Zi Yan stood in the center of the array, and despite all kinds of coercion coming overwhelmingly, there was no trace of emotion on her face, she just said calmly: "You are really domineering as always, I just restore some of the original things, you guys It will be shouted and killed. If so, let’s do it.”

Long Xiao felt even more uneasy when he heard the words, but in the face of the domineering Zi Yan, he could only suppress the fear in his heart, and said sternly: "Do it! This formation is an imperial formation given by the Black Dragon Palace, with a curse effect to kill the little witch. Therefore, her body in Shengyuan Continent will also decay!"

Suddenly, the guardian magic circle was completely activated, and a dozen huge black dragons were transformed into fierce and fierce, soaring and dancing, rendered like a hell of death.

Numerous treasures and magical powers are intertwined, reflecting the sky and falling towards Zi Yan, as if meteors crashed one by one, causing the entire void to tremble.

"Okay, okay, you finally got your hands on it. Today I am coming for revenge, and I will kill it!"

Zi Yan's big black eyes were burning with anger, which was a bloody feud that had been hidden for more than ten years. Suddenly, she screamed in the sky, and a huge dragon roar traversed the world.

Taixu Gulong was born, and with the supreme imperial power, he ruled the world. , , .

Chapter 329 Your Dragon Emperor is back!

"The Great Void Ancient Dragon! The little witch is really the Great Void Ancient Dragon!"

"This is the coercion of the Dragon Emperor, the orphan of the royal family back then, is back!"

Zi Yan revealed her body, which made countless people afraid. Those descendants of the dragons with thin dragon blood couldn't bear the mighty dragon, and they all crawl to the ground.

"What about the orphans of the royal family, the Dragon Emperor Island was still destroyed, and a mere orphan still wants to overturn the river and the sea?"

"That's right, there is only one little witch, everyone concentrates their firepower and kills her here!"

The masters of the Taixu ancient dragon clan such as Beilong Island and Xilong Island were stunned. They carried Long Wei and continued to attack Zi Yan. They knew very well that the evil things they did to Longhuang Island in the past, the two sides will never ease. There is room for Zi Yan to die, or they die.

Facing the surging treasure attack, Zi Yan Ling Ran was not afraid, opened a dragon mouth, and spewed a huge golden dragon breath, instantly annihilating most of the fierce black dragon flying in the sky.

"I was the orphan of the royal family back then. Today, I am here for revenge. I want to pay back all the crimes you committed to Dragon Emperor Island."

Zi Yan was really angry, she didn't control her dragon power at all, the huge dragon claws grabbed it hard, and bombarded the enchantment condensed towards the magic circle.


The explosions were endless, and the sky was filled with golden divine light, making the experts of Tianlonghai unable to discern the direction.

Long Xiao was terrified and calmly said: "Don't panic, everyone, this magic circle was personally requested by Long Gaitian's nephew from the Black Dragon Palace. Suppressed by the war world, the little witch will never escape..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a shattering sound, which was deafening, and the indestructible imperial formation shattered unexpectedly, turned into countless fragments, and scattered in all directions.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The scattered shards of the magic circle, wrapped in an extremely powerful impulse, spit blood upside down these Dragon Clan powerhouses, and some of the weaker ones were even directly bombed, their fleshly burned, and instantly turned into ashes.



Looking at the Taixu ancient dragon rising from the magic circle, everyone showed a look of horror. This is the real power of the Dragon Emperor, which is irresistible and invincible.

"The imperial formation is actually broken?"

There was a deep fear in Long Xiao's eyes. No one knew the rarity of this imperial formation better than him. Even in the Black Dragon Hall, it was considered a first-class treasure. Now, he was born by a little devil girl without even being able to survive ten breaths. Shred.

"Emperor formation blessed by quasi-emperor powerhouses? That's all!"

Zi Yan shook the huge dragon tail and said dismissively, the sharp dragon eyes swept away and locked Long Xiao directly.

"You are the elder of Beilong Island, right? You must have participated in the battle that destroyed my Dragon Emperor Island. Damn it!"

When the voice fell, Zi Yan's dragon body swooped down, and the huge dragon claws swept away, directly blasting Long Xiao out, and then threw off the dragon's tail to follow him, and slammed down hard.


The explosion was startled, and the dignified Beilong Island elder was blasted directly to the bottom of the river, causing a huge wave of hundreds of feet. 67 Novels www.6c7d.com

"Ah, ah, little witch, you are too deceiving, I want you to die!"

The waves turned upside down, and an old Taixu ancient dragon roared out from the bottom of the river, the whole dragon head was covered with blood, and the eyes looking at Zi Yan were full of resentment.

Think of how powerful he is in Shengyuan Continent, and he is accompanied by thousands of people when he travels, calling for wind and rain, and now he is trampled by a teenage girl, how can there be any dignity. '

"You slaughtered my Dragon Emperor Island back then, did you ever think that there will be today?"

Zi Yan's anger did not fade, she held Long Xiao's dragon body like a chicken, and slammed it towards Long Island.


The Dragon Island was directly smashed to pieces, and Long Xiao's dragon body was also torn apart.


Another Dragon Island was torn apart, and the huge dragon body of Long Xiao, like a sledgehammer, was wantonly destroyed, and soon the Heavenly Dragon Sea was smashed into pieces and devastated.

"Let go of me, let go of me!"

Long Xiao roared loudly, and a large amount of blood poured out from his seven orifices, but Zi Yan's strength was too strong for him to break free.

"Since you are the elder of Beilong Island, then I ask you, where is Long Gaitian?"

Zi Yan strangled Long Xiao by the neck, and the violent force rolled, as if he could be directly strangled with a little more force.

"You... what are you doing with Long Gaitian's nephew?"

Long Xiao said vaguely that he was dazed by Zi Yan and had lost his ability to think.

"A year has passed, and I want to see if he has improved."

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