Turn upside down!

The sun and the moon are sinking!Xiao Tao Chinese www.xiaotaozw.com

All in the power of this claw!

The faces of the ancestors of Shangguan and the Yang family changed dramatically at the same time, and they instinctively sacrificed their strongest magical powers and slammed towards the huge dragon claw.


The black dragon claws were as fast as thunder, as if it was about to overturn the world, directly tore the magical powers of the two holy master-level ancestors, and slammed them out.

This is still the Black Dragon Demon Emperor's hand, otherwise, this claw is enough to cause the two Holy Master-level powerhouses to suffer serious injuries that cannot be healed.



The Black Dragon Demon Emperor hasn't made a move for a hundred years, and when he makes a move, the sky is still torn apart, and he swears that the supreme emperor's prestige is inviolable.

"Little girl, take your life!"

The dark dragon eyes stared at the ruthless man, and the majestic dragon claws like mountains were pressed down like Taishan, blocking the space and imprisoning everything!

"Miss, be careful!"

"Miss Zhang, be careful!"

Everyone showed a horrified look, this is the power of the falling sky, a half-step emperor is determined to kill one person, who can stop it.


A voice exploded in the void, no one was seen, just two words, but it stirred the world.

The dark clouds in the sky quickly dissipated like waves, and the scorching sun hung high in the sky.

Under the golden light pouring down, a young man in white came walking on the waves.

"It's Senior Zhang, Senior Zhang is on the island!"

The high-level officials of the Beihai Alliance couldn't help showing ecstasy. Their biggest fear was that the Black Dragon Demon Emperor killed the ruthless man, causing Zhang Tian to vent his anger on them.

"Dad, you are here!"

Zi Yan smiled happily, opened her hands to cheer, and Ruthless and Yuxin also showed a soothing color.

"Ta Tata..."

Zhang Tian strolled forward, and every step seemed to be directly in the hearts of everyone, looking at the huge dragon claws that stretched for hundreds of miles, and said casually: "Broken!"

As soon as the voice fell, the dragon claws of the Black Dragon Demon Emperor were stagnant in mid-air, as if the time was frozen, the next moment, it collapsed with a bang, and the endless dragon blood was sprinkled all over the sea.

"Ahhhh!! You bastard, this emperor wants you to die!"

The eyes of the Black Dragon Demon Emperor were filled with anger. He had been in the North Sea for tens of thousands of years. How could he have suffered such humiliation, and immediately transported another dragon claw, forming a big handprint as black as ink, shattering the void!

"Light of Firefly, also want to compete with Haoyue?"

The corner of Zhang Tian’s mouth showed a faint mocking color, and he swiped towards the void, the vast emperor’s might swept across the ten directions, a sword light engraved with the laws of the heavens, the heaven and the earth, the dragon’s claws were broken, and the dragon’s body stretched for an unknown distance. Broken in two! , , .

Chapter 346 Give Ben Emperor an explanation!

The dragon's blood filled the sky, as if the sky was crying, but it was a red rain of blood, containing majestic essence, and every drop that fell, smashed a huge wave on the sea.


The stormy waves came and went, but the audience was silent. The high-level officials of the eight major families of the North Sea Alliance, a great sage, a holy king, and even a holy master-level powerhouse, all seemed to be frozen, and even their breathing was stagnant.

Their eyes widened as they watched the huge dragon head of the Black Dragon Demon Emperor split in two, floating on the sea, like two majestic peaks. .

The Black Dragon Demon Emperor who suppressed the North Sea for tens of thousands of years, the invincible powerhouse who was half-step into the Immortal Emperor Realm, actually fell in front of them like this.



Huge fear filled the hearts of all the top officials of the North Sea Alliance. The death of the Black Dragon Demon Emperor was like a heavy hammer, hitting their hearts fiercely. This was an ending that no one had expected.

The sky in the Beihai...is going to be in chaos.

The sky of Shengyuan Continent...is going to be in chaos!

The fall of a half-step immortal emperor is enough to set off an earthquake in the entire continent, not to mention the black dragon demon emperor, a veteran demon emperor who has survived for tens of thousands of years. His reputation among the demon clan is so high, but he fell when his fame was at its peak.

He was beheaded by Zhang Tiansheng, a new half-step emperor in the Eastern Wilderness!

However, the Black Dragon Demon Emperor has a paranoid personality and has always been the overlord of the Sea-Monster clan. He bowed to Zhang Tian and said, "Senior Zhang's martial arts reach the sky, and he will slay the Black Dragon Demon Emperor with all his might, and he will surely spread his name to the world! The North Sea Alliance congratulates everyone with one heart!"

This sound is earth-shattering, and there is no exaggeration at all. The fall of a half-step emperor will soon spread to the mainland. At that time, Zhang Tian, ​​who is a dragon slayer, will also be praised to the altar and become the owner of the mainland. A man of influence who all forces are vying to win over.

Zhang Tian's expression remained silent, turning a deaf ear to the flattery of these people. He only flicked his hand lightly, forming a colorful glow and sending it into the body of Shangguan Yan, who was seriously injured and dying.

In the next moment, Shangguan Yan's pale complexion immediately improved, and the scapula that exposed the white bones also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant, it turned into a snow skin as smooth as a newborn baby.


As if something had broken open, the spiritual power in Shangguan Yandantian soared several times under the nourishment of Jinxia, ​​and was reborn from ashes, breaking through the shackles in one fell swoop, from the peak of the holy king, to the holy master.Yaoyao Literature Network www.11wxw.com

This step is extraordinary. The combat power of the Holy King level is at most comparable to that of the ordinary ancient sect masters, but the combat power of the Holy Lord level is comparable to that of the masters of the first-class Holy Land, and it will be respected in any place.

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