Ruthless people browsed down one by one, and there were only a few who could reach the second-order sword soul. After all, most of them were first-order advanced and top-level sword souls. When she saw the last name, her snowy body could not help but tremble.

"Water does no harm." Fun Reading Novel

This is the last swordsman who left his name on the ancient sword tablet. He is also the leader of the current Sea God Academy. He is known as the 'Water Emperor'. one of them.

But seeing the majesty of his handwriting, it seems to contain layers of water mist. If the water mist is broken with the power of the soul, one can see a majestic scene of an iron horse.

"A first-order high-level water-type sword soul, and it also contains the imperial power of the martial arts level."

The ruthless sighed lightly, not expecting that the Water Emperor would be so powerful when he was young, even among all those who left his name, he could still be ranked in the mid-tier.

At the bottom of the [-]-mile lake, just the pressure of the sword in the lake is enough to crush the ordinary legendary king, but the ruthless man is unaware. After watching, he also took out the ice and fire sword and swung it towards the ancient sword monument.


A burst of spiritual light fluctuated on the ancient sword monument, and the ice and fire sword was directly bounced out.

"Sure enough?"

The ruthless man didn't have any surprises, he took a deep look at the Jade Emperor Sword rising through the clouds, turned and rushed towards the lake.

'Beihai Sword King' is the highest title that Beihai Tianjiao can obtain. In the hearts of many Beihai people, it is louder than that of 'Unparalleled Tianjiao'.

However, Ruthless is not discouraged. She still has a lot of room for improvement. Her Ice and Fire Sword Intent has reached the level of the first-order intermediate sword soul, which is not far from the first-order advanced level. It can be directly comparable to the ordinary second-order sword soul.

Ice Element, Fire Element, Destruction, as long as there is a breakthrough in these three sword intents, she will have the qualification to leave her name on the ancient sword monument.

All the way back to the central sea area, Nalan Ruoxue, Yang Daoyuan and other Beihai League Tianjiao could not help being more respectful towards the ruthless people. Although they were in the North Sea, they regarded themselves as human races and had always been at odds with the sea monsters and sea people. The eight quasi-kings make them feel proud too.

In the ancestral home of the Nalan family, Zhang Tian swung away the water mirror in front of him and stood up, remembering that Zi Yan had been in the virtual world for more than half a month, and he couldn't help but take a step forward.

After this step, countless heavenly gods emerged from the soles of their feet, and the void burst, revealing a starry sky vision.

The emperor went on a tour and strolled through the stars. The virtual world of war that was hundreds of millions of miles away appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. More than a month has passed, and there are still a large number of foreign races rushing in, wanting to taste this rich cake.


Zhang Tian's figure flashed past the entrance of the virtual world, and the bodies of countless aliens burst directly, blood mist filled the sky, a void storm swept across the sky, and there was nothing near the portal, and there was no alien standing.


The alien powerhouses who came from afar stopped one after another, took a deep breath, and were deeply shocked by this scene.

"I was afraid that a fairyland powerhouse from both the human and demon races entered."

After a long time, an ancient alien king said with trembling fear. , , .

Chapter 325 The emperor plays the dragon girl, Zi Yan goes out of the bath

Void World War Realm, Dragon Alliance Headquarters, Azure Dragon Hall.

Several young men and women dragging dragon tails walked back and forth in front of a closed bronze gate, their faces full of anxiety.

Soon, Long Yu, wearing a blue robe, walked in and frowned, "Has she not come out yet?"

"I have seen the palace master."

The men and women of the dragon race saluted one after another, and a young man said: "Palace Master, this is too weird, even the dragon son of the Dragon King's high-level bloodline received by the Black Dragon Palace a year ago, only stayed in the Hualong Pond for three days. , Now that Zi Yan Longnu has been in the Hualong Pond for half a month, isn't there a problem?"

"Yeah, I suggest breaking through the door immediately to have a look. If there is a problem, you can make it up in time." Another dragon girl suggested.

Long Yu showed an expression of emotion, and was about to raise his hand to release the ban on the Dragon Gate, when he suddenly moved, and said, "Zi Yan Longnv is a peerless genius brought in by Lord Huangchen, with a big background, is it that wilderness? Dragons from small places are comparable. In case we rashly enter and disturb Ziyan Longnu, no one can bear the consequences."

Another person said: "It is precisely because Zi Yan Longnv is of great importance that we have to make sure that we are safe. It is better to be disturbed than to be too late to rescue when there is danger."


Long Yu was a little hesitant, and while he was hesitating, the surrounding void suddenly trembled, revealing Zhang Tian's graceful figure like a fairy.

"Bold, who are you!"

"Who dares to trespass the Dragon League!"

Everyone in the Dragon Palace was shocked and angry, and Long Yu frowned, and turned into a blue-printed dragon seal towards Zhang Tiangai. This is a binding technique, which is very powerful.

Zhang Tian looked calm, took a few steps forward at will, raised his hand to probe forward, the blue dragon seal burst directly, and his palm rested on Long Yu's fragrant shoulder.

"Don't be impatient."

Zhang Tian said indifferently, which seemed to contain infinite magic, and suddenly the True Qi in Long Yu's body was in chaos, unable to mobilize the slightest power.

"You... who are you?"

Long Yu felt the fingertips of the other party go up along the shoulders, and swipe slightly on her side face. She couldn't help showing a very embarrassed expression, and asked coldly.

"This emperor is here to find Zi Yan, is she in there?"

Zhang Tian savored the warm touch from his fingertips, smiled lightly, turned around and stepped towards the huge Qinglong gate.

"This emperor?"

Long Yu whispered, his eyes widened suddenly, his heart was pounding, and he secretly said: "Could this be the mysterious father of Zi Yan Longnv?"

In addition to the humble attitude of the Huangchen Dragon Emperor in front of the Dragon Alliance that day, which attracted great attention, Zi Yan also kept three words in the Qinglong Temple's "father", so that they all told Zi Yan's omnipotent father. Very curious.

"Wait, this Dragon Gate is restricted, you can't enter..."

Before Long Yu finished speaking, he saw that Zhang Tian's figure was illusory, and he passed directly through the Qinglong Gate. 120 Novels

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