The ruthless man looked around, and saw the attention of all people, everyone was excited, and he couldn't help but chuckle: "The king of you, in my eyes, is just like an ant, and it will be destroyed at the touch of a finger."

The voice fell, and the aura of the ruthless man soared again, and his figure turned into a hurricane, rushing straight to the southeast.

"court death!"

"Tear you apart!"

The tiger king Hushatian and the lion king Shitonghai, located in the southeast, were furious at the same time. Not only were they amazing in their own strength, but the group behind them was the peak of the North Sea monster clan. With huge lion claws and tiger claws facing the sword light.

"Ice and Fire Reverse Chaos!"

As soon as he made his move, the ruthless man directly used the Reverse Chaos Sword Art. With the blessing of the top imperial soldiers, the power of this sword increased several times, directly cutting off the tiger's claws and the lion's claws at the same time, blood gushing wildly.


The lion king and the tiger king burst out with earth-shattering roars at the same time, desperately retreating, but it was too late. The ruthless man used his sword to guard his body, and his speed was as fast as lightning, and instantly rushed to the two quasi-demon kings. The brilliant ice and fire sword pointed out two Jianmang directly shattered their beast bodies.

"This is... Swordsmanship?"

Jianxilai, who was looking at the battlefield, showed a dignified look. As a swordsman, he naturally knew the powerful sword skill of the swordsmanship. In the advanced method, the stronger the swordsmanship, the faster the speed of the sword escape, far exceeding the ordinary movement technique.

"So fast!"

The rest of the demon kings and the human kings who were surrounded by the ruthless were also taken aback. Unexpectedly, the ruthless solved the two quasi-demon kings so neatly that it was too late to rescue them.

"Today is when I become the king of Beihai!"

The ruthless man said something proudly, swiveled his body, and charged towards King Tieshan again.

This Tieshan King seems to be a human race, but he is nearly ten meters tall.

Seeing the ruthless man rushing towards him, Tie Shan Wang immediately roared, using the strongest method, and smashing the ruthless man with a punch.


A burst of explosions sounded, and the huge body of King Tie Shan flew out directly, a terrifying big hole shattered in his chest, and blood gushed wildly.

What shocked everyone the most was that the wound was not a sword injury, but a punch! , , .

Chapter 322 Killing the Eight Kings by One Person, I Respect Beihai

"King Tieshan, was killed by a punch."

All the Tianjiao experts who were watching from a distance collectively shuddered, what a terrible scene.

Among the Eight Kings, when it comes to absolute physical strength, the five quasi-demon kings of the Sea-Monster clan are naturally headed, but King Tieshan has a strange physique and can refine his physical body into fine iron in an instant, far from being comparable to the five quasi-demon kings. , Such a strong man was actually defeated by the little girl in the Middle Earth in physical strength.

The blood rain dissipated, revealing the figure of a ruthless man. The sword in the right hand was covered behind the back, and the left hand was slowly closed into a fist. The fist was wrapped in a cyan Pi Yao fist, exuding a powerful coercion. It is also a royal rank. treasure.

Three imperial treasures for one person!

The ruthless man's wealth made everyone envious for a while.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and Nalan Ruoxue, ignoring the situation, shouted loudly, "Miss Zhang, be careful!"

It turned out that the remaining five kings were afraid of ruthless men to conquer them one by one. This time, they took the initiative to attack, and the soldiers were already approaching.

The ruthless man moved in response, his figure turned into a sword light, the afterimage still remained in place, the man had already flown out, and a sword light like a cold moon attacked the Sea Sword King and the Tyrant Sword King.

"Good come!"

The two quasi-kings of the sea people were majestic, and they each took out the imperial soldiers. The sword light and the sword energy swayed at the same time, like two death sickles that harvested life, and rolled towards the ruthless sword energy.

Whether it is the way of the sword or the way of the sword, they are all technical martial arts, condensing the true qi in the first line. At this time, the three collide, like a thunder and fire, and explode in an instant, evaporating the sea water between the square inches directly, as if forming a party Destroy the realm, and at the same time return to silence.

"It's blocked."

Both the Sea Sword King and the Tyrant Sword King showed joy, but in the next moment, their faces suddenly turned bleak.

"Second Form of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art, Ice Destroys Reverse Chaos!"

The ruthless man seemed to descend from the sky, wrapped in unparalleled might and waved a icy, bone-piercing sword light, forming a huge glacier directly at the bottom of the lake, freezing the Sea Sword King and the Tyrant Sword King into ice cubes.


All the glaciers burst like fireworks, and the flesh and blood were smashed into powder. Only the sword, the sword, and the two imperial treasures survived. They floated quietly in the water and were directly put into the storage ring by the ruthless.

The arrogant powerhouses of the sea people who were watching all looked at each other with their eyes splitting. They were both frightened by the ruthless man's domineering power and envied her for earning two imperial treasures at one time.

Beihai’s mine resources are scarce, and the number of high-level Noble Phantasms is far less than the other three wastes. If it weren’t for the detached talents of Sea Sword King and Ba Dao Wang, and they were born in the top holy land of the North Sea, they would not be able to distinguish between the emperor’s divine weapons. The Great Holy Land also had to vomit blood out of anger.

Until then, the afterimage of the ruthless man left on the spot slowly faded away, which was enough to see how fast she killed the Sea Sword King and the Tyrant Sword King.


The ruthless sword light spun and charged towards the Thunder King and the Leopard King, a huge ice and fire sword light split the sea in half.

"If you want to fight, you will fight!"

The Thunder King was born in the sea thunder eel clan, and was naturally proficient in the profound meaning of thunder and lightning. The eight cyan tentacles opened outward, and immediately blasted eight extremely terrifying thunder and lightning, rolled into eight electric dragons, and slammed into the ruthless man with incomparable power.

These thunderbolts are very powerful, with a paralyzing effect, especially in the sea, the power is more than doubled under the effect of conduction, as long as it touches a point, even the legendary king can't move.Tianping Novel Network

There was a sneer on Lei Wang's face, as if he had seen the scene of Ruthless Man's whole body being stiff and being slaughtered by him.

But I didn't expect that just when the thunder and lightning were just approaching the ruthless man, a small golden sword suddenly appeared between the eyebrows of the ruthless man. The divine pattern on the sword was shining, and it would absorb all the thunder and lightning like a long whale sucking water. Turn around and hide again.

Just at the moment when the Thunder King was stunned, the ruthless man's sword light had already swept over, tearing him to pieces, before he could even let out a tragic cry.

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