Just when Zhang Tian stepped in, a storm suddenly erupted in the long river of memory, and an aura that was far stronger than Immortal Venerable Black Soul burst out, as if guarding the long river and preventing Zhang Tian from invading.

"Is this the primordial spirit before death? Immerse yourself in the long river of memories, warm and nourish the soul, and wait until the body of the ghost cultivator is complete, and then take the body and revive, hehe, good calculation, worthy of being the former 'war of the sky'."

Zhang Tian looked at a blurry figure in the center of the rising waves, and the corner of his mouth evoked a smile that was not a smile. He didn't expect such an unexpected joy.

On the contrary, the figure brewing in the sea of ​​souls was struck by lightning, and said in horror: "Emperor Burial, it's you!"

A huge sense of despair filled his body. No one understood Zhang Tian's strength more clearly than the Heavenly Warrior, because that was Zhang Tian's last full-strength shot, and it was also the peak of his cultivation.

The terrifying vision of the collapse of the Nine Realms and the wailing of the universe, even if it is the first-level quasi-immortal emperor, will only feel deeply powerless, like a small boat in the sea, which may capsize at any time.

What frightened him even more was that Zhang Tian's insight was as sharp as ever. With just one glance, he could see through all his layouts, spending millions of years in the layout bit by bit.

"Divide the remnant soul into two parts, one contains a small amount of self-consciousness, which is converted into a ghost cultivator to accumulate power in the ghost realm, and the other soul contains a large amount of self-consciousness, hidden in the long river of memory, silently recovering strength. When you reach the level of Ghost Immortal King, you just broke through the barrier, aroused that latent self-consciousness, occupying the magpie's nest, and combining the power of two Immortal Kings, your strength can be even better."

Zhang Tian said word by word, every word seemed to have a thousand powers, hitting the heart of the warrior, roaring.

The Heavenly Fighter in the center of Changhe Jingtao showed a bitter expression. All this was carefully arranged and calculated countless times to ensure that nothing could go wrong.The ghosts have always lived in the dark side of the nine mountains and seas, hidden in the ghost realm, isolated from the nine mountains and seas, which can be his perfect shelter.

It's just that he never imagined that the nine great mountains and seas were rising, and even the ghost cultivator, who had always been marginalized, was unwilling to be lonely.

"Let this emperor see, this is just your own strategy, or is it all the warriors who fight the sky do this!"

As Zhang Tian said, he turned out the divine hand of order and grabbed the divine soul of the warrior.

"Bury the Emperor, when there is no eternal silence in the sky, when the yin and yang are in rebellion, the sky will be stained with the blood of my battle!"

The Heavenly Fighter roared loudly, the sound fell, the divine light in the depths of the primordial spirit erupted, and a mighty energy swept out, like a storm of destruction that wiped out everything, and directly blew up the primordial spirit and died.

"It's still the same temper."

Zhang Tian put down the raised hand, and there was no surprise on his face, as if he had already guessed the result.For him, it was already an answer.Food Fictionwww.meishi2008.com

Letting go of this matter, Zhang Tian continued to walk in the memory of Black Soul Immortal Venerable.

From the beginning of Emperor Si Tian's visit to the ghost realm to invite the black souls, to the establishment of the ghost realm alliance, one by one ghost realm joined, more and more powerful people gathered together, and finally gathered into a force enough to make any big clan in the nine mountains and seas. A superpower to tremble with.

Afterwards, the Ghost Territory Alliance is ramping up its development forces, conquering each ghost territory, succumbing to death, breaking through the forbidden burial grounds to capture the remnants of gods and demons and guide them to turn into yin gods and yin demons, and continue to grow their forces.

"What a ghost alliance, the nine great mountains and seas have been defeated so far, and the little ghost clan has developed such a power under the nose."

Zhang Tian broke free from the memory of Black Soul Immortal Venerable, showing an interesting expression.For him, the world is invincible, and no amount of chaos will affect him, but it is very beneficial to the rise of his daughters.

