"Today's battle on the ice island will surely be famous for eternity, and we will also be honored for eternity!"

"The power of the Sea-Monster Race is inviolable!"

Countless sea-monster warriors let out crazy roars, urging the three astrology techniques to crush Ruren, Yuxin, and Zi Yan with difficulty.

Faced with this fatal blow, the three sisters did not dare to be careless.

Yu Xin was calm and calm, but there was a layer of cold sweat on her forehead. It was not because she was scared, but the bloody ghost behind her had absorbed too much blood, and it was so powerful that she could not control it.

Looking at the powerful astrology oncoming at this time, Yu Xin didn't care about anything else. She raised her hand with difficulty and pointed a little towards the astrology. The astrology rushed away, and both exploded!

"Five-color divine light!"

Zi Yan was also extremely alert, inspiring the blood of the Peacock Ming Wang in her body, and a beautiful five-color light wheel burst out from her body, forcibly blocking the powerful astrology, and constantly swallowing its power.

The five-color divine light can be used for all things, and this object includes magical weapons and magical powers.

However, the ruthless man who faced the strongest astrology blow has remained silent, like a sleeping rotten tree, and she opened her eyes abruptly just before the astrology appeared.

When he opened his eyes, the world changed color, because what those eyes contained was... Destruction!

A dark, thick, and stern sword light rose from the top of her head, and the eternity was dead!

Destroy the sword soul, done!

In the next instant, two sword souls burst out, one red and one blue, red fire and ice blue.

"The fourth form of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art, the ice and fire will destroy the sky!"

The three sword-soul-level sword intents were instantly condensed into one, and a sword swayed, and the vast star art was directly divided into two halves!


All the blood and essence of the [-] Sea-Monster army shattered, and [-] souls perished and died on the Ice Island!

"Haha, victory!"

Zi Yan cheered, and Ruthless and Yuxin also showed joy.

But I didn't want that just when the three sisters were rejoicing, a loud voice suddenly rolled away from the void:

"You killed the emperor's son?" ,, . . .

Chapter 345 The Emperor Fights the Demon Emperor!

"This is Longwei?"

The ruthless man stood with his sword in his back, looking at the turbulent sea of ​​corpses and blood, with a dignified look in his eyes.

Longwei is the will of the true dragon. Only those strong dragons whose bloodline is pure to a certain limit can exude Longwei. This is the coercion of the Lord of all beasts, which is invincible and unparalleled.

Zi Yan turned into a human figure, and stood side by side with Yuxin to the left and right of the ruthless man. I saw the sea of ​​blood turned upside down, and the momentum was extremely huge. Chilling.

"Black Dragon Demon Emperor!"

Looking at the extremely majestic huge black dragon, the three sisters exclaimed in unison, such an ice-cold and biting coercion, only a half-step emperor can possess.

Since the decline of Shengyuan Continent, there are very few real immortal emperors, and they almost do not appear in the world. Half-step immortal emperors are also rare, and each of them is an unparalleled powerhouse standing at the peak.

Such a supreme-level figure is the true guardian of the Three Wildernesses and One Sea, and even the major exotic regions, far surpassing the thousands of troops and horses, and his reputation is resounding across the continent.

And the Black Dragon Demon Emperor is such a big man. He is as famous as the Water Emperor in the North Sea. He has lived for thousands of years and dominates the North Sea.

"You killed the emperor's son?"

Holding the huge dragon eyes, the Black Dragon Demon Emperor firmly locked onto the ruthless man standing with his sword in his back. The sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses suddenly set off huge waves, and the sky became gloomy.

Words and deeds, causing the sky to collapse, this is the power of the half-step immortal emperor.

"Black Dragon Demon Sovereign, you are going too far, this is the domain of our Beihai Alliance!"

"Black Dragon Demon Emperor, have you forgotten the agreement with Senior Overlord?"

A burst of roars came from the sky, but in the blink of an eye, there were more than twenty escaping lights rushing from a distance, each with a rainbow-like aura, and they were all powerful in the holy realm, even the weakest one, there was a holy King-level combat power.

These people are all high-level officials of the North Sea Alliance. They were alerted by the Black Dragon Demon Emperor breaking the ban. Looking at the chaotic scene of Bingjue Island, everyone's faces were extremely difficult to see.

"You juniors of the Beihai Alliance, dare to block this emperor?"

The Black Dragon Demon Emperor said in a hoarse voice, although it was very calm, it carried an unparalleled domineering arrogance.

A young woman flashed out of the saints, but seeing her tall and thin body, wearing black tights, like a sharp blade out of the sheath, her originally pretty face was covered with several terrifying scars, looking very hideous. terror.

This woman is Shangguan Yan, the leader of the Shangguan family's war department. She has always been cold-blooded and ruthless. At this time, she stopped in front of the ruthless man and said in a low voice: "Our Beihai Alliance's overlord senior has an agreement with the Sea-Monster Clan, half-step emperor-level strong. You are not allowed to do anything recklessly. Could it be that the Black Dragon Demon Emperor intends to tear up this agreement? I’m afraid that the consequences will not be something that His Excellency the Demon Emperor can bear.”

A cold look flashed in the eyes of the Black Dragon Demon Emperor, and he said angrily: "This girl killed the most outstanding descendant of this emperor, this emperor will definitely smash her to pieces, even if the overlord is close, he can't stop her, what kind of thing are you? , get out of here!"

After speaking, the black dragon demon emperor's dragon claws stood up, wrapped in violent and boundless might, fiercely grabbed at Shangguan Yan, and directly blasted the super-powerhouse of the holy king's peak level into the air. The left shoulder armor was dripping with blood, and it was faintly visible. Boneless.

"Black Dragon Demon Sovereign, you're going too far, it's easy to be bullied when I, Beihai Alliance!"

The ancestors of the Shangguan family had all their hair and beard, and the Holy Master-level combat power spread out, dodging to block in front of the ruthless man.

The ancestor of the Yang family flashed, standing side by side with the ancestor of the Shangguan family, and said with a dark face: "The Black Dragon Demon Emperor, this woman is the honored guest of our Beihai Alliance, the unparalleled arrogance of the Eastern Desolate Heavenly Theological Academy, and her father is also a half-step immortal emperor. It's not something you can kill at will."

The Black Dragon Demon Emperor had been blinded by hatred for a long time, and without any scruples, he shouted loudly, "Whoever blocks me will die!"

The high-pitched dragon roar resounded through the nine days, and the dark clouds gathered in the sky. A huge and boundless black dragon claw protruded from the thick black cloud. The sky and the earth in a radius of thousands of miles were whistling, and even the void was fragmented. Press down.

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