In the Nalan family, as soon as Zhang Tian and others entered the door, all kinds of spirit teas were put on the table, and Nalan Ruoxue personally committed to serving Zhang Tian.

The great grandfather of Nalan Ruoxue is also the patriarch of the Nalan family. It's been a long time since he didn't refine the weapon, but now he's full of energy and listens carefully to the Ruthless Man's requirements for the sword.

This matter has now become the top priority of the Nalan family. Introducing Zhang Tian and others into the family is just the first step. If you can really gain goodwill, it depends on whether you can refine a magic weapon that satisfies the ruthless people, otherwise everything will only be backfires.

"Senior Zhang, please have some tea."

Nalan Ruoxue was dressed in a white dress, which set off her exquisite curves and made her more charming, like a fairy concubine, standing respectfully beside Zhang Tian, ​​holding a jade hand as moist as snow, poured a cup of spiritual tea for Zhang Tian, ​​and carefully brought it to Zhang Tian before. , , .

Chapter 317 Thank you Senior Zhang for the blessing!

On the other side, after listening to Ruthless Man's remarks, Patriarch Nalan showed a contemplative look, and said slowly: "Miss Zhang needs to integrate the ice and fire materials into one body, which is not difficult for this old man, but on this basis, it must also carry destruction. The impact of the sword intent is not something that can be done normally. With the old skills, even with the best materials, at most a sword of the middle class of the emperor can only be refined, I wonder what Miss Zhang thinks?"

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, "If it can really meet the standard I said, the mid-level royal rank is enough, and it should be easier to handle than the ordinary high-level imperial sword."

Nalan Ruoxue said: "Miss Zhang, don't worry, the great grandfather is one of the most famous master craftsmen in Beihai, and he will definitely be able to craft a divine weapon that you are satisfied with."

Patriarch Nalan also smiled and said: "Miss Zhang is satisfied, but unfortunately, the old man has abandoned the artifact Dao over the years, otherwise he will become a great master of artifact refining. Incomparable, the old man still has a bit of self-knowledge, and he has no hope of breaking through to the realm of a great master in this life, so he began to concentrate on mundane affairs."

Zhang Tian raised his hand to catch the teacup that Nalan Ruoxue handed over, and the half palms of the two of them overlapped directly, and a warm feeling penetrated the heart.

Nalan Ruoxue blushed suddenly, but Zhang Tian didn't seem to notice, so he took the tea cup very naturally, took a sip, and said in a low voice, "Good tea, this girl will entertain you all the way, and this emperor will not owe me anything. , let your great-grandfather take it to the next level in the art of gadgets."

"What... what?"

Nalan Ruoxue was getting tired of being embarrassed when she suddenly heard this sentence, she was stunned for a moment, and she opened her eyes wide to see that a vast imperial might erupted from Zhang Tian's body, as if there was a power of immortals descending, pouring into Nalan Ruoxue. Lan Patriarch, so that his entire body was as motionless as a freeze frame.

"The way of martial arts, the way of alchemy, the way of tools, all the ways in the world are like groping in the clouds and mist. If you are a little careless, you will lose your direction, go to a fork in the road, or stay in place. When people push aside the clouds and mists, they can see the sky, see farther places, see the road ahead, and then move forward accurately.”

Zhang Tian explained lightly, and tasted the tea again.

In this short period of time, Patriarch Nalan seemed to have experienced a very long time, and the pale beard and hair began to dance, and suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a bright light.

At the same time, a huge divine-patterned hammer turned out from the top of his head, as if it was made of colorful patterned steel, engraved with the laws of heaven and gods, and with a single wave, the void in front of him exploded into a huge void. The vast colorful divine light shot straight into the sky.

"This... This is the Divine Marked Hammer. Someone has broken through to the realm of the Great Master of the Artifact Dao!"

"It's the direction of the Nalan family. It's a miracle that Patriarch Nalan has taken this step."

"If the Great Master of Qi Dao is so good at breaking through, it will not be nearly extinct in this Beihai. It must be Senior Zhang who will help."

"The Nalan family climbed up the high branch of Senior Zhang, and it really is going to soar into the sky!"

The people in the entire central sea area were alarmed, and an impressive figure soared up in the void, looking up at the radiant Divine Marked Hammer in the sky, fascinated.

This is a great fortune, and in the Saint Yuan Continent, which is now desolate in all aspects, whether it is the Great Master of Pill Dao or the Great Master of Qi Dao, they are all rare, and each of them is enough to attract many ancient holy places, not even the Eight Great Masters of Beihai Alliance. The status of the elders is comparable.The first reading network

The Divine Marked Hammer had been shining for half an hour, and then the divine light slowly disappeared and poured into Patriarch Nalan's body.

