She still remembered what the black-robed old man threatened her when she was in front of the Dragon Alliance before, trying to force her to join the Black Dragon Palace.

Long Yudao: "Yes, the Black Dragon Palace is also one of the eight halls of the Dragon League, and it is not weaker than the Azure Dragon Palace. Once the Azure Dragon Palace takes action against the forces of the Tianlonghai, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction with the Black Dragon Palace. There should be no violent infighting."

Zi Yan said: "You don't need to intervene, I have to avenge this revenge myself!"

Long Yu thought for a moment and said, "If you just do it yourself, then there is no problem. You can just do it with confidence. If the people from the Black Dragon Palace dare to intervene, I will do my best to stop it."

"Okay, thank you Sister Long Yu."

Zi Yan looked happy, looked up at Zhang Tian and said, "Dad go with me?"

Zhang Tian pondered: "With your current strength, you should be invincible in the mortal realm area. There will be no problem in taking revenge. Dad, I have other things, so I won't accompany you."

Zi Yan was a little disappointed, but recovered in a flash, handed the golden storage ring to Zhang Tian, ​​and said with a smile: "I feel that my body is full, and if I don't need these dragon sources, my father will help me. Give them to Xiaolong, it should be enough for Xiaolong to break through to the demon holy realm, right?"

Zhang Tian put on a storage ring and said with a smile, "Enough is enough, that giant frost dragon has already reached the peak level of the Nine Transformations of the Demon King, and Longyuan is the most pure and strong supplement, and I will wait for you to come back. When it reaches Shengyuan Continent, it should have evolved into the Frost Dragon."

"Great, I want a holy dragon mount!"

Zi Yan cheered again.

Zhang Tian came to Longmeng mainly to determine Zi Yan's cultivation situation. Seeing that she had passed the most difficult stage smoothly, he had no worries in his heart. After saying goodbye to her, he left directly.

In the Tianfu of the six realms above the virtual world of war, Gu Taxian was retreating when he suddenly opened his sharp eyes and stood up. The moment he got up, the gate of Tianfu burst open, and Zhang Tian strolled in.

"See the Emperor Burial."

A hot color flashed in Gu Taxian's eyes. He stepped forward and leaped directly over the hundred-story fairy ladder to the bottom of the steps. He was about to kneel, but a breeze held his knees.

"Excuse me."

Zhang Tian said with a smile, looked around, and said in a low voice, "A habit of living here?"

Gu Taxian stood up and said respectfully: "Thanks to the origin of the world bestowed by the adults, this Tianfu is very easy to take over. Now it has been successfully connected to the six realms, and you can call the situation of any realm at will."

While talking, Gu Taxian showed Zhang Tian that the entire virtual world is an independent world, and the Six Realms Tianfu is the center that manages this world. Gu Taxian refined the world origin of the virtual world of war, It is equivalent to being the manager of this world.

But this authority is only limited to management, and cannot be compared with Zhang Tian, ​​who can change the law of the world at will as the master of the heavens.All he can do is to use the original rules of this world to increase some of his combat power.

Because of this, in the face of all kinds of chaos in the virtual world of war, he can only watch powerlessly, unable to change the general trend. , , .

Chapter 327 Take the Alien Immortal Emperor as a Chess Piece

In the void, six huge mirrors rotate like roulettes, evolving various pictures.

Zhang Tian looked around, only to see the Six Realms area, the war was raging, all kinds of treasures and magical powers were in full swing, and all the alien races were vying for the resource territory of the human and demon races.

Gu Taxian's eyes were splitting, and he said angrily: "These alien races are too hateful and too greedy. Since entering the virtual world of war, they have unscrupulously devoured the blessed land in the world of war. I wanted to stop it, but I didn't. I have never even heard of the four quasi-immortal emperors jointly suppressing them, two of them."

"Never even heard of you?" Zhang Tian asked with a smile.

Gu Taxian nodded and said: "This is indeed a strange thing, to be able to reach the quasi-immortal emperor realm, it must have gone through countless battles, and after the breakthrough, it will trigger the vision of heaven and earth. Not impressed."

Zhang Tian said softly: "There are far more alien powerhouses than you think. The nine mountains and seas are not all under the observation of Heavenly Dao. Every time there is a turmoil in the dark, there will be some restricted areas left. These restricted areas are connected to each other. In the chaos of ancient space, it does not belong to the jurisdiction of heaven."

