At this moment, in the raging sea of ​​flames, two sharp silhouettes suddenly flashed, more than ten feet tall, like stone giants, but the whole body was made of flames.


The ruthless man's reaction was very quick, and he split two swords in an instant, smashing the two flame giants into pieces and turning them into countless pieces.

The ruthless man grabbed one of the pieces, squeezed it hard, and said, "This is a spiritual body formed because the fire spirit is too dense. It seems that the dry blue ice flame has been here for at least millions of years."

Yu Xin flashed her beautiful eyes and said, "Could it be that the Poison King was blocked by these flame giants?"

"It shouldn't be. These flame giants are all made of fire spirits. The stronger they are, the stronger they are, but they don't have souls. With the Poison King's alchemy accomplishments, it should be easy to get past them. It's not that simple."

The ruthless man calmly analyzed, continued to dive, and killed more than a dozen flame giants along the way, suddenly condensed, showing a look of surprise.

Yu Xin hurriedly asked: "Eldest sister, what's the matter?"

The ruthless man looked into the depths of the sea of ​​​​fire, and said softly: "I don't know if it is an illusion, at that moment, I had a feeling of being peeped... This is it!" Heyuan Book Bar

The ruthless man seemed to feel something when he was halfway through speaking. Immediately, he turned into a sword and turned towards the depths of the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Sure enough, this flame giant is obviously different from the others. From this flame giant, I feel the same breath as the Specter above."

The ruthless man stroked the body of the Ice Fire Sword and said solemnly.

"What, how can the flame giant have anything to do with Specter?" Yu Xin was a little confused.

The ruthless man said: "If I guessed correctly, it should be the ghost of the ghost who took over the flame giant. The combination of the soul of the strong and the body of the strong will give birth to a very terrifying power, I am afraid that this is what really stops the Poison King. reason."

"If you keep looking down, you won't know."

Zhang Tian chuckled and took his two daughters to sneak in this crimson world, like a parade of emperors, with a powerful aura that covered the sky, and directly separated a passage in the sea of ​​​​fire. Those flame giants were shaken away before they could get close.

Ruthless and Yuxin were completely relieved, and they browsed the surrounding flame world with peace of mind, exclaiming from time to time.

Suddenly, Yu Xin's eyes narrowed and she said, "I feel the aura of different fire, look there!"

Ruthless Man looked at Yu Xin's direction, and sure enough he saw a touch of ice blue, even in this crimson world, it couldn't hide its brilliance.

In the next moment, Zhang Tian came directly through the air with his two daughters, a huge blue light instantly filled his field of vision, and a cool air was even more refreshing.

I saw that in the endless sea of ​​fire, a huge blue flame was quietly suspended, as if the whole body was made of the most beautiful ice crystals, exuding an ice-blue light, which was extremely beautiful.

"Sure enough, it's dry blue ice flame, second sister, put it away." The ruthless said excitedly.

Yu Xin nodded vigorously, wrapped her palm with the green lotus demon fire, and grabbed the dry blue ice flame.

"Stop, who dares to touch this emperor's strange fire!!!"

A sound of divine might like a prison exploded in the ears of the three of them, and the entire flame world was violently turbulent. The infinite fire wave seemed to be separated from it by a divine blade that opened the sky and scattered to both sides, forming two large fans thousands of feet. The wall of fire, reflecting a peerless and majestic figure, came on the waves.

But seeing that he is ten thousand feet tall, he looks like a cloud-piercing emperor peak. In addition to the huge flame blocks, there are many armors condensed from black energy. In his hand, he is carrying a huge axe that seems to be able to open up the world. Fire is boiling.

Seeing this figure, Ruthless and Yuxin couldn't help but take a deep breath, exclaiming from their hearts: "This is a tyrannical ghost emperor!"

"To die..."

The flame ghost emperor's ghost eyes swept towards Zhang Tian, ​​and the giant axe in his hand immediately slashed towards Zhang Tian's head. , , .

Chapter 336 Ghost Emperor Slaughter, Nine Realms Yin Division Changes

"Dad be careful!!"

Ruthless and Yuxin both showed extremely nervous expressions. This is a real emperor, who has passed through the past and the present, and is immortal in the fusion of flames. He can be called an unparalleled powerhouse.

Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the aggressive blow of the Flame Ghost Emperor, a vertical eye appeared between his eyebrows, blood red boundless, like the reincarnation of the ancient demon god.

"Blood Dark Demon Heaven!"

Just after the eyebrows stood up, a hot tear of blood escaped from the corner of the eye, and the world changed color in an instant, all the flames disappeared, replaced by endless darkness, as if to inhale the human soul. the abyss.

"This, this is..."

The Flame Ghost Emperor trembled violently, and a huge fear filled his body, draining all his strength. At this moment, Zhang Tian seemed to be the incarnation of the ancient demon god, swallowing the sky and devouring the earth, and was omnipotent.

Primordial Demon God, that is a taboo-like existence, the supreme emperor of the Demon Race, who started a war between gods and demons, slaughtered nine mountains and seas, and forced the gods to a desperate situation, triggering the invincible demon ancestor of the twilight of the gods.

His eyes are the eyes of judgment, and just a casual glance can twist people's hearts, make the god-king betray, and destroy the heavens.

That is a terrifying power, and now, the Flame Ghost Emperor is facing all this independently, one step into the abyss.


Zhang Tian murmured softly, and a huge tear of blood dripped from the void, wrapped in the divine might that crushed Cangyu, and smashed onto the Flame Ghost Emperor.


The loud noise of the mountain and tsunami came out, and the head of the flame ghost emperor's hidden ghost exploded directly, and the broken ghost burned in the karmic fire.


The mournful howl resounded through the heavens and the earth, adding a third of terror to this scarlet world.

At the moment when the flame ghost emperor was slaughtered, all the ghost realms of the nine mountains and seas set off a stormy sea.

In a strange space where you don't know where you are, the Yin Qi is filled with yin, and there are countless coffins lined up in a strict and orderly manner. Above each coffin, there is a burning flame.

At this moment, a gust of gloomy wind blew, and the flames on one of the three-colored coffins suddenly went out, and the coffin beneath it shuddered even more, shaking out a dozen huge cracks, which was terrifying.Weizun Academy


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