"Come on, there are three dead tombs here!"

The ruthless man's shout caught Zhang Tian and Yu Xin's attention. The three of them walked closer to watch. Sure enough, they saw three low tombs, overgrown with weeds, only covered with a bluestone slab, which seemed very perfunctory.

Zhang Tian glanced at it and said casually: "There is only one piece of tattered clothes in the tomb in the middle, but the tombs on the left and right have some good things."

Yu Xin solemnly bowed towards the tomb in the middle, and then lifted the bluestone slabs on the left and right, and saw a small space inside, with a cyan jade slip.

Yu Xin first put the jade slip on the right to her forehead and browsed it, and said, "This jade slip records a fire control method created by the Poison King, called "Five Ghosts from Fire", which can control five fires at the same time. This kind of flame can be used for alchemy, and it can also be used to drive flames to fight, just like the five ghosts, but only the scroll here, and only three kinds of different fires can be used at the same time."

Ruthless Man exclaimed: "This is a powerful magical power. With the magical power of different fire, the envoy fights, and the power must be very terrifying."

Yu Xin nodded, and put the jade slip on the left on her forehead. This jade slip records a poison scripture, which contains many refining methods of poisonous elixir, and the most deadly among them Poison pills are dead elixir!New Novel City www.xxsc.cc

"No wonder the Poison King wants to leave the "Five Ghosts from Fire" here. This necromancer is actually subdivided into many types. The highest and top necromancer needs to be refined by five different fires at the same time!"

After Yuxin saw Yu Jian, she couldn't help but exclaimed in amazement.

The ruthless man also stunned: "The eternal fire only scattered one hundred and eight kinds of different fires in total. It is a fantasy to collect all five, and the Holy Body of the Dead will never be realized. ."

Yu Xin said: "The highest level of necromantic pills is just an idea of ​​the Poison King. With the necromantic pills that have been cultivated into the Holy Body of the Necromancer, only three kinds of different fires are required to be sacrificed at the same time."

The ruthless man smiled and said, "That's not difficult for the second sister."

Yu Xin also followed with a sweet smile, suddenly remembered something, and said, "The Poison King's handbook records that a large number of ghost stones were found in the place where he lived, and it should be around here."

The ruthless man's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately began to look for it in the cave.

Zhang Tian didn't know when he had reached the edge of the cave. He raised his hand and knocked on the stone wall. Suddenly, there was a loud roar. A large frozen magma layer fell, and a dazzling black light filled the entire cave.

Ruthless Man looked at the prestige and exclaimed: "This is the Nether Stone. There are so many Nether Stones, an entire wall, and such a quantity is enough for me to quickly communicate the energy of death and break through to the first level of the profound entrance of life and death."

Walking out of the Necronomicon Mountain and looking at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, Ruthless and Yuxin both felt as if they were separated from each other. This thrilling journey allowed them to gain incomparably huge gains, comparable to decades of hard work.

"Island... Island Master, you came back alive?"

Watching Zhang Tian and the three return, all the guards on Bingjue Island exploded, looking at the ruthless man as if he were looking at a ghost.

The ruthless man frowned and said solemnly: "Don't worry, all the ghosts in the Necronomicon Mountain have been eliminated, and they will not come to the island to harass. Next, the island mainly conducts long-term retreats, and the daily work on the island, Li San is still in charge. In addition, I will also prepare a clean dojo for the island owner's sister, she wants to make alchemy, and other people should not disturb her."

"As ordered!"

All the guardian soldiers responded in awe. In their hearts, the status of the ruthless man was comparable to that of the gods. Otherwise, how could they return alive in the undead mountain full of ghosts.

Watching all the soldiers retreat, Ruthless Man said to Yuxin again: "I have already sent a handover signal to Yang Daoyuan, and the Beihai Alliance will send another island owner to guard it in a few days. During this period, the second sister will rest assured. Refine alchemy on the island, and I will also retreat to refine the ghost stone."

"Okay, ma'am."

Yu Xin replied sweetly.

