Ruthless looked calm and said in a low voice: "Don't panic, you all go to guard the scene, just leave the sea beasts to me."

After he finished speaking, the ruthless man walked like flying, and he used the sword-fighting technique, like a swipe of electric light, and when he got close, it turned into a sword light with a length of more than ten feet, and he slashed down.


With a random sword, a sea king beast with a size of dozens of feet comparable to the demon king slammed into two halves, countless pieces of meat flew across, and the sky was raining blood.

In the rain of blood, the ruthless man stood in the air, three feet of blue silk fluttering in the wind, looking at the sea king beasts who were obviously hesitant, chuckled lightly, and lightly sprinkled the sword light.

The first form of Reverse Chaos Sword Art, Ice and Fire Reverse Chaos!

The fusion of two first-order high-level sword intents, coupled with the powerful cultivation of the first-level entrance of life and death, the strength of the ruthless man has reached an unimaginable level of terror.

However, in a matter of seconds, the sea of ​​corpses lay on the periphery of Bingjue Island, and the blood and evil spirits took off like wolf smoke.

"No, how can there be so many powerful sea beasts around here!"

The ruthless man was killing and killing, and he couldn't help showing a look of vigilance. Then he looked at those sea beasts, and then he suddenly realized that the expressions in the eyes of these sea beasts were not greed, but... fear!It was like being chased by some powerful creature and was broken here.

"There is a situation, Li San, quickly send a message to the soldiers on the island to light the beacon fire, and urgently report to the Beihai Alliance!"

The ruthless man's reaction was not unpleasant, but it was still a step too late. Just as her voice had just fallen, a huge curtain blocked the entire [-] miles of Bingjue Island, and the sea monster army was riding the wind and waves, turbulent. come.

"Zhang Ruren, do you still remember the peerless genius of my Thunder Eel Clan, Lei Lingxi?"

"Today, the seal clan is going to avenge the arrogance of our clan!"

"Zhang Ruren, you killed hundreds of arrogances from my Kraken Clan at the bottom of Dijian Lake. This hatred is unbearable!"

"Sea lion warriors, if you kill Zhang Ruren, you will be rewarded with a Rune Bone Noble Phantasm!"

The army of [-] sea monsters roared, angered into the sky, like heavy armor, and came towards the ruthless people.

The ruthless man looked around, and saw that the strongest of these people was also a high-level demon king. He couldn't help but look cold, and said boldly: "It's okay to be enemies in the world. Today, I will clear Beihai and kill you until you tremble!" , , .

Chapter 343 The Emperor of the Yin Division!


One word resounded in the ears of the [-] sea monster army, and the white sword light froze the sea.


With the sound of shattering ice, the thousands of the Kraken army exploded to their death, their flesh and blood flying all over the sea, rendering a terrifying scene of Shura hell.

"Zhang Ruren, return my son's life!"

A gigantic Thunder Eel Sea-Monster King rolled its tail more than ten feet long and swept toward the ruthless man. The cyan electric light at the tail jumped, inspiring several thunders with thick arms, shaking the void.

The ruthless man didn't turn around, and threw a sword straight back, and a majestic figure of the emperor emerged from the sky above his head, holding a golden sword, and slashed down.

"This is... the Water Emperor's Killing Sword?"

The high-level demon king of the Thunder Eel Clan was horrified. He felt an incomparable power from this sword light, and the instinctual fear in his heart even overwhelmed his hatred for the ruthless.

The thunder light escaped, and the invincible Thunder Eel Demon King actually showed timidity, twisted the demon body, and planned to escape.

But it was too late. The huge golden sword light shone on the sea and mercilessly cut the famous Thunder Eel Demon King in two.

The ruthless man succeeded in one strike, without stopping at all, the law of the sword was used, and it turned into an electric light and rushed into the sea lion army.

"Two layers of ice and fire!"

The sword qi was vented, and it was as mighty as the Yangtze River. All the sea lion warriors blocking the road were all torn to pieces, including a dozen demon king-level commanders.

This sword alone caused the sea lion clan to suffer heavy losses.

"It's too terrifying. A mere junior at the first level of life and death profound entrance has such terrifying strength, which is even more amazing than the Water Emperor back then. If you let her grow up, that's amazing?"

The power of the ruthless man made all the monster kings of the sea monsters feel fearful. They have lived for a long time. They have witnessed the rise of the water emperor of the Sea God Academy from a weak body, and eventually became one of the most famous and unparalleled powerhouses in the North Sea. Every move can stir up the situation on the continent.

But today's Ruthless Man has shown more amazing talents than Shuihuang, and it is even foreseeable that Ruthless Man's future road is wider than that of Shuihuang, how can they not be shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

"This woman must die!"

"If Zhang Ruren is alive, there will be another immortal emperor in China after a thousand years, and the North Sea is in danger!"

"For the future of Beihai, I swear to kill Zhang Ruren!"

"Middle-earth regained the heart of the North Sea, and it has never been extinguished. Such an amazing character must never let her walk out of the North Sea alive!"

All the sea-monster powerhouses are crazy, their eyes are red, at this moment, they are no longer out of simple hatred, but think of the future of the North Sea, to strangle the unparalleled genius who is destined to rise in the cradle.


The murderous aura rushed into the sea, and the army of [-] sea monsters, all stimulated the bloodline power to the maximum extent, rushed towards the ruthless.

The war was unprecedentedly tragic. A sea monster king was swept away by the sword light, and it was directly turned into minced meat. Thousands of years of practice were turned into nothing.Kiss Novel

"Crush! Charge me! She only has the first level of life and death, and she has not yet communicated with the world. No matter how thick her background is, her true qi is limited. If she exhausts her true qi, she will surely die!"

The sea-monster army is aggressive, and this is their greatest hope. Since no one can defeat the ruthless in a single battle, they will take advantage of the sea of ​​​​people.The biggest advantage of the legendary king is that he communicates with the world. He can directly borrow the power of the world, and the spiritual power is endless, and the ruthless person obviously does not have this qualification.

"Humph! It's a good idea to use up my spiritual power!"

There was a look of mockery in the eyes of the ruthless man, the sword light swirled, and a powerful sword move was displayed, killing all the enemies within a hundred meters, and then a shock behind him, a huge black hole faintly emerged.

"Swallowing the devil, hell oven, now!"

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