The ruthless man couldn't help but stunned, and finally understood the reason for the fear of those armored soldiers. There were too many dead spirits here, some of them even made her feel palpitations.

"Fortunately, I have my father to protect me, otherwise my second sister and I would have to be miserable when we came in."

The ruthless man said very happily, his eyes swept around, and when he landed in front of a broken half-section suspension bridge, he suddenly widened his beautiful eyes and said solemnly: "This is the Broken Head Bridge, the farthest place recorded in Li San's notes, legend has it. There are corpse kings haunting here, no one has passed this bridge, and all records are interrupted here."


Just as Ruthless Man's voice fell, a strong wind protruded from the cliff, gusts of gloomy wind whistled, and hundreds of ghosts were shadowed in the depths of the black fog.

Among them, there were five ghosts in white robes, carrying a bronze coffin, and flew over.

Five ghosts carry coffins, hundreds of ghosts walk at night! , , .

Chapter 333 The ghost master of the coffin, the emperor kills the god

"Is this a man? No, a real ghost!"

The ruthless person made a judgment in an instant. She didn't feel a trace of blood from these 'things', only the cold and bone-chilling coldness, which was clearly a rare remnant of the soul turned into an essence, condensed into a ghost.

Just as she was observing, these terrifying scenes got even closer, and she saw that the five ghosts in white robes were miserable, and together they carried a huge bronze coffin. The coffin was ten feet long and several feet wide. The whole body is pitch black as ink, engraved with various ghostly talismans, it does not look like wood or iron, but is excavated from a whole piece of black stone. It is heavy, strange, imposing, and majestic.

Five white-robed ghosts carried the coffin, soaring in the thick black fog, surrounded by hundreds of ghosts. Ordinary people would be so scared when they saw this scene, they subconsciously thought it was really From the underworld, to drag people to the nine hells,

But Ruthless and Yuxin were taught by Zhang Tian on this journey, and they already knew that there are real ghosts and yin in this world. It is not uncommon in places with strong death energy. There are even some big worlds that have been destroyed by wars, and the whole world has been transformed. It is a ghost realm, and there are ghost cultivators who give birth to their own spiritual wisdom everywhere. They call themselves ghost clan and have ghost emperors in charge, which is not inferior to many ancient clans.

So when the two of them saw this terrifying scene, although they were a little palpitated, they were not too panicked, they just treated it as an ordinary number of monsters at the same time.

"These ghosts are so strong, even the weakest are at the half-step king level, and the white-robed ghosts are all at the half-holy level."

The ruthless man carefully observed and analyzed, and couldn't help but be amazed for a while. This is just a location not far from the entrance to the Necronomicon Mountain. There is such a large army of ghosts. If you want to really destroy this place, I don't know how much it will cost.

"Die... come..."

A bleak and frosty voice came from the black fog, accompanied by the sound of countless ghosts and wolves.

call out!call out!call out!

Those erratic ghost images locked on the target all at once, and rushed towards Zhang Tian and others, the black mist swept across the sky, and it was dense and imposing.

"Some specious ghosts, disperse me!"

"Two layers of ice and fire!"

The ruthless man strode forward, the ice and fire sword unsheathed, and a powerful sword light swept out. With her current kendo cultivation base, plus the bonus of the top imperial sword, any casual strike can be at the level of an ordinary intermediate king. , immediately sweeping away most of the hundreds of ghosts.

After a while, the hundreds of ghosts were split apart by Ruthen. Although it was difficult for Ligui to kill in these deadly places, Ruthen's sword intent contained a destructive mood, but it was not these lowly strength. The devil can resist.

Just when all the ghosts were about to be killed, the huge bronze coffin suddenly trembled violently, and the coffin at the top cracked!

Infinite yin qi rose into the sky, accompanied by the thick black mist, forming a huge ghost figure, hundreds of feet long, extremely terrifying, a black palm blasted out, directly annihilating the sword qi of the ruthless man, and she flew upside down. go out.

"Bang!" Kanshuge

The ruthless man fell steadily in Zhang Tian's arms, his eyes still filled with shock, he looked at the huge ghost in the sky, and whispered: "Is this the corpse king that Li San said, what a joke, this is clearly A ghost master at the peak of the great saint level! It has been transformed from virtual to real, and condensed into a ghost!"

"To die..."

In the gloomy ghost master's empty black eyes, two smoldering flames flashed, and a ghost howl sounded. Five white-robed ghost servants immediately rushed towards Zhang Tian and the three, just like the legendary white impermanence, ferocious and terrifying, making people shudder.


Zhang Tian looked calm and pointed out, a ray of light of the avenue bloomed, as if a ephemera bloomed in the dark night, the beauty was boundless, dispelling all the darkness, and when the ephemera disappeared, everything was melodious, five semi-sacred level The ghost attendant disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.


The huge ghost master in the void made a hoarse voice, and the soul fire in the black eyes jumped violently, and he seemed to be surprised by this strange thing, but soon, his eyes were full of anger, and he opened his mouth and sent the sky full of anger. The black fog sucked in all, turned into a huge black mountain, and pressed towards Zhang Tian fiercely.

"Sure enough, it is still ignorant. If the ghost cultivation takes advantage of the geographical advantage, the speed is much faster than other races, but the restrictions are also very huge, and it is extremely difficult to give birth to independent intelligence, like this ghost master, the stronger is stronger, the intelligence and ordinary beast There's no difference."

Zhang Tian said lightly, as if he was giving his two daughters popular science knowledge. It was not until the moment when Montenegro came that he frowned slightly and exhaled a wisp of white air. Like a prison, with the might of slaughtering gods and slaying demons, he slashed down toward Montenegro.


It was as if the thunder had exploded, and the black mountain, which contained infinite yin and dead qi, was directly swallowed up. The sword qi remained undiminished, and continued to sweep towards the ghost clan. Half.

"Dad is amazing!"

Ruthless and Yuxin cheered in unison.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly and said, "Look at this bronze coffin, this thing is not ordinary."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tian raised his hand to take a photo, and the huge coffin flew directly over, with a 'boom' falling in front of the three of them.

The ruthless man realized it carefully, and said in shock: "It's so strong of death. The material of this coffin is very ordinary, a bit like the legendary stone of life and death."

The stone of life and death is a very rare high-level spiritual ore. It contains the qi of life and death, which is very helpful for understanding the profound entrance of life and death. Ruthless beings are at this stage, so they have some understanding of this kind of ore.

Yu Xin observed for a while, as if she remembered something, she immediately took out the Poison King's Handbook, turned dozens of pages in a row, and said excitedly: "This is the Nether Stone, which is mentioned in the Poison King's Handbook, and has similar effects to the Life and Death Stone, but Only a strong death energy is very helpful for understanding the first profound entrance of life and death, and it is also a treasure of ghost cultivation, which can nourish and strengthen the ghost."

When the ruthless man heard the words, his eyes lit up, the void behind his back trembled, and the furnace of hell emerged, sucking the bronze coffin into it, calcining it frantically, and smelting out wisps of wolf smoke essence and pouring into the ruthless man's body. , , .

Chapter 334

After a long time, Ruthless Man opened his eyes and said in surprise: "This thing is of great use to me. If I can have a lot of Netherstones for me to refine, I believe that I will soon be able to break through to the first level of the profound entrance of life and death."

Yu Xin smiled and said, "That's even better. According to the records of the Poison King's Handbook, there are still many ghost stones in it, which will definitely satisfy the eldest sister."

"Is this true?"

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