"Yu Xin is so good..." Zhang Tian smiled and touched Yu Xin's hair, took her hand and walked into the house together, and at a glance he saw Ruthless and Zi Yan sitting on the side.

I saw the ruthless man sitting upright, her body purging with infuriating energy, obviously she had just broken through to the transcendent four-layer realm, and she was still unable to send and receive freely, because she had refined the imperial edict of the emperor, and her body was even more faintly revealing the majesty of the emperor, awe-inspiring. Inviolable, I am patiently explaining some common sense of martial arts at this time,

But Zi Yan on the opposite side was lazy, with her black and beautiful eyes turning around, apparently not listening to the teachings of ruthless people.

Seeing Zhang Tian, ​​Zi Yan immediately showed joy, cheered, jumped directly into Zhang Tian's arms, and said coquettishly: "Dad, you are finally back, Zi Yan misses you."

"You brat!" The ruthless man laughed and scolded, dissatisfied: "Dad, you dote on Zi Yan too much, in Wuliu Village, as she is so old, it's long overdue to beat her body, you too Don't worry about it." Ta Novels www.taxiaoshuo.com

Zi Yan pounded her fleshy little fists and changed the topic wisely: "Dad doesn't have time to take care of me now. He goes to Zuixianglou every day to see beautiful women."


Ruthless and Yuxin looked over at the same time, their eyes very serious.

"It's true, Dad wants to find us a stepmother!" Xiao Ziyan added, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"Bear boy, look for a fight!" Zhang Tian saw that Zi Yan actually smeared himself, and immediately raised his hand and flicked her clean head, met Ruthless and Yu Xin's scrutiny eyes, and said with a serious expression: "Don't listen to Zi Yan. Nonsense, Dad, I go to Zuixianglou every day, in fact, to seek information. According to my observation, these days, the strength of foreign warriors is getting stronger and stronger, and the remains of the demon emperor may have new changes."

There was still some suspicion in Yu Xin's eyes, but the ruthless man showed a soothing look, and said briskly: "Dad is really amazing, there is indeed new progress in that demon emperor ruins, it is said that several holy places joined forces to break open. There is a restriction that can lead directly to the inner area, and my return this time is also related to this matter.”

Seeing that Zhang Tian successfully passed the test, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Let's eat first, and talk about it while eating."

After listening to Ruthless Man's words, Yu Xin let go of her doubts, and graciously brought plates of fragrant delicacies to the table.

Zhang Tian added a mouthful of lean meat into his mouth, his eyes showed a strong appreciation, and praised without hesitation: "Yu Xin, after you learned alchemy, your cooking skills have improved a lot."

Yu Xin made her move, her expression a little unnatural, and turned to Ruren Ren: "What did the eldest sister just say?"

The ruthless man swallowed the food in his mouth and said quite excitedly: "I had a friend when I was in the outer courtyard. She teamed up with a few classmates to explore the periphery of the Demon Emperor Ruins the day before yesterday, and accidentally found a A large piece of Wannian Frost Jade was about to retrieve the treasure. Unexpectedly, the heart of the Wan Nian Frost Jade had given birth to spiritual wisdom, turned into a mass of ice, and when they were unprepared, they directly drilled into the inner area."

Speaking of this, the ruthless man took out a clear blue transparent bead from his arms, and continued: "The students from the outer academy are all only at the Lunhai realm. Dare to easily set foot in the inner area, and simply sold this Qi Haizhu to me. This is a big opportunity. Ice soul is extremely difficult to form, and the psychic ice soul is even more powerful. It is a supreme treasure. If I can change it. Cultivation, at least two levels of cultivation can be improved!"

Chapter 39 Ice muscle jade bone, Zi Yan's little abacus

This qi sea pearl is a relatively rare treasure. It is made from the inner alchemy of a sea beast. It has a strong memory function. As long as the breath of a creature is branded on it, it can be traced.

Zhang Tian took Qi Haizhu and looked at it, nodded and said, "There is indeed an aura of ice in this place. This kind of natural thing can only be channeled after millions of years of precipitation and a little chance. In the ancient times, it was considered a very rare and rare treasure. If it is completely refined, it can be cultivated into the magical power of ice muscle and jade bone, which can be used to improve the extraordinary cultivation.

The transcendent realm represents transcendence and evolution to a higher level of life.Therefore, the treasures used by the extraordinary are very important. The stronger the treasures refined, the more amazing the improvement of life level, and even the ability to obtain some treasures.

For example, the ruthless man has refined the imperial edict of the emperor, which is a great fortune. Compared with the monks of the same level, it is countless times stronger, and he has also obtained a real emperor's aura, which is infinitely useful.

The "Ice Muscle Jade Bone" trait possessed by the psychic ice soul is also a very powerful supernatural power, which can greatly enhance the power of water and ice martial arts and martial arts, which is equivalent to obtaining a special water system physique.

Yu Xin frowned and said, "So, eldest sister is planning to go to the inner area of ​​the Demon Emperor Ruins?"

The ruthless man nodded and said: "Yes, that Demon Emperor ruin contains a lot of ancient treasures, and many students of the Deity Academy have experienced there. Now my strength has greatly increased, plus this precious ice soul, no matter what you say, I will go inside. Let's break through the floor area!"

