"Zhang Ruren, Junior Sister Zhang, all the mistakes are all my fault. It's all my fault that I was blinded by lard, and the dog's eyes don't know Mount Tai. Now my family has been destroyed. Please spare me a dog's life, I will definitely Stay away, please..."

Luo Aotian kowtowed frantically, completely looking like a lost dog, which made the students who were watching couldn't help but despise him.

The ruthless man had no expression on his face, and said coldly, "Luo Aotian, if you and I were in different places today, would you spare me? If you want to blame, then blame that woman!"

"No...I don't want to die!"

Luo Aotian screamed in a shrill voice, and he jumped into the air, actually trying to escape.

The ruthless man's eyes drooped slightly, the Yin Spirit sword in his hand was clearly scabbard, and a falling moon sword roared out, directly slicing Luo Aotian, who was flying in the air, in half, blood spurting, dyeing the entire peak red.

The corner of Zhang Tian's mouth twitched. The reason why he took so much trouble was to make the Luo family perish in fear. This kind of horror that leads to despair step by step is ten times more cruel than direct killing!

Turning his attention to Law Enforcement Tianzun, Zhang Tian said indifferently: "I don't want bad words to spread about today's matter."

Law Enforcement Tianzun frowned slightly, but thinking of Zhang Tian's terrifying strength, he couldn't help but feel a chill from the bottom of his heart, and quickly said respectfully, "Follow the senior's law."

In the fantasy world, the strong are respected, and there is no doubt that Zhang Tian has imprinted the impression of invincibility in the mind of Law Enforcement Tianzun.

All the disputes were settled down, Fairy Yuehua finally showed a soothing look, took a deep look at Zhang Tian, ​​and suddenly fell down.

Chapter 35 Zi Yan proposes marriage for her father

Lin Haifeng, Tingtao Xiaozhu, here is the famous scenic spot of Tianshen College. The mountain peaks are covered with precious ten thousand-year-old birch trees. The emerald green reflects the sky. sound.

At this time, in a pavilion in the forest, Fairy Yuehua was sitting cross-legged, and a tinge of blood gradually appeared on her pale face.

Zhang Tian clicked on her Tanzhong point with one hand, his eyes were solemn, as if he was looking for something, he slowly retracted his palm, and said softly: "Okay, you are too brave, since you are being suffocated by the suffocation of the holy soldiers of the extreme way. Invasion, it would be better to say it earlier, why suppress it reluctantly."

Fairy Yuehua opened her eyes, and after hearing Zhang Tian's words, she immediately revealed a shy look, and whispered, "I thought I could suppress it for a while, but who would have thought that the backlash of this evil spirit would be so strong."

Such a shy and tired state, like a young girl, made Zhang Tian's heart sway, and looked at her intently.

Until then, Zhang Tiantian could really see the face of this fairy, with beautiful and upright facial features, with a faint heroic spirit between his brows. What attracted him the most was the pair of eyes, which were as dazzling as sapphire, as if containing a starry sky. Beneath the calm and indifferent exterior, those eyes revealed feelings like flowers blooming in the dark, expressing the passion for life and some kind of pursuit beyond the world.

"Pretty eyes."

Zhang Tian gave a heartfelt compliment, with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes. He saw a trace of the shadow of the ancient Moon God on Fairy Yuehua, who was also a strange woman, dazzling in that era when the gods and gods co-existed.

Fairy Yuehua has always been pure and clean, and she has never been so close to a man, but she did not feel any resentment in her heart. Instead, she was touched by the faint sadness in Zhang Tian's eyes, and couldn't help but feel a desire to be warm and close to him.

At this time, the ruthless man came up, seemed relieved, and said briskly: "Master, you fainted suddenly, which startled me. If it wasn't for Dad saying that you were fine, I would have to commit suicide to atone for my sins."

Fairy Yuehua said softly: "Silly boy, I am your master, it is right for you to stand up for you, even if it is a big crisis, the master will stand behind you to support you!"

"Dad, Elder Yuehua, please have some tea."

Yu Xin came over with a tea tray at this time, and slowly placed a tea cup in front of Zhang Tian and Fairy Yuehua, and then filled them with hot tea. Accompanied by the sound of Lin Haitao, the aroma of the tea was particularly refreshing.

