"Cut! Chop! Chop!"

The Hell Axe Ghost Emperor is like a violent slaughtering machine, constantly raising the giant axe and slashing at the yin gods. With his strength, even among the great emperors, he is considered a high rank. After being sealed by the demonic energy of the Eye of Judgment, he is even more powerful. , there is the power of ghosts and immortals, and every time an axe falls, dozens of yin gods are turned to ashes.

In the scarlet world, Zhang Tian stood with his hands behind his back, with a faint look of contempt in his eyes, quietly watching the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor slaughtering the Yin God like a demon king.

PS: From the second to the sixth day of junior high school, Jiuwei is going to go out to visit relatives. It is also considered as an annual leave for himself. It is tentatively scheduled to be updated every day.After the ninth day of the first lunar month, the update returned to normal, with four updates every day, and Jiuwei promised to do it.So I hope everyone can be patient for a little while in the past few days. Nine tails once again wish everyone a happy New Year and wish you all a happy new year. , , .

Chapter 338 Manpower is reversible, so is the emperor




This is a very tragic scene. Thousands of yin gods, all of them were sacred and inviolable gods during their lifetimes, and their divinity is preserved after death. The Hell Axe Ghost Emperor slaughtered recklessly and was powerless to fight back.

This is the prestige of the Great Emperor, sublimated to the utmost, manpower is reversible, and so is the Great Emperor.

A person who succeeds in becoming a great emperor, even in the form of a mayfly, can slay gods and demons and dominate his own destiny.

"What, this... how is this possible?"

The Black Soul Immortal Venerable, who was observing from a distance, was completely stunned by the sight at this time. It was confirmed that the fallen Hell Axe Ghost Emperor had come back alive again, and his strength was stronger than before, and he could be manipulated by others.This scene is too terrifying, even with his ghostly body, he can't understand it.

But what shocked him the most was not the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor, but the elegant young man who controlled the Hell Axe Ghost Emperor. The young man who was like a sword immortal who was exiled had no imposing manner, but gave him a sense of oppression for nine days and ten places. His invincible might, as if he could be crushed to death with a single finger, the huge fear formed from it occupied his entire body and mind, making it difficult to even breathe.

"Who is he?"

Immortal Black Soul's eyes stared at Zhang Tian, ​​he was sure that he had never seen Zhang Tian, ​​and he had no memory of this person, but his body involuntarily gave birth to fear, and even wanted to escape directly. This feeling is It has never happened in the face of Si Tiandi.

The only explanation is that he knew this young man before his death, and the other party left him with a deep fear. Even if the body collapses and the soul is broken, this fear is still deeply imprinted in the soul and indelible.

"Before his lifetime, in the era of Zhantian, what kind of powerhouse should he be."

Immortal Black Soul sucked in a breath of cold air, only to feel that he was in the ice cave of ten thousand feet, and his previous life was a warrior who fought the heavens and the earth, how tyrannical, and what kind of strength he should have for an enemy that can make him fear this level.

At this moment, Zhang Tian also looked at him, their eyes met across tens of thousands of miles of space, and Immortal Venerable Black Soul could even see the faint joke in Zhang Tian's eyes.

"not good!"

After all, Immortal Black Soul is a powerhouse at the level of Ghost Immortal, he immediately reacted and let out a clear sound of "Zheng".

As soon as this sound came out, all the movements of the yin gods stopped, then turned around and quickly retreated.

"Want to run? How easy is it?"

Zhang Tian showed a mocking smile and stepped forward at will, and countless heavenly gods stretched out, seemingly careless, but in fact, every step he took, he would move thousands of miles, shrinking into an inch, and ascending to the sky in one step.

"Tread! Tread! Tread!"

However, after a few breaths, Zhang Tian had already caught up with the back of Immortal Black Soul. The slightly heavy footsteps seemed to step into his heart, making Immortal Black Soul more and more fearful, as if he was being An ancient sacred mountain is pressing down, and the speed is getting slower and slower.Nuwa Bookku www.newbookku.com


After another ten breaths, the Black Soul Immortal Venerable's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he couldn't stop shivering. Under this monstrous pressure, it seemed that the entire ghost body was about to collapse.

"Go to hell!"

Black Soul Immortal Venerable knew that there was no way to retreat, so he attacked directly, a huge force of law erupted from him, swept the world, and blasted towards Zhang Tian.

"Tricks of carving insects, is this your strength?"

Zhang Tian raised his foot and stomped, and more than a dozen divine chains of order seemed to come from the other side of the boundless sky. dissipated in the void.

"A mere ghost immortal, who doesn't stay in the ghost realm, dares to come out and even enslave the gods, this emperor wants to see who gave you the courage!"

Zhang Tian strode forward, and with each step, there was a stream of heavenly power gushing out, turning into a divine chain of order and gushing out, penetrating the heavens and the earth, and blocking the entire field.

"No, don't come here, I am the subordinate of Emperor Si Tian, ​​kill me, Emperor Si Tian will never let you go!"

Immortal Black Soul retreated desperately and used all kinds of forbidden methods, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape from this space. Only then did he know that the entire space had been distorted by the power of heaven, and his efforts were in vain.

"Si Tiandi? It turned out to be the junior ghost clan. He has always acted cautiously. How can there be a wanton and arrogant subordinate like you, and you dare to deceive this emperor?"

There was a cold look in Zhang Tian's eyes, he raised his hand and waved, and a wisp of blade swayed out, directly cutting off half of Immortal Black Soul Immortal Venerable's body.

"Ah... Who are you, who are you! Do you want to be the enemy of Emperor Sitian? The day when the Yin Si was established! Nine mountains and seas will crawl, kill me, no matter what clan you are, you will have to pay a painful price! "

Black Soul Immortal Venerable is about to go mad, and he can't guess what the details of this person in front of him are. .

"Break it for me! Break it! Break it!"

Black Soul Immortal Venerable kept blasting one after another terrifying attack, if Zhang Tian had distorted this space, any immortal power attack would be enough to instantly vaporize Beihai.

However, these tyrannical attacks were like nothing in front of Zhang Tian, ​​and they were directly wiped out by a white light three feet away from him, as if Zhang Tian was the master of the sky, and everything was in silence.

"A mere ghost, there is no room for struggle in front of this emperor, I hope your situation can make this emperor interested, otherwise it is a big sin to waste so much time!"

Zhang Tian's right hand shrank, and the divine chain of order was woven into a net, directly wearing the Black Soul Immortal Venerable on it, unable to break free.

As he approached, Zhang Tian ignored the roar of the Black Soul Immortal Venerable and pointed directly at his forehead. The power of heaven exploded, and the layers of Divine Soul Barriers in the Black Soul Immortal Venerable Consciousness Sea collapsed. Presented in front of Zhang Tian without reservation.

This is the most secret place of a person, which records the years of his life. Only the supreme figures with absolute strength can go back to the years, and even return to the youth, which can be regarded as a divine art! , , .

Chapter 339 Burying the Emperor, It Was You!

This is also the most vulnerable place. Once the flow of the river of memory is tampered with, the soul will collapse at light, or it will be directly obliterated by the power of heaven.

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