At this moment, a gust of wind swept across the island and destroyed a thousand-year-old tree in front of the residence.

Without Ruthless and Yuxin completely unaware, a huge dark cloud was approaching towards Bingjue Island.

The mountains and the rain are coming and the wind is filling the building! , , .

Chapter 341 Let my dad kiss me!

But on the other hand, Zi Yan made a big scene in Tianlonghai's stronghold in the virtual world of war, and since then she has become the little overlord of this sea area. They also joined forces with some dragon clan's arrogances, which caused complaints, but no one was able to check and balance Zi Yan, which was comparable to the power of the ancient creatures, which had long reached a point that they could not imagine.

However, Long Gaitian understood the dragon pattern in the triple dragon cave and had no knowledge of the external situation.

After waiting for more than ten days in a row, the people in Tianlonghai were almost desperate, and Zi Yan's patience was completely exhausted. She simply showed her power, showed her full strength, and completely destroyed the entire Tianlonghai base, and then raised her. And go.

The enmity between the two sides has reached its peak.

After Zi Yan left, she didn't want to go back to the Longmeng headquarters to retreat, so she went straight to Jingyue Lake, planning to play with Jidu County Master for a while.

"Xiao Caifan, why are you here?"

After hearing the news of Zi Yan's arrival, Ji Du County immediately rushed to the gate to greet her.

Zi Yan stepped in old-fashioned, and while browsing, she said, "How can you say that I have a share here, can't you come back and have a look?"

Looking around, I can see that Jingyue Lake has changed a lot. Although it is not as good as the Xianmen atmosphere when Ziyun Xiantu is in control, it is more prosperous. After all, such a large piece of treasure is simply a treasure for Zhennan Wangfu. A priceless treasure, almost all the manpower was put into it, and the place was filled to the brim. There were buildings and busy people everywhere, and it seemed to have a great atmosphere.

After hearing Zi Yan's words, the county master Jidu gave her an angry look and said, "Don't worry, your share of what is indispensable to you has been prepared for you. In addition to some high-quality soul stones, I also exchanged them. Some other treasures of heaven and earth, if you fancy them, just take them away."

The atmosphere of the county master of Jidu made Zi Yan very embarrassed, scratched her head, and shyly said: "We are all good friends, let's not talk about this, do you need any help? Has anyone dared to pick things up recently?"

After speaking, Zi Yan also lit up her small fists, but she just clenched her fists at will, and there was a sound of thunder in the void, making Jidu County Master and several entourages take a deep breath.

After being shocked, the county master Jidu sighed softly: "Thanks to the prestige of Senior Zhang, for the time being, no other force has dared to covet the treasures of Jingyue Lake, but on the mainland, there are a lot of troubles."

Zi Yan curiously said: "Aren't you the first county master of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty? Who can bother you?"

Jidu County Lord smiled bitterly and said: "It's not as easy as you think, although my father's cultivation base and the power of Zhennan Palace are strong, they have not reached the level of invincibility in the world. In the eyes of many people, they are just a powerful Chess pieces. Especially my father is now in a critical period of 'fighting for destiny', and he can't come out to preside over the overall situation, which makes some people unscrupulous and has already paid attention to me. "

After a pause, Jidu County Master showed a sad expression, and said quietly: "Maybe it won't be long before I will marry someone else's wife."

"What? That won't work, you're going to be my dad's little bride!"

Zi Yan was in a hurry, protested loudly, and said angrily: "Who dares to grab a bride with my father, I will kill him!"

The county master of Jidu said: "It doesn't matter who can get me. The important thing is that I have become a bargaining chip for several princes to compete for the throne. Whoever can get my help is equivalent to the support of the entire Zhennan palace. .And the easiest and most effective way to get my help is to get married. According to the information I got, it seems that the Holy City has started to arrange my wedding.” Novel 117 www.xs177.com

"It turned out to be the prince of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty! It's so daring, do you know where they are in the virtual world?"

Zi Yan rolled up her sleeves, revealing two snowy arms like lotus roots, as if she was going to have a big fight.

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