The lids of the surrounding coffins were all lifted, and pale skeletons crawled out. The ghosts and fires in the eyes were agile, exuding extremely terrifying fluctuations.

If there are nine great masters of the mountains and seas to see this scene, they must be so shocked that the souls of the dead must be scared, because the ghost monks gathered here, the weakest also have the cultivation level of the quasi-emperor level. Going forward, the ghost emperor , Ghost Immortals, there are no counts, it is as if all the Ghost Cultivation Supremes of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas are concentrated here.

"It's a pity that the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor is dead. With his aptitude, if he can completely refine that powerful fire, he is expected to break through to the ghost fairyland and have an immortal body. In this way, I have one less ghost clan. Great general."

One of the skeletons in the five-colored coffin said in a negative way, the irregular movement of the ghost fire in his eyes was obviously only controlled by a powerful spirit, not that the ghost cultivator really came here.

"For thousands of years, ghost cultivators have been at the bottom of the nine million races in the mountains and seas. They have been trampled and despised by other races. They will always live in damp and gloomy corners. Even a dignified ghost emperor will die for no reason. It's time to end!"

The skeleton in the other five-colored coffin trembled violently and was very emotional.

"Black Soul Immortal Venerable, don't be impatient, I am in the nine different ghost regions of the mountains and seas, and we are united here to form the ghost region alliance, not just to gather the power of all the ghosts, so that the ghosts can stand upright in the nine mountains and seas. The top of a million races. However, you still have to eat a little bit of food. Right now is the time when the alien races are reviving in a big way, and the edge is extremely prosperous, so I should avoid the edge for a while.”

"Yes, our Ghost Domain Alliance has only been established for three million years, and it has not yet included all the ghost realm powerhouses. How can we compete with those alien powerhouses born from the dark turmoil, we still need to endure now."

"After the self-burial of the Emperor of Heaven, there have been countless upheavals. First, there were the three major demon alliances attacking the Dao of Heaven, and then there were all the powerhouses from all walks of life in the era of Zhantian, which caused the collapse of nine mountains and seas, and the fall of countless powerful cultivators. Now it is again Destroying the great world, the major forces are coming out one after another, and the war is raging, and my ghost clan is rising in response to the situation, and now I just need to draw it slowly."

A group of ghost clan Supremes expressed their opinions, and a small number of them believed that the cause of death of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor should be thoroughly investigated, and in the name of the Ghost Domain Alliance, the other party would pay the price.However, the other majority believe that under the current situation, it should not be exposed too early, and should be tolerated for the time being, and the two sides quarrel endlessly.


At the top of the huge space, a dark shadow stood in a coffin made of nine-color divine jade, as if it communicated with the heaven and the earth. Just standing at will, there is an invincible aura that dominates the world and annexes the eight wastes.

"See Emperor Sitian."

Seeing this shadow, all the ghost cultivators immediately closed their mouths and saluted respectfully.

The shadow trembled slightly, and said in a low voice: "My ghost clan, born in response to the battle, has accumulated such a climate after tens of millions of years. It is not easy. , Our first priority is to build a world of Yin Si that can stand against the Netherworld, truly grasp the fate of ghosts from the root, and get rid of the fate of being controlled by the ancient heaven. Before that, no matter how big things happen, we must endure, We must not show our edge!"

"Hell Axe Ghost Emperor is the general of my Ghost Territory Alliance. He has made countless great achievements. Is it possible to let him die in vain? If so, then the Ghost Territory Alliance will not enter!"

Immortal Venerable Black Soul, who protested at the beginning, said gloomily that he was the master of the ghost realm. He was a powerful warrior in the Zhantian Alliance during his lifetime. , the will to fight against the sky still exists, and he is so arrogant that he does not even sell the face of Emperor Sitian.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the Yinsi Hall suddenly became solemn, and it was as quiet as ice. , , .

Chapter 337 Raise your head and fight for the emperor

Emperor Si Tian snorted coldly and said, "In this case, this Emperor will give you the spatial coordinates guarded by the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor. Immortal Venerable Youlao Heihun will lead the [-] Yin Gods to investigate. You can kill so cleanly. Hell Axe Ghost Emperor, the other party should also be a fairyland character, you must be careful when you go."

"Thank you Si Tiandi for your trust, and your subordinates will do their best to complete the task!"

Immortal Black Soul said a little excitedly, of course he couldn't really be so concerned about the death of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor. His real purpose was to seek the real body position of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor.According to his information, there is a tyrannical abnormal fire there, and it ranks among the top among the thirty-six abnormal fires of Tiangang. If it can be obtained by him, it will be a great help for him to break through the ghost king.

