Zi Yan's voice was flat and indifferent, but it exploded in the ears of all Tianlonghai masters like a thunderous thunder, which immediately changed everyone's face.In the bloody trial battle, Long Gaitian was completely suppressed by the little witch, the myth of invincibility was shattered, and even the entire Tianlonghai was also discredited. This matter can be described as the greatest shame.

"Little witch, don't be arrogant! You dominated one side during the blood test, but that doesn't mean you can defeat Long Gaitian now!"

"Arrogant, Long Gaitian has already joined the Dragon Alliance, was named Dragon Son, and is valued by the quasi-emperor and strong, and the future is boundless, how can you compare!"

"If Long Gaitian is here today, how can you be domineering here!"

The powerhouses of the various dragon islands of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan clamored one after another. They are still full of confidence in Long Gaitian. Since joining the Dragon Alliance, Long Gaitian's progress can almost be described as rapid, and he has been fully cultivated by the Black Dragon Hall. It has an unimaginable Xeon strength, so powerful that it is unimaginable.

"Okay, you send him a message and say I'm here to wait for him to fight!"

Zi Yan was domineering and threw Long Xiao's dragon body directly to the masters of the ancient dragon clan. He raised a dragon roar in the sky, causing the sky to collapse and the earth to crack.

"Quick, go and inform Long Gaitian, otherwise our foundation in the virtual world will be ruined!"

The masters of the dragon races in Tianlonghai were extremely frightened, for fear that Zi Yan would destroy all the islands in a rage.

Lingguang rushed into the night, and a flying sword of communication rushed to the headquarters of Longmeng at a very fast speed. , , .

Chapter 330 Zhang Tian Breaks the World and Slays the Dragon Emperor!

In the headquarters of the Dragon Alliance, in the Black Dragon Hall, a young waiter quickly entered the main hall holding a flying sword, and bowed to a majestic old man in black robe: "Lord Long Envoy, there is news from Long Zi's relatives."

The black dragon envoy said: "Longzi is currently comprehending the dragon pattern in the triple dragon cave, and he can't be easily disturbed. If it is a trivial matter, just go back."

The messenger said: "It's not a trivial matter, but a powerful enemy invaded and destroyed the guardian emperor array. Those people want Longzi to go back quickly to deal with it."

"Bold! Dare to take action against the affiliated forces of the Dragon League? Even the emperor's magic circle is dared to be destroyed. It's really courting death. Order the army, and the emperor will bury this arrogant person himself!"

There was a raging fire in the eyes of the black dragon envoy. He has always been narrow-minded and will retaliate. When he learned that the imperial formation he had set up was destroyed, it was like hitting him in the face, how could he bear it.

Unexpectedly, he had just stepped out of the Black Dragon Hall, and there was already an army waiting outside.

"People from Qinglong Palace?"

The black dragon envoy showed a look of surprise, fixed his eyes on Long Yu, the leader of the team, and said coldly: "Qinglong envoy, what do you mean? Do you want to trouble the old man? I have other urgent matters today, and I have no time to accompany me. you play!"

Long Yu stood in the sky, dragging the long dragon tail, twisting his waist, and said softly: "Sorry, the little girl may not be able to let the black dragon envoy leave the Dragon Alliance headquarters today."

"Presumptuous, what does this emperor want to do, do you still need your consent?"

The Black Dragon Envoy was furious, and immediately showed a look of surprise, and said, "Could it be that the invasion of the great enemy that my relatives in the Black Dragon Palace, Longzi Longgaitian, said was done by your Azure Dragon Palace?"

Long Yudao: "This matter has nothing to do with the Azure Dragon Palace, it is only about personal grievances, so I hope that the Black Dragon Envoys will not interfere and let them fight by themselves."

"Go to the battle yourself? You said it lightly. Most of my relatives in the Black Dragon Palace have been slaughtered, and I want this emperor to stand by, Long Yu, you are too naive. This emperor asks again, will you let me? ?"

The black dragon made his beard and hair grow, and his tyrannical strength penetrated the world, as if even the void changed color, turning a dark space behind him.

"Black Dragon Domain?"

Long Yu showed a dignified color, but said without giving up: "Unless I die, you can't even think of taking a step out of the Dragon Alliance headquarters."

"Then go to die!"

The black dragon envoy roared wildly, and directly transformed into the body. A huge black dragon lifted its dragon claws and pressed down on Long Yu.

Long Yu was not to be outdone, turned into a blue dragon, and attacked.


The strong collision caused a huge wave to boil over the entire Longhai.

The black dragon made the dragon's body shake, and said loudly: "Isn't it fun to fight here, dare to follow me to the imperial world to fight?"

"Why don't you dare?"

Long Yu also became stubborn. The two of them fought while moving towards the underground teleportation formation, from the mortal realm to the king realm, from the king realm to the holy realm, then to the imperial realm, and finally in the emperor realm, a complete explosion .

The vastness of the Emperor Realm is more than ten thousand times that of the Ordinary Realm, and various resources are also more abundant. Sometimes there is a God Emperor swaying in the void, and the pressure is endless.

In this world, there are countless powerhouses, and the competition is more intense and bloody. It can be called a god emperor walking all over the place, a great saint is not as good as a dog, and a legendary king is no different from an ant here.Zhuiwen Novel Network www.zhuiwen.org

But even in the emperor realm, there are very few people who can reach the emperor realm. the power in.

"There is a quasi emperor fighting!"

"Hurry up and watch, the battle of the quasi-emperor powerhouse is rare."

"There are two quasi emperors of the dragon clan. The bloodline of this clan is too powerful, and the flesh is invincible, comparable to gods and demons. Although they are quasi emperors, their strength is not much worse than that of ordinary ancient emperors."

Many onlookers are amazed. The dragon race has always been one of the leading races of the demon race. Although the number is small, the individual strength is very strong. Some ancient pure-blood dragon race descendants can even tear apart gods and demons. Strong influence.


The battle escalated, the black dragon made all-out shots, and the black dragon domain behind him seemed to devour the heaven and the earth, reflecting the darkness in half of the void. He survived much longer than Long Yu, and his background was deeper. At this time, he has occupied the absolute the upper hand.

"Haha, the treasures of the Qinglong family, but so, let us see the true power of this emperor!"

The Black Dragon Envoy had a ferocious look on his face. The battle within the Dragon League has a long history. If he can seriously damage Long Yu, it will be a great achievement, and he will receive a higher reward from the Black Dragon Hall.

"Black Dragon Boundary!"

The black dragon envoy let out a loud roar, and the black energy behind him suddenly boiled violently, and it even faintly formed a prototype of a world, majestic and majestic, like the ancient sacred mountain, Ling Ran was inviolable.

"What, you actually refined the world origin of the Black Dragon Great World?"

Long Yu was extremely horrified. In any world, there is a source, which is equivalent to a miniature Heavenly Dao, with an independent will to replace the real Heavenly Dao to maintain order.Refining the origin of the world is to take this world as one's own, which is a big taboo prohibited by the ancient heaven.

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