"That's the gods and demons. They were born at the beginning of Hongmeng, and live with the heavens and the earth. They were born to master the laws. Each one has the power to shake the heavens and the earth, far beyond the existence of the Great Sacred Realm. Who can bury them?"

The ruthless man muttered to himself, unable to believe the truth, how terrifying the battle that caused hundreds of gods and demons to fall.

Fairy Yuehua continued: "Not only that, but that person also said that above all the gods and demons' corpses, there is a severed finger floating in the void, and the divine might shines. It seems that it is suppressing the gods and demons."

A severed finger, suppressing hundreds of gods and demons?

Yu Xin suddenly flashed her beautiful eyes and asked curiously, "Then the owner of this severed finger must be a very remarkable person."

"Of course it's amazing, and it's very amazing, it can even be said to be the first person in the ages! No one will be able to surpass it in the future." Love reading www.ikashub.net

"Could it be that Shizun is referring to..." The ruthless man only felt that his breathing was about to stagnate.

"That's right!" Fairy Yuehua said with a solemn expression: "According to the senior management of the academy, the owner of this severed finger is likely to be the legendary... Burial Emperor!"


Zhang Tian spat out a sip of tea, causing a dry cough.

"Dad, are you alright?" Yu Xin hurriedly stepped forward and patted Zhang Tian's back with a worried look on her face.

"It's okay, it's okay, you continue to talk." Zhang Tian waved his hand, the smile on his face could not be suppressed.

Zi Yan said crisply: "Is this Emperor Buried very powerful?"

Rumin said: "As for the legend of the Emperor Burying, I have only seen a few descriptions in the ancient books of the academy: The Emperor Burying was born in the age of gods and demons, rose in the twilight of the gods, suppressed the dark turmoil, and founded the ancient heaven. Open the era of self-cultivation and become the first emperor of all ages. However, there is no mention of what happened after that. It seems that all information about him is taboo. Master, what do you know?"

Fairy Yuehua said slowly: "When the Emperor Burial was born, there was no so-called cultivation system. The gods of the heavens ruled the nine worlds of mountains and seas, so it was called the Age of Gods and Demons. Later, darkness and turmoil came, and the ancient demon gods appeared in the world, blood and blood. In the world of dark demons, even the gods can be enslaved. His demonic flames have burned all over the nine worlds of mountains and seas. The gods in the sky can only be trapped in the heavens and support them. It was at that time that the Emperor Buried was born, and he was alone. Forcefully suppressed the ancient demon gods and became the savior of the nine mountains and seas."

"So strong!" Yu Xin showed a look of admiration, saving the world with the power of one person, how magnificent and great.

"However, after suppressing the ancient demon gods, the Emperor Buried Heaven did not restore the order of the gods, but instead shouted, "Immortal Buddha God King, would you rather have a seed? With his rhetoric, he realized the "Da Tu Divine Law" by himself, killed the heavens, overthrew the rule of the gods, founded the ancient heaven and perfected the cultivation system with the heavens as the foundation. Since then, the era of self-cultivation has opened. Even ordinary mortals can rely on Cultivation, becoming an immortal and proving the Way, so far the nine great mountain and sea worlds are unprecedentedly prosperous."

"What an Immortal Buddha and God King, I would rather have a seed! Dare to challenge all innate gods with a mortal body, no wonder he will become the first emperor of the ancients, even after hundreds of millions of years, no one can surpass his achievements. "The ruthless heart is agitated, and even her soul is trembling with the ambition of the Emperor Burial.

Fairy Yuehua sighed softly: "However, Emperor Burial's ambition is more than that. After thousands of years of cultivation, he has become stronger and stronger. In the end, he was crazy enough to challenge the way of heaven, and successfully suppressed the way of heaven. Tampering with the mark of the Tao. Since then, no one in the nine mountains and seas can break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor."

"What about later?" Zi Yan asked curiously.