"Those restricted areas still have such great power? No wonder the ancient Heavenly Court couldn't be completely wiped out for tens of millions of years." Gu Taxian showed a very shocked expression.

Zhang Tian glanced at Gu Taxian lightly, and said with a half-smile: "Why do you think this emperor wants to open up the virtual world? If you want to take it, you must give it first. If you don't take out a piece of cake, how can you take it out? Pull out the bugs that are hiding in the restricted area."

Gu Taxian showed a sudden look and said: "It turns out that the virtual world does not belong to this universe, and it is not under the jurisdiction of the heaven. It can let those alien emperors show their bodies with confidence and boldness. It's a pity to sacrifice some of the strength of the human and demon clans."

"It's nothing to be sad about. The big waves wash away the sand, and the rest are pearls. The two people and monsters have been at ease for too long, and they only learned to fight in their nests. It's time for them to experience what real terror is."

Zhang Tian's tone was very flat, but the chilling meaning in it made Gu Taxian shiver.

Although Gu Taxian's lifespan is not long, only more than [-] million years, he has not been able to witness the age of ancient gods and demons, and major changes such as the twilight of the gods, but also know that under the establishment of the ancient heaven, the entire nine mountains The sea gods and demons are rampant, and the war does not stop for a day. The human race is at the lowest end of the power chain and is oppressed by all races.

If the chaos of the ancient times is really reproduced, with the current strength of the human race, I am afraid it will not be much better than the ancient times.

Thinking of this, Gu Taxian suddenly said: "I have something to report to my subordinates. This time the virtual world is open, in addition to the large-scale invasion of various foreign races, there are many gods and demons mixed in it, although they are well hidden. , but there is nothing to hide in front of the sky-seeing mirror of the Six Realms Tianfu."

"Gods and demons? If the world is really coming, these two ancient races were born invincible. They once dominated the nine mountains and seas. Although they have been besieged and suppressed for tens of millions of years, their remaining power is still immeasurable. You should pay close attention to them. , remember not to startle the snake, it is the key to draw out the forces behind them."

Zhang Tian asked casually, with a faint smile in his eyes.

The alien emperor in the restricted area was born, and the ancient gods and demons that had been hidden for tens of millions of years reappeared. These secrets that shocked the nine mountains and seas were just a game in Zhang Tian's view.

A game of troubled times carefully prepared for his daughters.

If anyone knew the truth, they would have to sigh Zhang Tian's madness for using alien emperors and ancient gods and demons as chess pieces, just to pave the way for his daughters.

But for Zhang Tian, ​​all living beings are ants, even immortal emperors of alien races and ancient gods and demons are no exception. ok novel

"Immortal road fights, one emperor's success is eternal. Nannan, Yuxin, Ziyan, my father has created an unprecedented chaotic world for you. Whether you can stand out from it and step on the corpses of all races to land on the Immortal Emperor depends on your good fortune. already."

Zhang Tian murmured softly, and flicked his right hand toward the six-wheeled sky-seeing mirror, and all the pictures disappeared.

On the other side, after some preparations, Zi Yan also left the Longmeng headquarters, jumped to the top of a high mountain in three or two steps, and looked in the north and south directions.

The south is the direction leading to Jingyue Lake. After Zi Yan left, she handed over the Jingyue Lake power to Jidu County Master. Now the alien invasion is intensifying, which makes her a little worried about the safety of Jingyue Lake and wants to go back to see It depends.

The north is the direction to Tianlonghai's stronghold in the virtual world. Long Yu has already investigated that place and gave her a complete roadmap.

"Take the Tianlonghai first, and then go to the little princess."

After thinking for a while, Zi Yan finally made a decision, stomping her right foot, the Xiongfeng under her feet burst apart, and her whole body soared out like a sky-shattering roc, galloping towards the north.

In the extreme north, there is a river bay. Although it is called a 'river', it is actually a hundred times wider than the North Sea of ​​Shengyuan Continent. The forces of Tianlonghai are stationed here and occupy several islands. It is still called Tianlonghai. Several dragon clans are jointly managed, and the leader is naturally the Taixu ancient dragon clan.

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