The biggest difference between the two is vitality. Legend Nine becomes 'immortal transformation', and it is divided into three realms: rebirth from broken limbs, derived from flesh and blood, and rebirth from a drop of blood. Even the weakest realm of 'rebirth from severed limbs' can make Legend Nine become king. The unscrupulous use of some taboo martial arts, the combat power has increased several times, and it is enough to equal ten legendary kings with eight transformations.

Li He opened his eyes and felt the power that he had never had before in his body. He couldn't help crying, and couldn't help but be grateful to Yu Xin. For ordinary qualified warriors, the Nine Transformations of the Legendary Realm is almost the ultimate goal. , even more significant for a family.

The ruthless man said with a smile: "Congratulations to Patriarch Li for becoming the legendary nine-transformation king. In this way, I have completely completed the task. Today, I will go to the central sea area. Let's meet by fate."

Li He was infinitely grateful, but he also knew that the little Lun Xinghai couldn't tolerate a hidden dragon like a ruthless man, so he didn't hold back at the moment, and directly led all the clansmen out to send them off.

"Dad, let's go."

Ruthless Man retreated to Zhang Tian's side, pulled his arm and said.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and made a move towards the sky. After a while, a huge dragon shadow descended from the sky, and the strong cold air radiated made countless frosts on the ground.

When Zhang Tian and others all climbed behind the dragon, the frost giant roared again, and the six huge dragon wings shook, rushing straight into the sky, pushing away countless clouds and heading towards the central sea area.

At this time, the Nalan family in the central sea area had already received a letter from Nalan Ruoxue, and they did not know where the rumors leaked. The news that 'Senior Zhang is coming to the central sea area' spread around in less than half an hour. The eight major families have caused unprecedented panic.

An hour later, the entire central sea area has been sorted out from beginning to end, and all the major families are forcibly locked up the most troublesome son in the clan, lest they anger Zhang Tian and others because of some trivial matter.

When the Frost Dragon descended on the central sea area, all the important figures of the eight major families gathered together, and there were hundreds of great saints and powerhouses, including many heavyweights who could make the Beihai tremble with a stomping of their feet. Just looking at it makes your scalp go numb.

But at this time, these big figures were lined up neatly, looking at the sky, full of reverence, and the moment Zhang Tian stepped down from the frost giant dragon, they said in unison: "The eight major families of the Beihai Alliance and all the high-level monks from Beihai welcome. Senior Zhang is here."

There was a black line on Zhang Tian's face, and before he could speak, the void suddenly trembled, a crack opened, and a middle-aged man soaked in blood fell out, wearing a Xuanyang unicorn robe, like a ghost.

"King Jinghai!"

The great sages of the Beihai Alliance were shocked, and couldn't help but exclaimed, unable to imagine why King Jinghai, who had suppressed Beihai for hundreds of years, would be so embarrassed.

King Jinghai turned a blind eye to everyone, only stared at Zhang Tian's position, crawled forward a few steps, knelt heavily on the ground, and said solemnly: "King Jinghai of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, I came here to apologize to Senior Zhang." , . . .

Chapter 316 Under the Emperor, the Great Sage is like an ant

This scene is shocking!

King Jinghai, one of the eight kings with different surnames in the dignified ancestral dynasty, actually knelt on the ground with his broken arm in front of the hundred great saints in the Beihai Sea, and shouted apologetically.

This scene is destined to become an unforgettable memory for everyone in the audience.

King Jinghai hung his head and waited for a long time, but he didn't see Zhang Tian's reaction, his old face was flushed red.With his status, how could he ever be so embarrassed, but he could only endure it, because Zhang Tian gave him three days to kneel to plead guilty, and he would never dare to delay a minute, let alone not kneel!

The arm that was cut in half was still bleeding.This blood dripped for three days. He didn't care at first, but then he suddenly realized that this palm that was cut off by Zhang Tian could not be restored at all. Not only could it not be restored, it could not even stop the bleeding. Can watch the blood drain.

This is what really scares him. If he doesn't come to plead guilty, at most half a month, his blood will be drained and he will become a waste.Under such circumstances, how could he dare to scruple his dignity.

