Yang Daoyuan said: "Remember when I said before that in thousands of years only one person has been recognized by the Emperor Sword of the Extreme Dao? That person is the current leader of the Sea God Academy, Shui Huang, and also the master of Jian Xilai, who wants to take the Water Emperor. Mantle, he naturally wants to win the title of 'Sword King of the North Sea', otherwise with his talent, he would have already broken through to an unimaginable realm."

"I see."

The ruthless man showed a clear expression. Since ancient times, Tianjiao has been arrogant, and she can understand Jianxilai's mentality. Because of this, she is more interested in the sword of the extreme emperor at the bottom of the sea.

After a short conversation, the ruthless people continued to dive down. At this time, they had already penetrated about [-] nautical miles. The surrounding swords were densely packed, and they all carried a very fierce momentum. Even with the strength of Yang Daoyuan and Nalan Ruoxue, Can only barely parry.

When it was [-] nautical miles away, Yang Daoyuan suddenly stopped and smiled bitterly: "My strength, at most, can only be here, and if I go further, it will become a burden to you."

Ruthless and Nalan Ruoxue nodded slightly and continued to move forward. After traveling another ten thousand nautical miles, Nalan Ruoxue also showed an unsupportive attitude and stopped.This is already the end point of most of Tianjiao, and there are many sea people and sea monsters around who are meditating and comprehending kendo.

This Emperor Sword Lake is like a huge hourglass. The further down it goes, the narrower it becomes. Standing at a position of [-] nautical miles, you can clearly see the Extreme Dao Emperor Sword inserted at the bottom of the lake. The air of desolation and antiquity sometimes swayed a terrifying sword energy.

Just when Ruthless was about to move on, a wanton and arrogant voice suddenly came from the bottom of the lake;

"Jianxi is here, Zhang Ruren will get out of here for me!"

This sound contained infinite sword power, which exploded at the bottom of Emperor Sword Lake like a thunder, and the remaining power was rolling, causing all the Tianjiao experts who were meditating to be alarmed, and they all looked around.

I saw that at the position of [-] nautical miles, a young man in black stood on the water, exuding a powerful force, and all the sword qi that approached him were extinguished three feet away.

At the bottom of the huge Sword Lake, he is independent, like a god and a devil! , , .

Chapter 321 Today, when Beihai is king!

"This is Jianxilai? What a powerful force!"

"People who were famous decades ago, even if they still don't fade, are not much worse than Ye Bufan."

Many onlookers sighed with emotion. Among them, there are many old-fashioned powerhouses. They have experienced the era of the rise of Jianxilai and will see each other after decades. The suffocating fear is still vivid in their minds, making them more and more awe.

"Miss Zhang, be careful."

Nalan Ruoxue looked very worried.

The ruthless man smiled slightly, didn't care, and dived directly towards the bottom of the lake. The space at the bottom of the lake seemed to be distorted by sword energy. It seemed that the distance of tens of thousands of nautical miles came in an instant. Three powerful swords attacked in a mighty manner.

These three sword qi are absolutely terrifying, and each of them contains the power of the king, more like with wisdom, surrounded by three directions, to cut off the ruthless man.

This is the most terrifying attack, and it is also the fundamental reason that makes all Tianjiao powerhouses intimidated. Even the peerless Tianjiao, few can withstand this level of sword energy.

The ruthless man had a very relaxed look, he didn't dodge or evade, he directly took out the ice and fire sword, swayed a strong sword light, and faced the difficulty.


A huge explosion sounded, and the sea water erupted like boiling. In the endless surging waves, the figure of the ruthless man flew out, the white clothes on his body disappeared, and he was replaced by a ferocious devil armor, extremely domineering.

"Emperor rank magic armor, the top imperial rank magic weapon, this, this is extravagant."

Many onlookers looked at Ruthless Man's equipment, and couldn't help drooling. Such a configuration, let alone an ordinary great sage, even a character of the sage king level is beyond expectation.

Jian Xilai's pupils were obscene, and he said in a condensed voice: "You are Zhang Ruren? The unparalleled talent recognized by Donghuang is indeed extraordinary."

The ruthless man stood with his sword in his arms, facing Jian Xilai from afar, and said in a low voice: "I heard that the sword test conference gathered all the talents of the North Sea, I originally yearned for it, but I didn't expect that you are the only one who can stand a battle. If you defeat you, Presumably the rest of the Beihai Tianjiao have nothing to say, right?"


"court death!!!"

"How dare you underestimate my Beihai Tianjiao!"

Ruthless people's words instantly ignited the audience, and many of the arrogance of the sea people and the sea monsters couldn't sit still, and they all shouted.

The six quasi-demon kings of the Kraken clan, except for the whale king Jing Tianyu who was beheaded by the ruthless man, all the other five quasi-demon kings stepped out, transformed into their bodies, and rushed towards the bottom of the lake.

"Tiger King Hushatian!"

"Lei Wang Lei Lingxi!"

"Black Dragon King Longming Mountain!"

"Leopard King Leopard Mengyan!"

"Lion King Lion to the Sea!"

The five quasi-demon kings, aggressive, came together, breaking the water and hitting the waves, shaking the entire Emperor Sword Lake, shaking the ground, like a volcano brewing and erupting.

"Tear her apart!"

"Let this Middle-earth girl know how powerful our Beihai is!"

"Come on, Black Dragon King!" The first Chinese website www.sgzw.net

In the long North Sea, the Kraken clan is undoubtedly the most prosperous and prosperous, and also has the most powerhouses. Each of the six quasi-monster kings can stand alone, but now they have joined forces for the sake of the ruthless, making all the powerful Kraken clan boil up, loud and crazy. Shout out.

The Sea-Monster Clan has dispatched the five most powerful quasi-demon kings here, and the Sea-Clan is not far behind. The three arrogant figures appear more and more, and their bodies burst out with infinite power. The whole person is like a sharp weapon. Where the line is, the lake automatically separates a channel.

"Sea Sword King!"

"Knife King!"

"Iron Mountain King!"

The powerhouses of the sea people also showed extremely excited expressions when they saw these three people fighting. The three of them were kings in the profound entrance of life and death, and they all had the record of beheading legendary kings. The six quasi-demon kings of the clan.

The five demon kings and the three human kings were mortal enemies who were about to fight when they met, but at this time, they joined the momentum, each blocked one side of the water, and pressed toward the ruthless man. The suffocating power was overwhelming, even The king of the legendary realm will never dare to attack his front.

When Jianxi came to see this scene, a sneer appeared on his unusually handsome face, turned his body slightly, and said coldly, "Do you still dare to say that I have no one in Beihai?"

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