Now that he has mastered the movements of the ghost clan, Zhang Tian has no interest in this place either. With a wave of his hand, Immortal Black Soul immediately turned into ashes, leaving only a green light group floating in the void.

This light group is the directional mark of the underground teleportation array, which is used for the transmission between the teleportation array here and the Yinsi Branch Hall.

Putting away the imprint, Zhang Tian was not in a hurry to go back, but browsed in this scarlet world.

A few days later, there was a sudden violent tumbling in the entire sea of ​​fire, Zhang Tian's figure flashed, and he returned.

I saw Yu Xin's whole body was covered with dry blue ice flames, as if she was wearing a blue robe, with a touch of pain on her face, obviously it was the critical moment of refining, dry blue ice flame's vague consciousness instinct is resisting.

Zhang Tian stepped forward, moved directly to Yu Xin, and pointed at the center of her eyebrows. The dry blue ice flame was struck by lightning, and did not dare to struggle, and obediently merged into Yu Xin's body.

This sea of ​​fire was originally born from dry blue ice flames. After it was collected, this crimson world also lost its aura and solidified into pieces of magma.

"Thank you dad."

Yu Xin opened her eyes, revealing a sweet smile.

Zhang Tianzheng was about to reply, but suddenly his expression changed, he turned to look at the ruthless man who was in seclusion beside him, and said with a chuckle, "It seems that Nannan has also broken through."

Yu Xin immediately followed the prestige, and saw that the white clothes on the ruthless man had no wind, and a powerful sword intent mixed with ice and fire rose into the sky!

It is amazing that the two sword intents of ice and fire have all reached the first-order advanced level! , , .

Chapter 340 The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!

"That's great, ma'am!"

Yu Xin showed a very happy expression and hugged the ruthless man at once.

Ruthless Man's face is also full of excitement. She originally thought that the first to make progress should be the cultivation base, but she did not expect that with Yuxin entering the Necronomicon Mountain, she accidentally cultivated the Ice and Fire Sword Intent to the first-order advanced level. .

Don't underestimate this little bit of progress, in fact, it is a world of difference. The names on the ancient sword monument at the bottom of Emperor Sword Lake are only a few hundred after millions of years, and most of them only possess first-order advanced sword intent.

That is to say, with Ruren's current kendo attainments, it is comparable to those prodigies in kendo that have emerged in ten thousand years, and can leave a name on the ancient sword monument!

This breakthrough was even more important than reaching the first level of the profound entrance of life and death.

After the two daughters rejoiced, Yu Xin raised her head and said: "Dad, since we have obtained the dry blue ice flame, let's go back. This strange fire is more powerful, and it should be able to allow me to successfully refine the semi-holy level. Bao Dan."

Zhang Tian said mysteriously: "No hurry, before going back, Dad will take you to a place."

Ruthless and Yuxin both showed doubts, and curiously followed Zhang Tian to walk in the sea of ​​​​fire, and unknowingly, they came to the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire, dark stone walls, and black weeds growing in the stone crevices. It looks very mysterious.

After a while, a huge cave appeared in front of you, like a ghostly craftsmanship. At the entrance of the cave stood a large stone of more than [-] feet, with words faintly engraved on it. Looking at it, you could see the four characters of 'Poison King's Clothes Tomb'. .

"Poison King Yizhong! Could it be this..." Yu Xin covered her mouth and nose, showing a very surprised expression.

Zhang Tian smiled and said, "I wandered around and found this cave. It should be the trace left by the poison king you said."

The ruthless man leaned in front of the boulder, pointed at the mark, and exclaimed, "This handwriting is written with a strange poisonous juice, which has gone through tens of thousands of years without any decay. It seems that it is really the senior poison king. He knew that what he had done was too rebellious and could not last forever, so he left a tomb here for a great inheritance."

Yu Xin said: "The Poison King's handbook records that the Poison King will leave the most critical step in refining the necromantic elixir in this tomb. What it is is unknown."

The three of them walked inside together, only to see that the cave was not very big, only a few hundred squares, and it was full of black weeds growing in the stone crevices, swaying and dragging.

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