"But I heard that the blood demons in the ruins of the demon emperor murdered and sucked blood, and evolved many blood demon kings. Now they should all be hidden in the inner area. Although the elder sister is strong, she has not broken through to the transcendent realm. Demon King, but more fortunes than luck."

"Second sister, you don't know, that blood demon enhances its strength by sucking blood, and its foundation is very unstable. The blood demon king is far less powerful than the real legendary king. With my current cultivation base, even if I lose to the blood demon king, run away. There should be no problem. Besides, there is less than half a year left until the college competition, I must not miss the psychic ice soul, a treasure that can greatly improve my cultivation!"

At the end, the ruthless man's face showed a touch of determination.The college competition is divided into genius battle and elite battle. According to her investigation, Yan Qingxuan is likely to participate in the elite battle and compete for the seat of the true disciple. Improve your strength to a strong enough level before the college competition!

Seeing the expression of the ruthless man, Yu Xin knew that it was useless to persuade him, but the worry in her heart could not be resolved.

Zi Yan turned her black eyes, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said crisply: "This matter is simple, it's better to let my father accompany the eldest sister. With the protection of my father, the safety of the eldest sister will definitely be no problem!"

Yuxin said happily: "This is a good way. Dad, the ruins of the demon emperor are in danger. It's too dangerous for the eldest sister to go alone. You can go with her." I Love Chinese Website www.ilovezw.com

Zhang Tian thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's fine, I will put the true spirit on Nannan. Only when Nannan encounters a life-and-death crisis, will I help you, so that you can also get adequate training."

With life guaranteed, Ruthless is naturally very happy, and smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Dad, with Dad's protection, I can completely let go of my hands and feet and break into the ruins of the Demon Emperor!"

"Is it the Demon Emperor Ruins?" Zhang Tian said to himself, to be honest, he was also a little curious about this ruins.You must know that in the ancient times, the name of the demon emperor was of great significance. Even in the most prosperous Zhantian era of the nine mountains and seas, the ancient heaven and the Zhantian alliance together did not have a few demon emperors.

It is certain that the demon emperor buried in the ruins must have been a famous demon overlord in ancient times, and the treasures inside are also extraordinary. If there are things that ruthless people can use, Zhang Tian does not recommend making an exception to grab a few for his daughter. A treasure.

"That's great, so I can rest assured. The third sister is still smart, and she thought of a way at once." Yu Xin also showed a heartfelt smile, happily sandwiching two pieces of leg meat for Zi Yan.

"Hey, I'm also thinking about the safety of the eldest sister." Zi Yan lowered her head and ate meat, with a wicked smile in her eyes. If her father is not at home, she will be completely uncontrolled, and the chaos will be turned upside down. .

Tianshen Academy, Lingxu Xiaodongtian.

Yan Qingxuan sat cross-legged in the void, three feet of blue silk fluttering slightly, the aura on her body was very strong, and countless water and spiritual power fluctuated, as if she was in the azure blue ocean.It can be vaguely seen that there is a dragon-shaped True Qi circling behind her, swallowing and breathing water aura. The power is deep and vast, like a real dragon.

I don't know how long it took, she slowly opened her eyes, revealing a pair of beautiful aqua blue eyes, and she spit out a crystal clear bead, which was radiant and full of coercion, making people feel dare not look directly.

At this time, a picture was projected in the ball, which was a secret room covered with runes. Suddenly, the majesty of the endless emperor swayed out, and the ruthless man walked out of the secret room with a look of excitement.

"Zhang Ruren, to break through to the fourth level of the Transcendent Realm so quickly, very good, as expected of my Yan Qingxuan who will kill!"

A cold light flashed in Yan Qingxuan's eyes, she swallowed the ball again, and stood up slowly, the cloud-like skirt slid down perfectly against her body, outlining an incomparably beautiful curve, as if She is a goddess who came out of the ocean, with a solemn face and a celestial appearance.

Chapter 40 The conspiracy first appeared, Kunpeng demon emperor

"Junior Sister Qingxuan is worried about this elite student named Zhang Ruren? Then I have good news for you."

A young man dressed in brocade clothes stepped forward with a refined smile on his face. He wore the purple decree of the gods unique to the core disciples of Tianshen Academy on his waist, which was extremely noble. He was the famous Tianjiao student Qin of the academy. Haoran, his family is even more prominent, and he is the heir of Prince Pingcang, one of the eight kings with different surnames in today's Holy Ancestor Dynasty.

"It turned out to be Senior Brother Qin, Qingxuan is polite." Yan Qingxuan nodded slightly, looking neither humble nor arrogant, and said coldly, "I don't know what Senior Brother said about the happy event?"

Qin Haoran smiled slightly and clapped his hands. A female student wearing a student's costume from the outer school walked in. She didn't dare to lift her head, and said tremblingly, "Lin Susu, a student from the outer school, has seen Senior Brother Qin and Senior Sister Yan."

Qin Haoran restrained his smile and said indifferently, "Have you done everything I asked you to do?"

Lin Susu nodded and said, "Report to Senior Brother Qin, that Qi Sea Pearl has been handed over to Master Zhang... ruthless."

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