She did not expect that the Black Dragon Envoy would be so bold, daring to refine the origin of a big world, and even more to refine this world into supernatural powers.

However, all of this is true. In order to severely damage Long Yu, the black dragon envoy did not hesitate to call out the projection of the big world in the virtual world of war, and wanted to use the power of this world to suppress Long Yu.


The power of the world came, swept the invincible, and instantly annihilated Long Yu's precious art. All the god emperors and great saints who were watching screamed and retreated.

"Black Dragon Envoy, you wait, the Azure Dragon Palace will not let you go."

Long Yu showed a look of despair.


Boom, boom, boom!

A voice came from outside the sky, indifferent and cold, as if he was an aloof emperor, ruling Cang Ming, with divine power like a prison.

"Is this the voice of Zi Yan's father?"

Long Yu said excitedly, she recognized the owner of this voice, the elegant man who always accompanied Zi Yan with a doting look, a big man who made the ancient fairy king also awe.

"Do you dare to move the woman this Emperor appreciates?"

The voice fell, and the void suddenly burst into a huge abyss. A vast divine might descended from the sky, and a big hand came from the sky. The divine lines on the surface were shining, engraved with countless laws of heaven and gods, as if the only light between heaven and earth, dispelling darkness, Solely bright. , , .

Chapter 331 Void slaughter emperor, snow in the six realms

"No, no, there is a misunderstanding here, please listen to my explanation."

The black dragon envoy was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat and begged for mercy again and again. From this big golden hand, he felt an unparalleled force of destruction. In front of this divine force, he was as insignificant as a mayfly in the sea.


Zhang Tian was too lazy to say more, the voice fell, and the great handprint of divine power in the void directly pressed down, instantly destroying the projection of the big world, and slapped it on the black dragon envoy.


For a while, the sky was torn apart, as if the entire Emperor Realm was trembling for a while, and the huge dragon body of the black dragon was photographed directly to the ground, and the blood of the dragon soared.

The next moment, countless snowflakes fell from the sky, fluttering.

This is the vision of the fall of the Emperor Quan, the world is saddened.

The god emperor and the great sage who were watching all took a deep breath, feeling that they were in the Nine Serenity Ice Cave, a dignified dragon emperor who was enough to dominate a big world, and he just fell like this.What kind of power is this, it is completely unheard of to ignore the laws of the virtual world and attack directly.

Long Yu was shocked, and quickly said gratefully: "Thank you, Sir, for your help."

However, the abyss in the void has closed, leaving only a sense of loss.

In the Tianfu of the Six Realms, Gu Taxian watched Zhang Tian take action, and was speechless in shock. He refined the world origin of the virtual world of war, and he could not escape his perception at all.

Because of this, he deeply knew the power of the barrier of the virtual world. Even a quasi-immortal emperor like the Immortal Emperor could not forcefully break the world, but in front of Zhang Tian, ​​this barrier was like a piece of paper. , that vast and mighty force, even his master of the virtual world of war felt shivering.

After a long time, Gu Taxian came back to his senses and hurriedly bowed and said: "Why do you need adults to take care of such trivial matters, just give an order, and the subordinates will do it on their own behalf."

Zhang Tian waved his hand and said, "This emperor has always disliked fake hands when he does things. You just need to do the things that this emperor explained to you."

"Subordinates obey." Gu Taxian responded respectfully.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, his figure flashed, and he left the Six Realms Tianfu.

Shengyuan Continent, North Sea, Central Sea.

Zhang Tian appeared in the Nalan family's ancestral house, remembered what Zi Yan had explained, and immediately took out the storage ring containing the five hundred catties of Longyuan, and made a move towards the sky.

Suddenly, countless frosts formed from the ground, and the frost dragon whistled down with countless ice crystals, hovering above the ancestral house.

"Take it and take a good retreat."

Zhang Tian raised his hand, and the 591-pound dragon source turned into a golden torrent and flew out, all of which fell into the mouth of the giant frost dragon. 591 Read Novel Network www.[-]

"Gudong, gudong..."

The frost giant swallowed Long Yuan, and the dragon's eyes suddenly glowed with infinite divine light, and a burst of excited dragon roars sounded, and a huge dragon wing smashed directly into the air.

"Dad, you're back, what happened to Xiaolong?"

Ruthless and Yuxin came after hearing the news, and when they saw Zhang Tian, ​​their eyes lit up, and they immediately surrounded him.

Zhang Tian held a precious daughter in one hand and briefly explained the affairs of the virtual world of war.

"The virtual world of war is really amazing. It actually made the third sister reach the level of the ancient creatures in such a short period of time. I will go and see if I have the opportunity."

The ruthless man let out an exclamation, and then seemed to think of something, and then said: "Dad, Yuxin and I are planning to go to Bingjue Island, you go with us."

Seeing Zhang Tian's puzzled expression, Yu Xin explained what happened during this time.

It turned out that after Ruthless returned, his prestige reached its peak, which made Beihai Alliance attach great importance to it. It can be said that it was a win over all parties. After all, the strength displayed by Ruthless was no less than that of Ye Bufan back then, and Zhang Tian was a big backer. Hundreds of years later, he will surely become the ruler of this continent, and the benefits of establishing a good relationship in advance will be unlimited.

Coinciding with the annual dispatch of the guarding army, Yang Jiatianjiao Yang Daoyuan was in charge of this matter, so he came to ask Ruthless if he wanted to find an island to be the island owner, and recommended many spiritual islands rich in treasures. This is a big fat poor, If you can get a lot of oil and water, how many big families can't grab it if you break your head.

Ruthless people didn't have much interest in this kind of thing at first, but inadvertently discovered that there was actually Ice Jue Island among these islands. Yuxin said before coming to Beihai that the Poison King found a strange fire on Ice Jue Island. Want to find out.

Thinking of this, Ruthless Man made a decision and asked Yang Daoyuan to take over the guardianship of Bingjue Island, and he could take over the island at any time.

Ruthless Man continued: "According to Yang Daoyuan, Bingjue Island is inconspicuous among the many spiritual islands controlled by the Beihai Alliance, because Bingjue Island is deadly, and some people have seen ghosts there, and there are no resources. It has always been in a semi-abandoned state. But it is very good for me to understand the dead end, so I plan to go and see it with Yuxin."

Zhang Tian thought about it for a while and said, "If that's the case, let's go together, I have nothing to do here."

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