"After that, it's the era of vigorous War Heaven! Countless quasi-immortal emperors, immortal kings, and god kings rose up to resist. They called themselves "Warlords" and wanted to overthrow the ancient heaven and suppress the buried emperor!"

Chapter 37 The Lord of Heaven who has been vacant for five million years

The ruthless man's pupils shrank, and he said in shock: "Could it be that the Emperor Buried died in the hands of those who fought against the sky?"

Fairy Yuehua shook her head and said: "At that time, Emperor Burial had ruled the nine mountains and seas for [-] million years, and the experts in the ancient heavens under his command were like clouds. Even if the nine mountains and seas launched a rebellion at the same time, the ancient heavens were still at ease. That battle lasted for a whole day. For millions of years, the flames of war have swept across the Nine Realms. In the end, the ancient Heavenly Court was victorious. All those who fought against the sky were killed, sealed, or exiled. Today, the sky above our heads is still the Heaven of Burial!"

"So, the Emperor Burial is not dead?" Yu Xin seemed to be relieved. For some reason, she didn't want the king who once saved the world to fall.

Fairy Yuehua pondered: "At the time of the Emperor Burying, he was already invincible in the universe, and naturally he would not fall. But after the battle, the Emperor Burying disappeared without a trace, and no one knew his whereabouts. As a result, the ancient Heavenly Court was torn apart, and it exists in name only. Until today , the nine great mountains and seas are still chaotic, and they are constantly fighting each other, and they will not re-bury the prosperity and stability when the Emperor of Heaven was the Lord of the Heavenly Court."

Yuxin sighed and said, "A country cannot live without a king for a day. The only one who can be appointed as the king of the Nine Realms is the Emperor of Heaven. I really hope he can return soon, so that there will be less wars in the world."

"Yeah, a country cannot be without a ruler for a day, but the position of the Lord of the Ancient Heaven has been vacant for five million years. With the current chaotic situation in the mountains and seas of the Nine Realms, once darkness and turmoil come, the consequences will be unimaginable."

Fairy Yuehua had a trace of worry on her face. She was a senior of the academy and had watched many confidential classical books. She knew very well that the darkness and turmoil was terrifying.

Zi Yan bit her finger and said curiously: "Dad, why do you think the Emperor Buried the Heaven ran away from home, isn't it fun to be the number one king in the world?"

Zhang Tian showed a strange look, touched his chin, and said casually: "After doing one thing for [-] million years, anyone would feel a little boring, right?"

Zi Yan tilted her neck and thought about it, and nodded her head: "It makes sense, if I stay in one place all the time and everyone is afraid of me, I will feel very boring." 139中文www.139zw.com

"No, no, Emperor Burial once saved the world with his own power. He would never just leave. There must be other reasons for this, right?" Yu Xin suddenly looked at Zhang with her beautiful eyes. Heaven, she doesn't seem to believe that the unparalleled benevolence and righteousness in her heart, the Heavenly Burial Emperor left everything like this.

How could Zhang Tian bear to disappoint his daughter? He gently stroked Yuxin's smooth hair, and said slowly, "Yuxin knows that the Emperor Buried Heaven also has another name called "Human Emperor Father". Humans are actually a very Weak races, starting from the age of gods and demons, even if they enter the era of self-cultivation, the vitality of the human race in the early stage of cultivation is the bottom of all races. However, because of the existence of the human race emperor father, the weak human race has occupied the most abundant resources... …”

Yu Xin showed a touch of emotion, she vaguely understood what Zhang Tian meant, and even Fairy Yuehua had a surprised expression.

Zhang Tian went on to say: "When Emperor Burial took charge of the Desolate Ancient Heaven, he blocked more than ten dark turmoils in total. As a result, hundreds of races were created in the nine great mountains and seas. These races are derivatives of dark turmoil. They have powerful power, but They have been hidden from the world because they are afraid of the Emperor Burying. The monsters have long been aware of this hidden danger, and they are trying their best to cultivate, but the human race is still safe and secure because of the protection of the Emperor Burying."

