
Ruthless and Yuxin hug Zhang Tian tightly, with joy in their eyes.

The next day, the family of three finished their preparations. After saying goodbye to Patriarch Nalan and Nalan Ruoxue, they set foot on the ship to Bingjue Island.

A few days later, Bingjue Island appeared in the field of vision. If it was as rumored, it was gloomy and gloomy. The whole island seemed to be wrapped in a layer of black mist. There were about twenty people standing at the pier with expressions on their faces. Lazy, seeing the ship approaching, it was only then that the team was formed a little, and loudly said: "Welcome to the new island owner."

The ruthless man stepped off the ship and looked at the lax armament. He couldn't help frowning, showing his token, and said solemnly: "I am the new island owner. Are you the only ones stationed on Ice Jue Island? Where are the rest?"

Those guards are isolated from the outside world, how do they know the reputation of the ruthless person, seeing that the person is a little girl, they all show a look of disapproval, only a gray-haired old man stepped forward and said: "Return to the island master, Bingjue Island will be These people. This is an inner island, and there are no resources. It is haunted every day, and even sea beasts are reluctant to approach, even if there are no guards, it doesn't matter."

"Haunted? But you saw it with your own eyes?"

The ruthless man asked solemnly. , , .

Chapter 332 In the Necronomicon Mountain, Hundred Ghosts Walk at Night

"Of course I saw it with my own eyes, it's absolutely true!"

The old armored man said with oath, and turned to guide: "Island owner, please look at the black mountain, this mountain is called the Necromantic Mountain, and there are many undead wandering in it. Young armored soldiers are eaten alive by evil spirits!"

The ruthless man looked around, and sure enough, he saw a pitch-black mountain peak standing on the other side of the island. Although it was not tall, it gave people a feeling of terror and depression. emanating from this black mountain.

Yu Xin's eyes lit up and she stepped forward and said, "It's the Necromancer Mountain. It is recorded in the Poison King's handbook that the Poison King was the strange fire found in the Necromancer Mountain, and created the 'Necromancer', a strange treasure."

The ruthless man smiled and said: "It seems that we have come to the right place. After we settle down, let's go to the Necronomicon Mountain to explore."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

Ichigo said, "The island's chief must go to the Necronomicon Mountain, absolutely not!"

Another guardian soldier also said: "The new island owner is unreliable. If you offend the Yin God in the Necronomicon Mountain, everyone will accompany you to death!"

The ruthless man's eyes narrowed, and he said coldly with his hands behind his back: "What is the main thing on this island, why can't you control it?"

"Bah! You are the island owner sent by the Beihai Alliance. No one will stop you when you want to do other things, but if you want to enter the Dead Spirit Mountain, you just can't. I haven't lived enough yet, do you think?"

One of the shady-looking middle-aged men stood up and shouted loudly. He was obviously quite prestigious in the garrison, and he immediately got a lot of responses.

"Oh? Then I just happened to tell you about my rules. Anyone who dares to disobey my orders or bump into me face to face has only one word, and that is... death."

The ruthless man's voice fell, and he immediately raised his two fingers and released a sword energy, like thunder and lightning, and rushed towards the sullen man.

"How brave!"

The yin man did not expect the ruthless man to be so ruthless, and suddenly showed a look of shock and anger, and quickly pulled out the treasured saber to resist, but the sword was incomparably sharp, and instantly shredded the sword, smashed the treasured saber, and smashed the yin man ruthlessly. On the Dantian.


A loud sound came out, and a big hole was smashed into the dantian of the sullen man, blood rushing wildly, flying upside down more than ten meters, lying on the ground like a dead dog.


All the guards couldn't help but take a few steps back, feeling a cool air rising from their backs to the top of their heads, making them feel chills from the bottom of their hearts.Just a sword qi has such terrifying power, how terrifying the real strength should be.

"This time it's just a warning. Abolish your Dantian Lunhai first. If there is a next time, no matter who it is, kill it without mercy!"

The ruthless man glanced at the audience coldly, and all those who were touched by her gaze couldn't help but bow their heads.

Finally, the ruthless man fixed his gaze on the old armored soldier who spoke first, and said solemnly, "What's your name?"

The old man hurriedly said: "Report to the island owner, my name is Li San."

"Li San, from today onwards, you are the deputy island owner of Bingjue Island. When the owner of the island is away, you will manage the island. Now take the owner of the island to his residence."

Ruthless people know how to use people, and there are rewards and punishments.

Li San suddenly showed ecstasy, and hurriedly said: "Thank you for the promotion of the island owner, the villain must do his best."

When leading Ruthless Man and his party to the residence, Li San finally couldn't help but hesitate and said: "Is the island owner really going to Necronomicon Island? It's really not a good place, I don't know how many great powers broke in because of curiosity. Not many people have come back, and there is a great saint who has turned into a dead corpse, I hope the island owner thinks twice."

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "Don't worry, the owner of this island has even broken through the tomb of the Demon Emperor, what is the count of a few undead."

If it was only her and Yuxin, facing such a sinister place as the Necronomicon Mountain, one would have to be careful and cautious, but with Zhang Tian accompanied, there would be no need to worry so much. In her eyes, father But omnipotent, let alone the undead, even if there is a Yin God, there is nothing to fear, so the mentality is very relaxed.

Seeing that Ruthless Man was so stubborn, Li San couldn't persuade him any more, so he could only put together some of the circumstances of the Dead Spirit Mountain into a book and hand it over to Ruthless Man.

There was no scenery on Bingjue Island, so the Ruthless family packed up casually, and the next day they officially set foot on the southern peninsula, which had been listed as a forbidden area.

When crossing the boundary, a yin wind suddenly hit, as if it was officially blowing from the underworld, giving people a feeling of extreme coldness.


Ruthless and Yuxin hug Zhang Tian's arms from left to right, showing a nervous look. In fact, both daughters have the courage to be alone, but when they walk with Zhang Tian, ​​they will instinctively choose to rely on them.

Zhang Tian looked at the Montenegro not far away, the divine light in his pupils shone, as if he saw the interior scene through the layers of death, he couldn't help hugging his two daughters, and said with a smile: "Let's go, the scenery inside is not bad."

The three of them explored the Montenegro step by step, until at the foot of the Montenegro, Ruthless and Yuxin suddenly made a decision. The mountain was smaller than it looked, but the yin was heavier, and the wind seemed to carry ghosts and wolves. sound.

Just when the three of them were going to explore a cave along the mountain pass, a rustling sound suddenly came from the withered grass next to them, and two skeletons climbed up unexpectedly, with black air entangled on them. It was the undead mummified corpse that Li San said.

"Dad, be careful, this undead mummy has an immortal body, it is extremely difficult..."

Before the ruthless man could finish his words, he saw Zhang Tian wave his palm, and two powerful undead were directly smashed, the black energy dissipated, and turned into an ordinary bone terror.

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

Walking all the way to the middle of the mountain, Emperor Zhang Tian was as powerful as a prison, and all the remaining dead spirits and ghosts were immediately scattered, as if entering a realm of no one.

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