Jidu County Master felt a touch of emotion in his heart, and said softly: "Little witch, I know you are loyal enough, but this matter is very important. If you want to mix it in, it will only make things more and more chaotic. It is if Senior Zhang is willing to help. , there may be hope for a turnaround.”

Although Zhang Tian is now madly rumored to be a half-step immortal emperor in Shengyuan Continent, Jidu County Master knows that Zhang Tian's real strength is far more than that, but more than that, and may have the ability to control the general trend of royal power.

Zi Yan said: "Then I will go and tell my dad, he will definitely be willing to help."

The county master of Jidu remembered Zhang Tianfeng's light cloud, like a majestic figure stepping on the sky and the earth, and he couldn't help showing his emotions and said, "I don't usually like to ask for help, but this time I really can't do anything, I can only rely on you."

"Don't worry, but I won't help you in vain. After this is done, you will be my father's bride. Well, you are still too young, so at least let my father kiss her!"

Zi Yan is very serious about fighting for her father's interests.

The county master of Jidu showed an expression of crying and laughing. He knew Zi Yan's character of wealth and money, and he didn't care about the benefits, so he could only comfort him: "Okay, I will listen to you, if you help me solve the marriage in Shengdu, I... ...I'll let Senior Zhang kiss him."

She had a thin face, and she blushed after speaking, and changed the topic without a trace.

At the border of Shengyuan Continent, Beihai, Kraken and Beihai Alliance, a light blue barrier isolates everything.

Thunder Eel Clan, Sea Lion Clan, Sea Snake Clan, Sea Whale Clan... Eighteen sea-monster tribes joined forces, with a shadowy shadow of [-] people, scattered in various sea areas. In each army, there are countless demon kings sitting in town, looking around. Looking into the distance, he seemed to be waiting for something, and he was imposing.


At this moment, a violent wave suddenly spread from the very depths, and the protective barrier that blocked the border of the sea suddenly collapsed, and the major tribes of the Sea-Monster Clan suddenly cheered!

"That news is correct, today's border guard formation has really failed!"

"Kill! Rush into the North Sea Alliance domain!"

"Attention to all the warriors of the Sea Snake Clan, the goal this time is to destroy the ice island, kill Zhang Ruren, and avenge the thousands of our compatriots!"

"Kill Zhang Ruren and avenge the arrogance of my sea lion clan!"

The army of [-] Sea Monster Races, with a crimson light in their eyes, aggressively crossed the border and headed towards the Bingjue Island! , , .

Chapter 342 Kill until you tremble!

The ice island, the wind and clouds gather.

The clouds and stars in the sky swayed, forming more than a dozen huge vortex black holes. Like a long whale sucking water, all the spiritual energy within a radius of thousands of miles was absorbed, and condensed into a wave of spiritual sea tides, heading towards the depths of the ice island. rushed into the secret room.


The huge thunder exploded, and countless spiritual qi entrenched, actually forming a phantom of a queen hundreds of feet tall, with a look of contempt, like a god like an emperor, like an emperor patrolling the entire island.

And behind this queen, a huge bridge connects the heaven and the earth, like a colorful divine jade, beautiful.

At the level of this divine bridge, it seemed that a large amount of death energy was pouring out from the endless netherworld, sweeping up, covering half of the divine bridge, and there was an aura that was about to roll back for nine days.

"Shenqiao is now, death energy is surging, this is the vision of communicating the energy of death and breaking the first rebirth and death entrance!"

"This is... the island owner has broken through? The island owner actually only has the cultivation of the first level of life and death."

"What a terrifying vision, even more terrifying than the birth of the Great Sage!"

On Ice Jue Island, all the guards were crazy, looking at the vision in the sky full of awe, this is the embodiment of absolute strength, the sky and the earth are the proof, the sun and the moon are dim.

The magnificent vision lasted for half an hour, and the tide of the spiritual sea in the sky gradually stopped surging, and the phantom of the queen became more and more dim.


The door of the secret room smashed into powder, and the ruthless man stepped out in high spirits, his eyes were like thunder and lightning, and there were even electric lights overflowing while walking.

"Congratulations to the island owner for successfully breaking the level."

The guards on Bingjue Island had long been lined up in two lines outside the secret room, and when they saw the Ruthless Man coming out, they immediately greeted them respectfully.

Ruthless walked calmly in front of the crowd and asked in a low voice, "Thank you for your hard work. Is the island still peaceful during this time?"

Li San hurriedly said, "Reporting to the island owner, everything on the island is business as usual. In addition, the Beihai Alliance and the Kraken clan recently stopped fighting, and even the warships in the past are rarely seen."

Just when he said these words, a faint vision suddenly drifted out, like a moose like a musk deer, just taking a sip would make people feel agitated.

"This is……"

Everyone showed extremely excited expressions, looking at the dojo on the other side of the island.

"Dan Cheng!"

Above the dojo, Yu Xin was wearing a blue gauze, with a solemn expression, while controlling the dry blue ice flame and the green lotus demon fire, surrounding the bottom of the nine-legged purple gold dragon cauldron. Become two coiled dragons and lift the lid of the tripod.

A gigantic Danxia rose up into the sky, reaching thousands of feet, covering the sky and the sun, and outside this Danxia, ​​gloomy and terrifying faces were looming, like ghosts, surrounding the Danxia Golden Pillar. all around.

The vortex black holes in the sky that were about to dissipate began to condense again, and suddenly surged to a hundred, the Golden Thunder God Kingdom came, and lightning bolts were brewing.

"What an astonishing vision. Chixia is ten thousand feet tall, and it will become a pill calamity. This is a sign of the birth of a semi-holy-level elixir. The island owner's sister is actually a semi-holy-level alchemist!" Fushu Website www.fubooks.org

The guards of Ice Absolute Island couldn't help but take a deep breath. The resources in the North Sea are scarce, and the number of alchemists is far less than in the other three deserts, and there are few top alchemists, such as semi-holy alchemists, it can be said that It is rare, and it is definitely more precious than the Holy Land powerhouse.

"The ghost is haunted, the second sister is refining the necromantic pill, and she has refined the semi-holy level necromantic pill. It's really amazing."

The ruthless man also showed a hint of surprise, but she knew that the difficulty of refining the necromantic elixir was far beyond ordinary elixir. Yuxin was able to refine the half-holy necromantic elixir, which showed that her alchemy skills were not far from that of the alchemy master. Far.


In the distance of the island, stormy waves flooded, and huge sea beasts roared.

Li San said in horror: "No, it's the incense of the semi-holy spirit pill that attracted the sea beasts. There are many sea king beasts in this area. How can this be good?"

The rest of the guards were also terrified. Because of the lack of resources and the dead air, the island of ice is very rare, and even sea beasts are rarely seen, so the defense force is very lax. There are only three or two big cats and kittens, and just one sea king beast. , it can sweep everyone.

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