Fairy Yuehua said in shock: "It's no wonder that in the past five million years, many powerful alien races have suddenly appeared in the nine great mountains and seas, nibbling away the territories of the human and demon races. Occupy, if it is not for the creation of the contemporary saint ancestors and emperors, I am afraid that the mainland has already become a paradise for aliens."

The ruthless man said solemnly: "In order to train the cubs, the eagle often breaks the cubs' wings again and again, or even throws them off the cliff. Dad once said that the ancient beasts are directly The descendants are thrown on the battlefield to fight. I want to bury the emperor and leave, but also to let the people feel the crisis, and then reborn after bathing, rather than living under protection all the time!"

"Judging from the current situation of the human race, although only one-tenth of the territory is left, its strength has increased hundreds of times. The decision to bury the emperor is not a wise move." Zhang Tian said lightly, with a trace on his face. Smile, although there are some deeper reasons why he chose to go into seclusion at the beginning, the human race has changed now, which also shows that his painstaking efforts have not been in vain.

The ruthless man nodded and said: "Only with such courage can I be worthy of being the supreme and invincible king of the Nine Realms. From now on, I will also use the Emperor Burial as a model, be brave and diligent, and use the body of a human race to suppress all races!"

Fairy Yuehua chuckled and said, "Fighting for the human race? This is a very good belief. The current emperor has great ambitions and will carry out a large-scale encirclement and suppression of alien races every ten years. If you can advance to the legendary realm by then , you can also go on expeditions with the army, expel the aliens, and promote the heavenly power of the human race!"

"Legendary realm? I will definitely reach it!" The ruthless man touched his heart and said solemnly, "After I place the second sister this time, I will retreat. With the imperial edict given to me by my father, I said I might be able to break through to the Transcendent [-]th Layer in one fell swoop!"

Chapter 38 Dad Wants to Find Us a Stepmother

In a flash, another half a month passed, and Zhang Tian bought a small yard in Liberty City.Completely settled down, every day is to disperse the sun, or go to the street to see those female warriors dressed in fashion, life is very comfortable.

After the ruthless man completed Yuxin's admission procedures, he also entered a state of retreat, refining the imperial decree of the emperor wholeheartedly.Yuxin also studied under a female alchemist named Yunxia under the introduction of Elder Yuehua, but she was worried about Zhang Tian and did not choose to live in the school, but would return to the city of freedom every night. At home, take care of Zhang Tian and Zi Yan's daily life.

As for the little girl Zi Yan, she is very naughty. She often sits on the six-winged Yalong and disappears. Every time she asks, she is mysterious and refuses to tell the truth.However, she has the bloodline of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Emperor, as well as the Six-Winged Yalong and the Seagod Trident, the Holy Soldier of the Extreme Dao. Zhang Tian is not worried that something will happen to her.

On this day, Zhang Tian stayed in the restaurant on the adjacent street for a day as usual, and didn't walk slowly to his small courtyard until the evening.The location of the restaurant is excellent, sitting on the second floor by the railing, the view of the street is unobstructed.

Especially because of the remains of the demon emperor, the number of mobile warriors in the city of freedom has greatly increased, and many of them are alien warriors who have come from the wilderness.These alien warriors have unrestrained personalities, and many female warriors even cover their bodies with two pieces of animal skins at will, making Zhang Tian feast for the eyes every time.

Walking into the small courtyard, before entering the door, Zhang Tian heard a burst of laughter, such as the chirping of an oriole, which made him feel happy all of a sudden.

Hearing the sound of the door, Yuxin immediately pushed the door to greet her, with a blue apron on her body, and said softly, "Dad, you're back! Big sister is out of the customs today, so I specially cooked two more dishes. , you can have dinner soon."

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