Emperor Sitian put a mark into Immortal Black Soul's body, and then instructed: "One end of this spatial coordinate is connected to one of the nine sub-halls of our Yinsi Hall, and it is of great importance. Therefore, once encountering a strong enemy, you must retreat immediately, and must not let This spatial coordinate falls into the hands of the enemy, otherwise the grand plan for the revitalization of the ghost clan will be fatally threatened."

"I see!"

Immortal Black Soul replied casually, disapproving in his heart.With his current state, he has already awakened a part of his power before his death. I think that he was a warrior who dared to fight against the Emperor Burial. He prides himself on taking the shot himself, and there will never be any mistakes.

But on the other side, Zhang Tian raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, the terrifying blood-dark demonic sky receded like a tide, the heaven and earth turned into a red fire again, and the [-]-foot-long divine body of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor was still standing quietly in the void. The ghost-patterned giant axe in hand is like a sacred mountain, full of coercion.It's just that the head disappeared without a trace, looking very strange.

Zhang Tian made a move with his right hand, and a black figure flew over quickly, but when he saw that the figure was the size of a baby, his demeanor was submissive, and there was black energy around him, and black runes were faintly visible.

This black villain is the Primordial Spirit of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor, but his self-consciousness has been erased by the Eye of Judgment, and he has become a puppet that only obeys Zhang Tian's orders.


It was only then that Ruthless and Yuxin dared to come over, with a look of shock on their pretty faces. Just now, they actually witnessed the fall of a ghost emperor with their own eyes.

Zhang Tian picked up the Primordial Spirit of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor and said with a chuckle, "It's alright, you all prepare to refine the strange fire."

Yuxin nodded and walked to the dry blue ice flame again, her body exuded a clear and bright light, which was the vision of "Qingdi Spiritualization" fully functioning. But if you practice to the advanced realm, you can control the spirit of all things, and all things will be born with one thought, and all things will be silent with one thought.

The ruthless man looked around, and sat down with his knees crossed. The void behind his back trembled, and the furnace of hell emerged. Like a long whale drawing water, he sucked a large amount of flaming seawater into it and refined it.The water here has been calcined by dry blue ice flames for millions of years, or even tens of millions of years, and contains the most quintessential ice and fire aura, which greatly benefits the improvement of ice and fire sword intent.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it took. Zhang Tian, ​​who was closing his eyes and resting, suddenly changed his expression and slowly opened his eyes, only to see black shadows everywhere, all kinds of strange shapes, each with a yin qi. His eyes seemed to be burning with red flames, staring at Zhang Tian stubbornly.

"This is... Yin God?"

Zhang Tian showed a look of astonishment. The so-called yin gods refer to the ghost cultivators transformed from the remnants of the ancient gods after the fall. These protoss are born invincible and have their own set of cultivation rules. The cultivation base of Dashanhai can be summarized in stages.

Although the Protoss was born with an almost immortal lifespan, due to several wars in the ancient times, the casualties were countless, and it is a common fact that there are a few remnants of the soul who are transformed into Yin Gods, but thousands of Yin Gods appear at the same time. It cannot be explained by a simple 'coincidence'.Scale Literature

Moreover, after careful observation, Zhang Tian found that these yin gods are strong, but compared with the real ghost clan powerhouses, they are a little less spiritual. They are not so much ghost cultivators as they are an army of puppets.


At this moment, this army of Yin God suddenly made a strange rhythmic sound, the red fire in the eyes flashed, and the whole body was boiling with black fire, and rushed towards Zhang Tian.


Zhang Tian seemed to have thought of a certain possibility, with a smile in his eyes, he stood up unhurriedly, his right hand spread out, and the Primordial Spirit of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Lift your head and fight for the emperor!"

Zhang Tian said majestically, a seal was released, and the Primordial Spirit of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor instantly burst out of the sky and merged into the flame ghost body.


As if the sky was falling apart, the headless ghost body of the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor erupted with endless black light, causing a large amount of upward spread, merging with the sea of ​​​​fire, forming a new flame head, kneeling towards Zhang Tian in awe, Weng said:

"Hell Axe is willing to fight for its master."

At this moment, those yin gods had already rushed to the front, and each launched a fierce offensive, and the overwhelming black light filled the world.


The Hell Axe Ghost Emperor stood up, a magic pattern erupted on his forehead, he lifted the ghost pattern giant axe and swung forward, all the black light was shattered.

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