After waiting for a while, King Jing Hai finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said again: "This junior taught his subordinates to have no way, and he collided with Senior Zhang. Please hold your hands high and let this junior go."

"Give you a life?"

Zhang Tian walked to King Jinghai and looked at him quietly.

"Dong dong dong..."

Everyone's hearts are beating nervously. This is a great sage at the peak. Now life and death are only on the line. This tense atmosphere makes them feel extremely long even for a second, and they feel like they are about to suffocate.

"and many more."

Just when Zhang Tian seemed to be about to make a move, the ruthless man suddenly spoke up and said, "This time King Jinghai won't die, so just spare his life."

"Thank you Miss Zhang for your kindness, thank you Miss Zhang for your kindness..."

Under the huge shadow of death, King Jinghai had no regard for his dignity or anything, and desperately kowtowed to the ruthless man.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, pointed his finger a little, and a divine blade of order shot out, directly cutting off King Jinghai's right arm.The broken arm was drenched in blood, and when it landed on the ground, countless terrifying dragon scales were born, which was daunting.

"This emperor also thinks it's dirty to kill you, get out."

This sound was full of infinite majesty, like a thunderous heavenly general, and King Jinghai flew out directly, forming several huge bloodstains.

"Cough cough..." Girl classmates website

King Jinghai climbed up with difficulty, and his face was extremely ugly. His most powerful unique skill was the "Qinglong Destroying the Sky". It took half his life to forge a Qinglong arm. Now this arm is abolished, as if It would be an extremely cruel punishment to abolish his unique skill.

But he didn't dare to be slightly different, and even kowtowed again and again, thanking him and leaving.

The great sages who gathered on the coast of the sea were silent. They never thought that the lives of the great sages would be so fragile, and they needed to rely on the breath of others to survive, but the fact happened, they were stronger than them. In Zhang Tian's eyes, Just ants.

At first, many of them scoffed at the extremely cautious attitude of the Eight Great Clan, thinking that no matter how strong Zhang Tian is, a cross river dragon can't compare to them.But now they know how correct this decision is. If such a strong person really wants to overturn the river, who will be the enemy?

After a brief period of silence, the head of the Bai clan was the most winking among the eight clans, and took the initiative to walk in front of the ruthless man, and said kindly, "I heard what Miss Zhang has done in the sea area No. [-], please Rong Laoxiu represent the entire Beihai Alliance. I would like to express my most sincere thanks to Miss Zhang. I don't know how many points for military exploits, how does Miss Zhang plan to arrange it?"

Zhang Tian's power is too strong, like a god like an emperor, even if the power is as powerful as the patriarch of the white family, he does not dare to talk to him easily, and he can only open a breakthrough from the ruthless man.

The ruthless man pondered: "I have a total of [-] battle points. I wonder if these points are enough to exchange for a royal sword?"

Nalan Ruoxue hurriedly said: "Each sword has different attributes, why doesn't Miss Zhang use these battle points to buy materials and create a sword exclusively for her own swordsmanship? My great-grandfather is a top refining master, who can help refining."

The ancestor of the Nalan family also hurried out and said: "Yes, this old man has some insights in the art of tools. If Miss Zhang does not dislike it, this old man can refine the imperial sword for Miss Zhang for free."

A top-level refining master, even if many big family patriarchs step over the threshold, it is difficult to get a shot, but now he has taken the initiative to ask for his life, and even looks like he is eager to try, which makes many supreme saints who have no access to refining feel a while. speechless.

The ruthless man also knew the preciousness of the top-level refining masters, and immediately said: "Since this is the case, I will trouble the Nalan Patriarch."

"No trouble, no trouble, then ask Senior Zhang and Miss Zhang to come to my Nalan's house to rest for a few days."

The Nalan Patriarch is ecstatic, this is a half-step emperor, supremely revered, and it will be a supreme honor to be able to live in the Nalan family. .

The rest of the seven major families showed regret, but they had no choice but to respectfully bid farewell to Zhang Tian and return to their families.

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