"Jie Jie..."

A group of sea snake clan Tianjiao suddenly surrounded, among them more than a dozen poisonous snakes, the tails of the snakes swayed, exuding colorful poisonous mist.

The faces of Nalan Ruoxue and Yang Daoyuan became very ugly. They were human races, and their strength was greatly reduced after entering the seabed.

Just as the two sides were arguing, the ruthless man stepped forward and said sharply, "Go away!"

"court death!"

"Tired of living!"

"Little girl looking for death!"

The masters of the sea snake clan were furious and rushed towards the ruthless man.

"A thousand miles of ice!"

The ruthless man said indifferently, the Yin Ling Bao sword swayed an extremely cold sword light, which instantly froze all the lake water within a radius of ten kilometers, and all the sea snake clan geniuses were frozen into ice lumps, and the lake water was returned. Floating in the middle, there was a thick horror in his eyes.


As soon as the word fell, hundreds of ice lumps burst at the same time, and all the sea snake clan powerhouses were flying with flesh and blood, and the red blood quickly spread along the water.

"This is the blood of the Sea Snake Clan, who, who dares to provoke the Sea Snake Clan."

"Terrorist, the Sea Snake Clan, who has always been rampant and domineering, was killed so tragically."

Many Tianjiao of all ethnic groups who came smelling the smell of blood were stunned by this tragic scene. Some of them even recognized the ruthless man and screamed:

"It's that little girl from Donghuang, she killed all the people of the Sea Monster Clan!"

"She is the arrogant genius of Donghuang? It's really outrageous, thinking that if Ye Bufan is born, anyone can be the arrogance of the world?"

Those sea monsters who have old grudges with ruthless people.The arrogance of the sea people all glared angrily, but they only dared to hide in the crowd to slander and whisper.

Just in the midst of all the attention, several Tianjiao wearing the robes of the Sea God Academy came out and shouted angrily: "Zhang Ruren, you killed my Sea God Academy's Jian Xifeng. You've been smashed into ashes, this time you'd better not dive below [-] nautical miles, or Brother Jian will kill you!"

Chapter 320 One person is independent, like a god and a devil!

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience. The Sea God Academy's Jianxilai was the first Tianjiao in Beihai decades ago. He once competed with Ye Bufan, the unparalleled Tianjiao, and still suppresses all Tianjiao experts in Beihai.

His reputation is even bigger than some great saints. He is truly known to everyone, and everyone knows that when he heard that Ruthen killed his younger brother, everyone cast a pity on Ruthen.Because Jian Xilai is an orphan, and there is only one relative of Jian Xifeng in this world, even if this revenge is pursued to the ends of the earth, Jian Xilai will definitely avenge it.


The ruthless man said a word indifferently, pointed a little, and turned a flaming sword energy into the students of the Sea God Academy.

"court death!"

Those students didn't expect Ruthless beings to be so domineering, they actually shot at them directly, and they all used their means.

The arrogant powerhouses of the major tribes of the Sea-Monster Clan and the Sea-Man Clan stood around, all with a solemn look, wanting to see the strength of the ruthless people with their own eyes.


A burst of explosions sounded, and the four or five attacks were torn apart by the flaming sword energy at the same time. The lake water was burning like a boil. He vomited blood and flew upside down.


Everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath. Just a wisp of sword energy was so powerful. You must know that whoever came here is not a world-shattering genius.

"The arrogance of the world in the Eastern Wilderness is indeed well-deserved."

"This is a dragon crossing the river, just like Ye Bufan back then, suppressing everything."

"In those days, the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign suppressed Lord Shuihuang, Ye Bufan suppressed Jianxilai, and now there are Zhang Ruren in Donghuang. There are so many outstanding people in China. When will I be born in Beihai?"

Ruthless people's strength convinced many of the sea monsters and sea people's powerhouses and quietly retreated. There were also some who held hatred for Ruthless people. There were seven, seven, eight, eight scattered.

"Hmph, just wait, Senior Brother Jianxilai won't let you go!"

The students of the Sea God Academy had expressions of grief and anger, said angrily, and planned to leave.

"Wait, am I letting you go?"

The ruthless man said something lightly.

"What? You still want to keep us, can't you?"

The students immediately shouted. Although Sea God College is not well-known in China, it is actually a very strong force. The contemporary leader, Shui Huang, once competed with the emperor, the emperor, to fight against the world powerhouse, especially in Beihai. In this private plot, these people are not afraid of ruthless people. 520 Novel www.520fsxs.com

But they ignored Ruthren's degree of domineering, and only heard Ruthen say plainly: "Each of them hand over a thousand pieces of king-grade spirit stone, or they will stay here forever."

"What! You are courting death, aren't you afraid of our Sea God Academy's revenge?"

"I even killed Jian Xifeng, and it's not worse than you. You only have time to think about it. Don't wait for me to change my mind."

The ruthless man said lightly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but the chilling meaning in it made these people shudder collectively.

Only then did they remember that Ruthless was a peerless murderer who even dared to kill Jian Xifeng, the direct disciple of the dignified Shui Emperor, how could he care about their lives.

There is no way, they can only take out the spirit stones and leave in despair. Although they are the top talents in the North Sea, they are supported by great forces, but a thousand pieces of king-grade spirit stones can be regarded as broken. , and even affect future practice.

This also made them even more resentful towards Ruren, and one of them whispered: "This matter can't be left alone, they will inform Senior Brother Jianxilai, and must not let Ruren Zhang walk out of the Sword Emperor Lake alive!"

How powerful is the soul of the ruthless man, he heard this man's words, but he didn't care too much, but said a little strangely: "Isn't the sword emperor lake only people below the legendary realm can enter? Haven't broken through to the legendary realm yet?"

Nalan Ruoxue said softly: "Jianxilai is a genius who rose decades ago, and he has already broken through to the legendary realm, but he is very obsessed with the title of 'Beihai Sword King', so the Water Emperor uses the taboo. The law, with the seal of twelve ghosts and gods, locked his cultivation base, allowing him to continue to enter the Sword Emperor Lake, but unfortunately it has not been successful for decades."

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