"This, how is this possible."

Looking at this spectacle, everyone was dumbfounded.

At the other end of the Qinglong Gate is a huge pool. The wall of the pool is made of colorful divine jade, and it glows brightly. At the four corners, there are four huge blue dragon heads carved. The golden liquid that spewed out of the pool was the well-known Dragon Transformation Pond in the Dragon League, and those golden liquids were the very rare Dragon Origin.

And in this huge dragon-turning pond, only a small head was suspended in the center of the pond water, slightly revealing pink shoulders, and it was faintly visible that those dragons were constantly pouring into her body, as if they had put a layer of golden feathers on her.

However, the absorption of this dragon source seems to have reached the limit. Every time it pours in, there will be seven or eight differentiating into a spiritual mist that emerges from Zi Yan's mouth and nose.

Zhang Tian watched for a while, and suddenly raised his two fingers towards Zi Yan in the center of the pool. In an instant, several divine chains of order fell, stirring the Dragon Transformation Pond, making it violently tumbling, and finally turned into a dozen miniature golden dragons. , rushing towards Zi Yan's body.


It seemed that there was a thunderbolt in Zi Yan's body, making noises, Zi Yan's body was completely wrapped by the golden dragon source, and finally burst open, turning into the body of an ancient dragon.


Taixu Gulong raised a dragon's roar in the sky, opened its mouth, absorbed all the golden dragon energy, and gave birth to more roars.

boom! boom! boom!

The beating sound of her heart was amplified infinitely, Zi Yan's dragon body kept rising and falling, digesting those dragon qi, and the dragon scales on her body became more and more solid, exuding extremely powerful coercion.

"This is the vision of the bloodline returning to the ancestors!"

Outside the Qinglong Gate, Long Yu and the others all showed stunned expressions, and the breath escaping from the Dragon Gate even made them feel a remote and ancient mood, comparable to the ancient creatures, tyrannical to the extreme.

"Yeah! Dad hugs!"

After the dragon's body was transformed to the extreme, the huge dragon's eyes suddenly opened, the body surface shone with golden light, and then turned into a petite human shape, jumped in the air, and plunged directly into Zhang Tian's arms.

Fragrant soft into the body, Zhang Tian couldn't help showing a knowing smile, his hands flicked on Zi Yan's beautiful back, and a delicate gold-patterned gauze emerged, covering her just right.

"Wow, what a beautiful dress."

Zi Yan looked at the gauze on her body and cried out happily, but seeing that the gauze was full of charm, with emperor patterns, it was a top-grade emperor clothes, and it was one of Zhang Tian's collections in his early years.

The district emperor's clothes naturally couldn't get into Zhang Tian's eyes, but this gold-patterned gauze is a combination of heavenly craftsmanship and exquisite craftsmanship. It is even more perfect when worn on Zi Yan at this time. Those half-hollow patterns, The snow and jade skin under the gauze can be vaguely seen, which makes people even more heart-warming.

"As long as you like it, just treat it as a breakthrough reward from Dad."

Zhang Tian rubbed Zi Yan's head dotingly. In fact, Zi Yan's breakthrough this time was indeed extraordinary. It directly brought the body and spiritual power to a perfect state.

"Dad is the best!"

Zi Yan was even more happy, her face was pink, and she kissed Zhang Tian's cheek directly. , , .

Chapter 326 The Six Realms Tianfu Lintian Emperor

"You girl, haven't you grown up yet?"

Zhang Tian pushed Zi Yan away angrily, raised his hand and nodded between her eyebrows.

But Zi Yan didn't care about this, and stubbornly leaned into Zhang Tian's arms and said with a smile: "No matter how old you are, Zi Yan will always like Dad."

Zhang Tian shook his head helplessly, and could only let Zi Yan hang on him like a koala, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. This kind of warmth was what he liked the most.

Suddenly, Zi Yan jumped away and said excitedly: "Dad, let me show you the Qinglong Palace, it's fun here."

After speaking, Zi Yan directly took Zhang Tian's big hand and walked out, pushing towards the Qinglong gate with one palm.


The sturdy and unusual Qinglong gate opened wide under the push of Zi Yan.

The men and women outside immediately came to focus, and when they saw Zhang Tian and Zi Yan's intimacy, they thought: "This person really has something to do with Zi Yan Longnv."

"Sister Long Yu, this is my dad."

Zi Yan took Zhang Tian to Long Yu and said proudly.

Long Yu quickly glanced at Zhang Tian and saluted respectfully: "Long Yu, the master of Qinglong Palace, has seen the adults."

Although she had already made some guesses before, she was still very nervous after the real confirmation. After all, this character was the one who asked the Ancient Immortal King and the guardian Qinglong to give their greetings.

"Excuse me."

Zhang Tian said with a smile, like a spring breeze, instantly dispelling the tension in the hall.

Zi Yan said cheerfully: "I'm going to take my dad for a walk in the Qinglong Temple, can I?"

Long Yu straightened up and said, "Of course you can, do you need me to send someone to guide you?"

"no, I'm fine!"

Zi Yan waved her hands again and again, took Zhang Tian to the outside of the hall, came down in a circle, not only visited the Qinglong Hall, but also looked at most of the places in the Dragon League headquarters.

Long Yu seems to have been waiting. As soon as Zi Yan came back, she took the initiative to find it, handed a golden storage ring, and said, "These are your remaining Longyuan, and there are about [-] catties. In addition, I have already In addition, a quiet room has been prepared for you, and there is an emperor-level spirit gathering array, just for you to refine that drop of Qinglong blood essence."

Zi Yan took the storage ring and shook her head: "It takes too long to refine the blood essence, and I still have other things to do, so I can't wait that long."

"What's the matter? You are the dragon girl of the Azure Dragon Palace now, and you have great authority. Many things can be handed over to the people below." Long Yu said patiently.

Zi Yan clenched her fists and said aggressively: "You can't help this matter, because what I have to deal with is the people in the Dragon League, that's..."

Zi Yan briefly talked about her old grievances with Tianlonghai, and Long Yu listened quietly and frowned: "It's really not easy for the Qinglong Palace to intervene in this matter. Long Gaitian should be the newly accepted dragon son of the Black Dragon Palace, and this is the trouble."

Zi Yan said: "The Black Dragon Palace, is that the Dragon Palace that trespassed on the Cursing Treasures?"

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