"Very good, this transcendent pill is a reward for you." Qin Haoran took out a shiny and full spiritual pill and handed it to Lin Susu. This transcendent pill can help the martial artist of the ninth level of the Lunhai break through to the transcendent realm, although it is a second-grade spirit Pills are very difficult to refine, and their preciousness exceeds that of many third- and fourth-grade spiritual pills.

"Thank you Senior Brother Qin! Thank you Senior Brother Qin!" Lin Susu was overjoyed. As long as she refines this extraordinary pill, she will have a certain chance to break through to the extraordinary realm, become an elite student, and ascend to the sky in one step.

Unexpectedly, just when she was about to take the spirit pill, a cold light suddenly flashed in front of her eyes and crossed her neck directly.


Lin Susu's body fell heavily to the ground, her eyes wide open until she died, revealing a deep sense of unwillingness.

"Humph! How precious is the Transcendent Pill, you deserve it too?"

Qin Haoran cursed with disdain, turned his head to face Yan Qingxuan, returned to his refined expression, and said with a chuckle, "That Zhang Ruren really took the bait, and now he should have taken the Qi Haizhu deep into the inner area of ​​the Demon Emperor Ruins to look for it. I'm psyched out. But I don't know that there are two Qi Haizhu, and Lie Wuji has already held the other one in ambush, the so-called mantis catching cicadas, the oriole is behind."

A look of disgust flashed in Yan Qingxuan's eyes, but she concealed it well, and said in a low voice, "Zhang Ruren is just a small person, why should Senior Brother Qin spend so much time, even giving Lie Wuji a piece of spirituality for nothing? Ice Soul."

Qin Haoran gave a gloomy smile and said, "How could I, Qin Haoran, make a loss-making business? After Na Lie Wuji was defeated by Fairy Yuehua, his mood was broken, and I took the opportunity to plant a fatal ban. Life and death are all in my mind, and it has long been He became one of my puppets, this time I just sent him to kill Zhang Ruren and retrieve the psychic ice soul by the way."

Yan Qingxuan breathed for a while, and sighed softly: "No wonder Senior Brother Qin is not the elder or the direct descendant, but he has the ability to overwhelm all the brothers to win the throne of Prince Pingcang. Qing Xuan admires this scheming method. Zhang Ruren is afraid that this time. You must die." 918 Novel www.918xs.com

Qin Haoran smiled and said: "Of course, as long as it is for the sake of Junior Sister Qingxuan, even if it takes a lot of trouble, Senior Brother will definitely help you do it!"

On the other side, the ruthless man set off from the city of freedom, rode a blue rainbow light, and headed for the battlefield of gods and demons at high speed. After half a day, he arrived in front of a desolate mountain and river. Layers of ripples suddenly swayed in front of him.

As the stars moved, the scene in front of him had undergone earth-shaking changes, and he had already entered the ruins of the Demon Emperor.

"Kunpeng..." A voice suddenly sounded in the ruthless man's mind.

"Dad, what did you just say?" The ruthless man immediately used his divine sense to communicate with Zhang Tianzhenling, who was possessed within her body.

Zhang Tian said slowly: "I didn't expect that a demon emperor was really buried here, and it was a Kunpeng demon emperor with pure blood. Even in the ancient times, such a person could be considered a hegemon."


The ruthless man was taken aback, that is one of the ten evil beasts of the ancient times, born at the beginning of the heaven and earth, the adult Kunpeng, with tens of millions of miles in the wings, soaring to [-] miles, is the fastest beast of all beasts, Unexpectedly, a legendary Kunpeng Demon Emperor was buried here.

With this thought in his heart, Ruthless Man leaned over and looked down again, and suddenly realized that the ancient mountains below were connected together, like a huge Kunpeng, buried in the ground with its wings spread out, and the Xiongfeng under her feet was Kunpeng's. head.

"Not only that, the Kunpeng Demon Emperor didn't really die, and he opened the ruins deliberately. The purpose should be to find a suitable host and regenerate. Go in, it seems that this time, you can get a game Great creation."

Inside the ruthless man, Zhang Tian's true spiritual light shines, his eyes are like two balls of divine fire, Ye Ye shines, directly penetrates the endless void restriction, and sees the deepest part of the ruins.

It was a huge ancient golden coffin, and it was engraved with the imperial inscriptions of the demon race, and its brilliance was restrained.

In the ancient coffin, a bright red heart was suspended, surrounded by a fierce blood-colored divine flower, exuding terrifying demon energy and vitality.

"Jie Jie..."

Behind the bright red heart, there is a faint green fire, like a mini Kunpeng, with a grim expression, as if he is calculating something cunning.

Suddenly, the body of this mini Kunpeng trembled, only to feel that it was swept by a vast consciousness, and it couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Chapter 41 Large mobile treasure chest, big explosion

"The psychic ice soul, as expected, is in this ruin!"

The ruthless man looked at the blue light spot on the Qi Haizhu, and couldn't help showing a hint of joy, and immediately rode the rainbow light to leap down, the black mountain range kept expanding in front of his eyes, and he saw that the mountain range was densely populated with figures, all sects and human races. , the demon clan, and even a small number of alien races, are all looking for blood demons to kill.

Because blood demons are naturally very sensitive to things with spiritual energy, they will not only devour the flesh and blood of warriors, but also the treasures on their bodies. After evolving to the blood demon command, they will give birth to some spiritual wisdom, and they will instinctively collect spiritual energy. object.

Therefore, every blood demon is a large mobile treasure chest, and maybe some good things can be exploded.

Finding a direction, the ruthless man flew directly over the light, and with a flash of shock, the three blood demons that looked like bats were directly chopped into several pieces.

One of the warriors was besieging, and when they saw this scene, they thought they were robbing monsters, and they all looked at her angrily. Terrified: "I have seen seniors."

The Ruthless Man ignored their expressions and asked directly, "Where is the entrance to the inner area?"

Those few people hurriedly pointed out the way, and after the ruthless man figured it out, he turned into a shock and disappeared.

"So strong, is that a warrior in the extraordinary realm? Sure enough, the power is like a prison. I don't know when I will be able to break through to the extraordinary realm."

"That senior is so young, he doesn't look older than me, so he might not be an old monster who has practiced sorcery."

"Doubi, didn't you see the token on his waist, he is an elite student of the Deity Academy, the real heaven's favored person, how can you imagine it?"

"It turns out to be the elites of the Deity Academy, no wonder. Even the students of the outer colleges of Deity Academy have their nostrils turned upside down when they go out, let alone the elites. Fortunately, I didn't offend you just now."

At this time, the ruthless man had already flown to the broken entrance of the forbidden place, and there were more than a hundred warriors surrounded by them, all of them were at the transcendent realm, and everyone looked solemn.

"Be careful, girl, there are two extraordinary five-layer blood demon leaders hiding in the dark at the entrance."

Seeing the ruthless man rampage, one of the kind old men immediately reminded him, but it was too late for him to say this.

In the darkness, two blood demon leaders suddenly rushed out from the left and the right.

"Good come!"

In the face of the crisis, the ruthless man did not panic, the Yin Spirit sword behind him was unsheathed, and he instantly split into two condensed sword qi.

"Boom! Boom!"

There was a loud noise, and the two blood demon leaders were directly blasted by the sword energy on the walls on both sides, shaking down countless rubble. Two huge sword marks were clearly visible on their chests, and they were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.March Chinese www.3yzw.com

"Jie Jie..."

The leaders of the two blood demons struggled to get up, their dark eyes full of fierceness, and they charged towards the ruthless man again.

"Taiyin Falling Moon Sword!"

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