"The first form of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art: Ice and Fire Reverse Chaos!"

"Second Form of Reverse Chaos Sword Art: Ice Extermination Reverse Chaos!"

"Second Form of Reverse Chaos Sword Art: Fire Extinguishing Reverse Chaos!"

The ruthless man merged with the sword, turned into a hurricane and rushed towards Tian, ​​and in just an instant, all the three swords were activated, and the quaking void trembled.

"This is the sword of destruction? It's so weak, it hasn't condensed into a sword soul."

Tian Meng was startled at first, and then he sensed the level of Sword Intent of Destruction, and his face showed a soothing look, and once again turned into a ghost claw to press down. He was full of confidence, and with a half-sacred blow, even the high-level king Don't dare to shake it, it's definitely not a three-style sword move.

Unexpectedly, just when the ruthless man was about to collide with the ghost claw of the ghost fire, suddenly the sword light spun, and a terrifying sword force rose out.

"This is?"

For the first time, Tian Meng, who had always been calm, showed a look of anger.

The rest of the surrounding warriors also retreated collectively. They felt a very terrifying aura from the ruthless man, as if they could destroy the world.

"The Fourth Form of Reverse Chaos Sword Art: Ice and Fire Destroy the Sky!" 652 Literature Network www.652txt.com

The ruthless man made a hoarse voice, and when this sword move started, her arm made a crackling sound, which was a sign of the infuriating riot in her body.

This type of sword move, which combines the three sword intents of ice, fire and destruction, has not been fully researched by the ruthless man, but at this time, he does not care about much, and uses strong actions. If her physical body is not extremely strong, this one stroke is enough to make her Exploded and died.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The ruthless man's entire right arm was twisted and deformed, and he finally practiced this move completely, merged with the first three sword moves, turned into a long dragon of sword energy, and slammed into the ghost claw of the ghost fire.

All the warriors held their breath and stared at the world-shattering battle, only to see the sword light collided with the ghost claw, and a huge power erupted.

In the next instant, the incomparably vertical and horizontal semi-holy claws broke, burned, and turned into countless ashes.The mighty sword force remained unabated, wiping Tian Meng's side face and flying over, a huge sword mark melted on his face, and half of his cheeks were bloody, looking like a ghost in the underworld.

"Ah ah ah..."

Tian Meng let out a shrill and shrill howl, and covered his cheeks tightly. His imperial decree could feel that the Sword Intent of Destruction was still lingering on it, constantly eating away the anger in his body, and could not recover at all.

"I, I'm going to kill you!"

Tian Meng showed an extremely ferocious expression, no longer caring about the scars on his face, but directly wrapped in the power of anger and pressed away at the ruthless man.

This blow is more than ten times more powerful than before. Obviously, Tian Meng had not used his true skills before, and he was accidentally hit by a ruthless man. If this matter spreads, it will become his eternal shame.

"no, do not want!"

Li Ming and others stopped them loudly, but they could only watch the ghost claw surround the ruthless man. At this time, the ruthless man used the taboo sword, his true energy was exhausted, his body was broken, and he was unable to fight again.

This is the great terror between life and death, but the ruthless man is fearless, still calmly watching the attack that is about to destroy her.


The expected picture of the ruthless man being divided did not appear, and a dazzling golden light erupted from the ghost claws, illuminating the world and directly smashing the ghost claws.

"What, this is impossible!"

Tian Meng showed a terrified expression, only to see a small golden sword leaping out from the center of the forehead of the ruthless man, instantly turning into a magic weapon of thousands of feet, and beheading it brazenly.

"No, don't, Lord help! Lord help!"

Tian Meng stepped back in a hurry, and even fell directly to the ground. He felt a very terrifying aura from this golden sword, which was enough to destroy his body and spirit.

"Go to hell! Golden Thunder Divine Sword, kill him!"

The ruthless man barely supported his severely injured body and said this sentence with force.

"No, no, break it for me, break it for me!"

Tian Meng desperately swung out black beams, bombarding the Golden Thunder Divine Sword, but all of them were instantly wiped out, unable to stop the speed of the Divine Sword's descent at all.

"Enough, the mere evil sword, suppress this king."

The void suddenly opened a crack, and a majestic voice came out, accompanied by a huge, sky-covered hand covered with cyan dragon scales protruding from the void and grabbing the Golden Thunder Sword.

"This is King Jinghai's quasi-emperor-level unique skill "Blue Dragon Splitting the Sky Claws"!"

All the onlookers were boiling. Unexpectedly, King Jinghai, one of the eight kings with different surnames in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, had been paying attention to the battlefield, and suddenly intervened when Ruthless was about to win the game.

Ruthless Man also showed a hint of despair in his eyes, his body was unsupported, and he fell towards the back.

At this moment, her shoulder was supported by a palm, a very familiar and warm breath came from her nose, and then she heard a familiar voice in her ear:

"In front of this emperor, who dares to be king?" ,, . . .

Chapter 313 Zhang Tian's power, Xue Fei's warmth

"In front of this emperor, who dares to be king?"

On the No. [-] fortress square, Zhang Tian lightly supported Ruthless Man's back with his left hand, and moved forward with his right hand, and the thousand-zhang-sized Golden Thunder Sword fell into his hands.

Suddenly, the golden light is blazing!

The Golden Thunder Sword was originally held by the Qinglong in the sky, but after Zhang Tian touched it, an unparalleled divine might suddenly erupted, rising thousands of feet again, penetrating the heaven and the earth, as if even the heavens could be torn apart. Violently slashed towards Qinglong's big hand.


A roar resounded through the sky, and the big hand of the blue dragon was directly cut off in the middle, and the blood gushed endlessly.

"Ah ah ah..."

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