Fairy Yuehua took a sip of tea, and her eyes showed satisfaction. She smiled at Yu Xin and said, "What a beautiful girl, whose personality is completely different from the domineering and arrogance of Nan Nan, Mr. Zhang is really lucky to have such an outstanding daughter. This ice spirit pearl, which I collected from the ice spring water of 77 years, has the effect of refreshing the mind and clearing the mind. It is very beneficial to the cultivation of concentration.

Yu Xin glanced at Zhang Tian and saw that he nodded slightly. Then she took the Bing Lingzhu and said softly, "Thank you Elder Yuehua for the treasure, Yu Xin will definitely cherish it."

Xiao Ziyan held the Seagod Trident and shouted, "I'm also my father's daughter, and I'm usually very good." Obviously, this little guy also caught Bing Lingzhu's attention.

Fairy Yuehua showed a funny look, and said, "You brat, you made trouble on the battlefield before, and you won a pole holy soldier in vain, are you still not satisfied? This seagod trident is the most treasured in water, more than my ice. The spirit beads are much better. Besides, I only have two ice spirit beads, and I have to keep the other one for myself.”

Xiao Ziyan was a little disappointed at first, and then her eyes rolled around twice, and she said with a charming look: "Then Zi Yan doesn't want Bing Lingzhu, sister Yuehua can be my father's bride, the village child. My dad has a bride, but my dad doesn't, it's pathetic."

"Zi Yan, you are getting more and more courageous, even your father dares to tease!"

Zhang Tian "ruthlessly" knocked on Zi Yan's head, but he couldn't help but have some reverie in his heart. Just now, he carefully probed it, and the Moon God bloodline in Fairy Yuehua's body is very strong. The height of her, making him a concubine is barely enough.

After all, the ancient moon god is the congenital god of the lunar star, born to master the complete laws of the moon and stars, the bloodline is pure and noble, and the name of beauty is even spread across the nine worlds.

Fairy Yuehua saw Zhang Tian staring at herself, her face couldn't help but turn more rosy, and finally she was successfully blackmailed by Zi Yan for a Bingling bracelet.

This ice spirit bracelet is inlaid with seven ice spring essence water droplets, which is more effective in protecting the body, and its value is still above the ice spirit beads.Xiao Ziyan brought the bracelet to her fair and tender wrist, and immediately plunged into the enemy camp, leaving her father's marriage behind.

The ruthless man poured himself a drink, shook his head and said: "Master is really partial, but unfortunately the second sister is not interested in martial arts, but is obsessed with alchemy, and has decided to apply for the alchemy department."

"That's a pity." Fairy Yuehua showed regret, and immediately chuckled: "The alchemy department has a detached status in the academy, and it is not easy to pass the test. I happen to know an alchemist who can let Yu Xin take the lead. Follow her to study for a while, so that the probability of passing the test will increase."

"That's great! I originally wanted to ask Shizun about this matter, but Shizun has been in retreat before... By the way, Shizun, how did you get out of the customs?"

Fairy Yuehua said in a clear voice: "It's not because of that battlefield of gods and demons. There was a new discovery two days ago, and the whole academy was shaken."

Chapter 36 The Legend of Burying the Emperor!

"The battlefield of the gods and demons? Could it be that Shizun is referring to the ruins of the demon emperor?" A look of surprise appeared on the face of the ruthless man. He didn't expect that even the senior management of the Deity Academy was alarmed by this incident.

Fairy Yuehua said: "The fuse is naturally the half-opened ruins, but that alone is not enough to make the academy seniors pay such attention. The key is that a team of adventurers accidentally entered a ruin when they were exploring the ruins two days ago. In the turbulent time and space, only one person survived, and this person claimed that he saw the core of the battlefield of gods and demons."


Everyone was surprised. The battlefield of gods and demons was huge. It was a famous death penalty area in Shengyuan Continent. It was covered by a layer of dense fog all year round.

Now, someone has seen the core of the battlefield. Could it be that the mysterious veil of the battlefield of gods and demons is about to be unveiled.

"What is the core of the battlefield of gods and demons?" The ruthless man asked in a trembling voice, and she had a hunch that she would get a very shocking answer.

"This matter is the secret of the senior management of the academy. You can just listen to it. Don't spread it out."

Fairy Yuehua solemnly warned, and then said slowly: "According to what the survivor said, the core of the battlefield of gods and demons is a huge blood-colored lake, and hundreds of gods and demons corpses float on the surface of the lake!"


Ruthless, Yuxin, and Zi Yan couldn't help but widen their eyes. Hundreds of dead bodies of gods and demons were just floating on the lake. How many gods and demons were buried?several hundred?Or a few thousand?

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