On the other end of the void crack, there was a heart-piercing scream, and the arm that was still stained with blood shrank back at a very fast speed, as if afraid, did not dare to continue to stay in this world, just Even the cracks in the void are healing fast.

On the square of the No. [-] fortress, all the warriors were silent, looking at Zhang Tian with awe and fear in their eyes. King Jinghai, one of the eight kings with different surnames, who was proclaimed by the dignified ancestral dynasty, used his own body to suppress Beihai. A sword hit and fled.

With a wave of Zhang Tian's right hand, the Golden Thunder Divine Sword once again turned into a small sword and merged into the ruthless man's forehead.

Looking at the crack that was about to close in the void, Zhang Tianping pointed a little, as if there was a power of the heavens falling, which directly blocked that area, as if time was frozen, and the healing of the crack was interrupted.

"Within three days, kneel and apologize!"

Zhang Tian said indifferently, the infinite emperor's might burst out, and there was a miserable howl from the other end of the crack, which seemed to have been severely injured. Trembling for a long time.

At this time, Tian Meng was already frightened and panicked. King Jinghai, who had always been invincible and fearless in his heart, was defeated like this. He was defeated by a sword, cut off an arm, and fled in embarrassment. .

All this only happened between the electric light and flint, but it left him with an indelible fear, and a crack has appeared in the rock-solid faith in his heart.

Seeing Zhang Tianchao looking over at him, Tian Meng suddenly felt agitated, only to feel that his entire back had been punched through, and in a panic, he climbed forward and buckled his head at Zhang Tian, ​​saying, "The villain has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai. , I beg the seniors to spare my life, and I beg the seniors to spare my life.”

King Jinghai was finished, one arm was cut off, and he had to kneel to apologize.King Jinghai is still like this. People like him are more like ants, and no one cares about his life.

The warriors onlookers are all showing affection, who is Tian Meng, the general guard under King Jinghai, the semi-sanctuary powerhouse, and he has the power to destroy a fortress with a wave of his hand. The family, who also has to bow their heads to be ministers, is now kneeling on the ground like a dog, constantly kowtowing and begging for mercy. This scene is too shocking.

Zhang Tian half hugged the ruthless body, looking at her slightly pale face, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "You still have the face to beg this emperor for mercy? In the Three Realms, there is no place for you. So, kill your soul."

As soon as the words fell, Tian Meng, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly trembled, and a faint fire ignited on his body. It was the divine power he cultivated, but now it suddenly turned back and swallowed him.Love chewing books www.aikenshu.com

"Ah, no...don't..."

Tian Meng showed a very ferocious expression, and slapped his body desperately, but to no avail, but within a few breaths, his entire body was completely burned out, turned into a pile of phosphorus bones, and his body and soul were destroyed.

Li Ming approached cautiously and said worriedly, "Senior Zhang, is she all right, Senior Sister?"

Zhang Tian glanced at Ruthless Man, raised his hand and caressed her silky side face, and said, "Of course it's fine, but it's the best state, there is great terror in life and death, but also great fortune, don't struggle once on the line of death , and how to perceive death, and then dominate death."

Only then did Li Ming show a clear look. To become a king in half a step, he still needs to go through the profound entrance of life and death and understand the two qi of life and death. This realm can only be penetrated by going through life and death. Besides, there is no other way. Perhaps this is because Senior Zhang did not immediately Reason for helping.

Although Ruthless was seriously injured, it only took half a day for her to return to normal with her amazing vitality. As Zhang Tian said, this battle has given her a great improvement, and she has a very deep understanding of death. It can communicate with the energy of death under the bridge of heaven and earth in the body.

In addition, the artistic conception of destruction and withering that bursts out between life and death also makes the ruthless person gain a lot. With a deeper understanding of the way of destruction, he can better control the sword of destruction in his body.

The next day, early in the morning, the No. [-] Sea Area came to a guest again, this time it was the envoy of the Beihai Alliance and an old acquaintance of the Ruthless, Nalan Ruoxue of the Nalan family among the eight great families of the North Sea.

"Nalan Ruoxue is here!"

"It's really Concubine Xue, so pretty."

Countless warriors swarmed out of the fortress, surrounded from a distance, watching Nalan Ruoxue's peerless elegance, she was like an iceberg snow lotus growing in the cold wind, so poignant and beautiful, it could be seen from a distance but not to be played with.

"Ruoxue sees Senior Zhang and greets Senior Zhang."

Nalan Ruoxueyu blushed slightly and bowed towards Zhang Tianyingying.

"Get up."

Zhang Tian said indifferently.

"Yes, senior."

Nalan Ruoxue said in a sweet voice, straightened her body, looked at the ruthless man and said, "Miss Zhang is really talented, and when she arrived at Sea Area No. [-], she found the moth that had been hidden for many years, and calmed Sea Area No. [-] with thunder. The chaos of the war has led to a very favorable start to the war. The top officials of the Beihai Alliance have decided to give Miss Zhang a reward of [-] merit points."

