do nothing. Like ants, there is no difference, and they can only pray for the ruthless in their hearts.

"You can't come out, right? Then General Ben demolished this fortress, let's see where you can hide!"

A ferocious look flashed across Tian Meng's face, and he stepped on his right foot and shook a piece of flying dust, and the whole person flew high like a big roc bird, rushing straight towards the fortress.

"do not want!"

"General Tian calm down."

"This fortress cannot be destroyed!"

The group of onlookers finally couldn't sit still, and they rose into the air one after another, standing in front of Tian Meng.

"A group of ants, let this general get away!"

Tian Meng's expression was incomparably arrogant, and a long sword with shining golden light was unsheathed, and a huge sword qi burst out in the air.

This sword aura is more than ten feet tall, tearing the sky and the ground, wrapping up the unparalleled power, and slamming towards the fortress fortress mighty, even the void seems to be overwhelmed, making bursts of roars.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sword qi charged, and the celestial barrier composed of dozens of life and death profound portal experts shattered, all the commanders vomited blood and flew upside down, with extreme horror in their eyes.The gap between the Semi-Saint and the Profound Entrance of Life and Death is simply too great to be a match.

Just when the sword qi was about to strike, the gate of the fortress slammed open, revealing the figure of a ruthless man in white clothes like snow, looking at the golden sword light, the sword around his waist swung out, and a shocking sword qi was drawn.


It was absolutely strong, and the strong wind that swayed made all the onlookers unable to resist.

"Is this the official way of King Jinghai?"

The ruthless man stepped out of the smoke and dust, his whole body was wrapped in a layer of keel, and the gleaming white light radiated, isolating all the sand and dust.

When Tian Meng saw that the sword qi was broken, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he glared at the ruthless man fiercely, and said coldly: "Sure enough, he is a madman, and he dares to speak up when he is about to die. Guilty. Since you are stubbornly resisting, just die here, I will sacrifice your blood to the heaven and earth! Pay tribute to the undead of Zhenhaihou!"

Void World War Realm, Jingyue Lake, Shuifu.

Zhang Tian slowly opened his eyes and pointed toward the void. Three mirrors suddenly appeared in the void in front of him, just projecting the images of his three daughters.

For a split second, Zhang Tian's eyes were fixed on Ruthless Man's mirror, and a cold light flashed from his pupils. , , .

Chapter 312 In front of this emperor, who dares to be king?

"Blood sacrifice to the devil!"

On the No. [-] Fortress Square, Tian Meng's body rolled with demonic energy, and a dark-colored bone claw was condensed, and he grabbed the ruthless man with a whistling wind.


Seeing this scene, the ruthless man couldn't help shrinking his pupils. Since ancient times, gods and demons have been the strongest races in the nine mountains and seas, and their exercises are mostly extreme, far more powerful than those of the human and demon races. The power of the Holy Spirit urges this claw, making it even more oppressive.

In just a moment, the ruthless man fully stimulated the power of the emperor-rank demon armor, and formed a hideous black armor on the body surface, mixed with the keel defense layer, which looked very majestic.

"Water Emperor Slash!"

The ruthless man strode forward, the void behind his back rolled and trembled for a while, and a majestic shadow of the emperor broke through the sky, holding a golden sword blade, and slashed down towards the dark ghost claw.


The ground exploded with a thunderous roar, and the black flames on the dark ghost claws burned wildly, directly smashing the sword of the Water Emperor into pieces, and the remaining power continued to charge forward, covering the ruthless man.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A large plume of smoke was rolled up, and the ruthless man spurted out a mouthful of blood directly under this enormous force, and flew out backwards. A golden light flashed past like lightning between his eyebrows.


In front of the fortress, the ruthless man stomped heavily on the ground, and the air surged into the sky behind him, blasting the gate made of black iron directly out of the fortress.



All the onlookers were deeply shocked by this scene. They saw the power of this move with their own eyes half a month ago. With just one blow, they smashed the defense of Zhenhaihou, who was a high-ranking king, causing certain damage to him. harm.

Unexpectedly, with the same attack, in front of Tian Meng in the semi-holy realm, he was as vulnerable as rotten wood.

This is the power of the semi-sacred, and even the legendary kings are far from being comparable.


The ruthless man's slightly curved waist suddenly lifted up and let out a thunderous howl, his eyes completely covered with blood.

This is the vision that fully stimulates the 'bloodthirsty' supernatural powers. Although the power of the Kui Niu tribe's natal supernatural powers is great, it has a fatal shortcoming, that is, it will lead to confusion, especially when fully stimulated, This almost leaves the instinct of fighting, and even teammates are indistinguishable, so that in the ancient battlefield, this clan always formed an army alone and was unparalleled in bravery.

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