The shortcomings of the swordsman were exposed at this time.Miaobi Pavilion novel

"Jian... Jianxilai is retreating."

Seeing Jianxilai, who was being beaten by the ruthless men with all his strength, was defeated and retreated, all Beihai Tianjiao cried out in surprise. As a swordsman, there is no retreat from death, let alone the pride of Jianxilai, he was forced to live. to such an embarrassing state.


Another powerful bang, the Ice Fire Sword and the Water Emperor Sword collided together, and the powerful impulse directly knocked the sword out and spit out a stream of blood.


Just as Jian Xilai flew upside down, something seemed to shatter. An infinite black gas suddenly appeared from behind Jian Xilai, and a grimace appeared faintly.

The moment the grimace disappeared, the momentum on Jian Xilai's body suddenly doubled, and he took off the momentum from his body, stood on the water, his black hair danced wildly, and the whole person suddenly became incomparably evil and charming.

"This is the seal of ghosts and gods! Jian Xilai actually lifted a seal of ghosts and gods!"

Some talented Tianjiao immediately noticed the change in Jianxilai and shouted in shock.

The ruthless man's pupils shrank, and she also heard Nalan Ruoxue mention that Jian Xilai had already broken through to the legendary realm, just in order to obtain the title of the Sword King of the North Sea, using twelve seals of ghosts and gods to suppress the cultivation base to the legendary realm. Opening the seal is equivalent to regaining some of his strength.

"Zhang Ruren, you can push me to such a level, you are proud of yourself."

Jian Xilai's body kept trembling, he felt the repulsive force of Jiandi Lake, but in order to kill the ruthless man, he couldn't care so much.


Between the lightning and flint, Jian Xilai rushed up again, and suppressed it with the invincible cultivation base that surpassed the triple peak of the life and death entrance.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

When the war resumes, the ruthless man really did his best this time, and the hell oven surfaced behind him, constantly refining the sword intent in the sea water to provide the ruthless man with a steady stream of true essence, making her more and more brave.

The second seal of ghosts and gods, lifted!

Jian Xilai was already crazy, and he was unable to take down the ruthless man for a long time, which caused a great blow to his self-esteem. He even broke the second seal of ghosts and gods desperately, making his cultivation base infinitely close to the legendary realm.


"Dragon bone defense layer!"

The ruthless man also took out the unique trick of pressing the bottom of the box, his eyes were completely covered with blood, and a layer of forest-white keel appeared on the hideous devil armor, and every move was overwhelming.

"The Water Emperor is coming!"

Jian Xilai held the sword in one hand, and a shadow of the Water Emperor appeared behind him, which merged with his body and slammed into the ruthless man.

It's now!

A ray of light flashed in the blood-colored pupils of the ruthless man, his figure suddenly burst into flames, his right arm twisted abruptly, and he stabbed a sword in a strange posture.

"The fourth form of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art, the ice and fire will destroy the sky!"

The sword came out like a dragon, the glaciers and the flames flew together, destroying the emperor and the king of the ocean, and directly shredded the water emperor's sword light, slammed it on Jian Xilai, and the blood was spilled for three thousand miles. , , .

Chapter 324 The Emperor of Heaven goes on a tour, killing blood in the starry sky

Silence, deathly silence!

The dignified Beihai's first-day arrogant strong Jian Xilai actually had no strength to fight in front of the ruthless.

"Ah ah ah..."

Jian Xilai was furious, and his body became more and more black, and grimaces were brewing. This was a sign that the third seal of ghosts and gods was about to be lifted.

At this moment, the Jidao Emperor Sword, which had been standing silently, suddenly moved, let out a loud cry, and a sharp and extreme sword energy swayed out. With one sword, it directly cut off most of the grimace floating around Jianxilai.

Just when this sword qi was about to sweep to Jianxi, the void suddenly twisted, and a vast imperial might suddenly descended, directly wrapping Jianxilai and sending it out.

"The Water Emperor has taken action!"

"It's so thrilling. If it wasn't for the Water Emperor to rescue him, Jianxilai would be directly obliterated by the Jidao Emperor Sword."

"I didn't expect that Jianxilai would also be defeated. My Beihai is really not as good as Middle Earth."

The sea-monster and sea-human powerhouses who were watching were all sighing for a while, and the top Tianjiao in the North Sea was suppressed from generation to generation, which has made them no longer have the courage to be arrogant.

This time is even more tragic. The three kings and the five quasi-demon kings all perished. None of the top contemporary geniuses in Beihai survived. It was even worse than the era of Jianxi. This is a catastrophe, which means that hundreds of years later, Beihai will Suppress the peerless powerhouse.

And what caused this cruel consequence was the little girl who was independent at [-] sea miles, possessed by a keel, with a ferocious devil armor. Although she just stood at will, she gave all the onlookers a kind of powerful oppression like an ancient sacred mountain. .

"Beihai's first arrogance, but that's it."

The ruthless man forcibly suppressed the churning true qi in his dantian and said something in a low voice.In fact, she secretly rejoiced in her heart that Jian Xilai's strength was indeed amazing. If she hadn't been familiar with "Water Emperor's Killing Sword", and then seized the flaws to counterattack, even if she used the 'ice and fire to destroy the sky' sword move, she might not have been able to. win.

Even so, with her current physical strength, it is almost impossible to cast 'Ice and Fire to Destroy the Sky' for the second time in a row.


With a clear cry, the ruthless man directly returned his sword and sheathed it, looking around the audience, no one dared to look at her, the vast North Sea, tens of thousands of Tianjiao, was really stepped on by her.

Seeing this scene, the ruthless man showed satisfaction, put away the keel defense layer and the emperor's magic armor, and dived towards the bottom of the [-]-mile lake.

There, there is an ancient monument, hidden in the shape of a sword, with many names engraved on it, each of which is publicized and wanton.

With the ruthless people's swordsmanship attainments, just through these names that contain sword intent, one can roughly infer the strength of these people, and can't help but feel awe.She thought she had reached the limit of the legendary realm before, but after seeing the names of these sword intents, she realized that she was still a little short of the heat.

For example, the name at the very tip contains a strong Sword Intent of Death, which is one of the most powerful Sword Intent, more terrifying than Sword Intent of Destruction, but it has been honed to the second-order Sword Soul level, making people shudder.

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