"One hundred thousand points? Beihai Alliance is generous enough."

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, showing a very satisfied look. In Beihai Alliance, battle merit points are very rare and can be exchanged for anything. She had already accumulated [-] battle merit points by killing the powerful sea monsters before, and now she adds this One hundred thousand, that is, [-] merit points, enough for her to exchange for an extremely powerful sword.

Nalan Ruoxue quickly glanced at Zhang Tian, ​​revealing a look of hesitant to speak. , , .

Chapter 314 The Sword Emperor who fell three million years ago

The ruthless man watched his words and expressions, and immediately frowned slightly, took a step towards Zhang Tian without a trace, and said in a low voice, "Miss Nalan, is there anything else?"

Nalan Ruoxue is smart, but she doesn't know the attitude of a ruthless person. She coughed to hide her expression, and said softly: "The official business has been done, and there are still some private affairs. Miss Zhang came to Beihai for the first time, but she knew about the Sword Emperor Lake for half a month. Sword Trial Conference?"

The ruthless man shook his head and said, "I don't know where this Sword Emperor Lake is? What is the name of the Sword Trial Conference?"

Nalan Ruoxue said: "Jiandi Lake is located three nautical miles away from the central sea area. Three million years ago, a sword emperor sat down here, integrated his swordsmanship into the emperor's soldiers, and placed it on the bottom of the sea, hence the name of the sword emperor lake. As for the Sword Trial Conference, it is a grand event for swordsmen. Whoever emerges in it will immediately spread to the entire Beihai. If you can leave your name on the ancient sword monument, you can even get the title of 'Beihai Sword King' and hold the title of Beihai Tianjiao. Niu Er, his status is comparable to the arrogance of the world!"

"Ji Dao Emperor Sword? Are you saying that there is a Jidao Emperor Armament at the bottom of the Sword Emperor Lake? It's a supreme treasure, why hasn't it been taken away?"

The ruthless man showed a very surprised look. The word 'Ji Dao' means that it contains Dao rhythm, and its power far exceeds that of the same-level Noble Phantasm. On the Shengyuan Continent, even a Jidao holy soldier is regarded as a lot of ancient sects. The treasure of the town.

As for the Imperial Soldiers, I haven't heard of any ancient sect possessing them. Once there is an unmaintained Imperial Soldier, it will immediately cause a super holy land war, and even the ancestral dynasty, Tianlonghai and other hegemonic forces will also be required. All-out grab.

The power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers is far superior to that of the Jade Emperor's soldiers. Some of them are stronger, even comparable to immortal weapons. This is an unparalleled treasure. Now there are no masters of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers. Don't surprise her.

Nalan Ruoxue pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Most of the people in China who heard about this for the first time would react like you did. How do you know that the power of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers is simply not something that can be shaken by today's warriors, and it will last millions of years. , The sword qi emanating from this extreme imperial soldier has formed a sword field invisibly, and even the powerhouses who have reached the realm of immortal emperors would never want to force their way in."

The ruthless man nodded with understanding. She had a faint understanding of the power of the ancient emperor. It was an existence far beyond the immortal emperor, and it was sublimated to the extreme. Even if he died, the remaining wisp of will is not immortal. Kings can invade.And the most powerful existence in Shengyuan Continent is the Immortal Emperor, and naturally no one can shake this divine weapon.

Nalan Ruoxue added: "Ms. Zhang is a master of swordsmanship, and she wants to be recognized by the whole continent as the 'Unparalleled Talent'. The Sword Trial Conference is undoubtedly the best stage to showcase. By then, the entire Beihai will gather here. Sword Emperor Lake, with Miss Zhang's strength, will definitely be a blockbuster."

Ruthless Man thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I came to Beihai for two purposes. One is to fight on behalf of Junior Brother Li's family, and the second is to fight all over Beihai Tianjiao. Now that the first purpose has been accomplished, it is time to go. Take a look at the real North Sea Center."

After speaking, Ruthless Man turned to look at Zhang Tian and said, "Dad, will you go with me?"

Zhang Tianhan smiled and said: "Jiandi Lake? It's fine to go and see, but we have to go back to the Chaoxing Sea Sea first and bring Yuxin with us."

Nalan Ruoxue hurriedly said: "I don't have anything to do right now, so let's go with Senior Zhang and Miss Zhang. The elders in the family all respect Senior Zhang, and if they know that Senior Zhang is going to the Central Sea Area, they will definitely greet him. of."

After some simple settling, Zhang Tian took Ruthless and Nalan Ruoxue out of Sea Area No. [-], riding the Frost Giant Dragon, roaring all the way towards Chaoxing Sea Sea.

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