"Junior, I would like to thank Senior Zhang for his guidance. The grace is unforgettable."

The Nalan clan elder's face was full of excitement, and tremblingly knelt in front of Zhang Tian, ​​bowing his head.

Zhang Tianping said indifferently: "You just need to do your best to refine the magic weapon for the emperor's daughter."

Patriarch Nalan said firmly: "Senior Zhang, rest assured, this junior will definitely use all his abilities to try to refine a top imperial weapon for Miss Zhang."

Yu Xin showed a hesitant expression on the side, Nalan Ruoxue observed her words and said immediately: "Master Yu Xin has already touched the practice of semi-sacred elixir, and she should also want to continue to hone elixir, I will arrange it. The venue is prepared for Master Yuxin."

Yu Xin said happily: "Then there is Miss Launeran."

"Alright, alright, alright, Ruoxue, I'm going to retreat to practice swords for Miss Zhang during this time. I'll leave all the affairs of the clan to you. Be sure to take good care of Senior Zhang and others."

Nalan Patriarch said very kindly, and immediately attracted the envy of countless clansmen, because the Nalan family is prosperous, and there are thousands of people in the main line alone. Among them, there are many talents who are more shocking than Nalan Ruoxue, but this order As soon as it came out, Nalan Ruoxue's status would far exceed that of the arrogance of his peers.

Nalan Ruoxue also said excitedly: "Patriarch, don't worry, Ruoxue will definitely live up to her mission."

In this way, Zhang Tian, ​​Ruthless Man, and Yu Xin stayed at Nalan's house.

Yuxin continued to refine the elixir day after day. Because of its beautiful beauty, the high Taoist platform has become the most beautiful scenery in the central sea area.

Ruthless was not idle either. Under the introduction of Nalan Ruoxue, Bai Mu, and others, he attended various Tianjiao gatherings. The name of 'Unparalleled Tianjiao' made many Beihai masters eager to try, and they all asked to learn from each other. In the end, without exception, they were all rejected. The ruthless man's nose is blue and his face is swollen.

If ordinary people from the Middle Earth dare to be so arrogant in Beihai, they must be secretly threatened, but Zhang Tian is still standing behind the ruthless man, who would dare to use small means?

On the contrary, it made these Beihai Tianjiao feel that Ruthless was a natural thing. Even if they were defeated, they would proudly take it out and brag about it, which made Ruthless become more and more famous.

In this way, more than ten days passed, and Zhang Tian also visited the central sea area accompanied by Nalan Ruoxue.

As the date of the sword test conference is getting closer, more and more Beihai Tianjiao gathers in the central sea area.

Finally, the date of the sword test conference came as promised, and the ruthless man was ready to go. As soon as he stepped out of the door of the wing, he felt a breathtaking divine power burst out from the backyard house, accompanied by a huge ice and fire sword. The light goes straight to the sky, illuminating the sky and the earth! , , .

Chapter 318 The power of the ancient sword emperor!

"This is... the magic weapon has become?"

The ruthless man felt the strong aura of ice and fire contained in the sword light, and his eyes lit up involuntarily, and he rushed straight to the refining room where Clan Chief Nalan retreated.

Just when she just arrived, the door of the room suddenly burst open from the inside, and the Nalan Patriarch stepped out in a vigorous manner, holding a sword that had just been soaked in the ice water of Tianchi, and said excitedly: "Fortunately, this old man is not humiliated!"

The ruthless man was even more delighted. He took the sword and looked at it. He saw that the sword had two colors, one red and the other ice blue. Just lying quietly, there was a strong sword intent lingering on the sword.

"Okay, good sword, it has reached the top level of the imperial rank, such a magic weapon, I am afraid that [-] battle points are far from enough, right?"

The ruthless man caressed the sword lightly, loving it very much, and suddenly showed a hesitant expression again.Only the great masters of refining can refine the top-level treasures of the imperial rank. Even in those ancient sect holy places with a long history, it is difficult to find a few pieces, let alone this kind of fierce swordsmanship, which is called a peerless treasure. Not too much.

The Nalan clan chief sighed: "This sword is indeed very expensive. It not only integrates the knowledge of the old man's artifact, but also uses several rare and rare refining materials collected by the Nalan family. I am afraid that the Beihai can surpass this sword There are no more than one-handed treasures. However, compared with the good fortune that Ling Zun gave to the old man, it is not even a drop in the bucket, so Miss Zhang can just feel at ease with her subordinates."

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