Seeing this scene, the high-level officials of the Beihai Alliance could not help showing expressions of envy and remorse. Knowing that Zhang Tian had such terrifying strength, they also took the risk to block the next blow for the ruthless man, and Shangguan Yan took a day away for nothing. Great credit, saving at least a thousand years of penance.

"Many thanks to Senior Zhang for the blessing."

Shangguan Yan felt the powerful spiritual power in his body, and couldn't help but feel excited, and thanked Zhang Tian respectfully.

She is the leader of the Shangguan family's war department. She has been accompanied by killing all her life. She has suffered many secret injuries on her body.But she did not expect that with the help of Jin Xia bestowed by Zhang Tian, ​​not only did she successfully overcome the difficulties in the realm of cultivation, but even the dark wounds that had accumulated in her body for thousands of years were all swept away, making her future cultivation path become Incomparably flat and broad, the future is limitless.

This help was far greater than others imagined. Even with the temperament of Shang Guanyan, he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling towards Zhang Tiansheng, with gratitude and other emotions.

Zhang Tian nodded slightly, turned his head to look at the ancestors of the major families, and said in a low voice: "This is the inland sea area of ​​the Beihai Alliance, why are there so many sea monster warriors suddenly appearing. You, who will give this emperor an explanation? "

Swept by Zhang Tian's icy eyes, everyone couldn't help but snort, as if they had fallen into the nine secluded ice caves. They knew that a careless answer would immediately bring disaster to the sky. Their so-called noble status was in front of Zhang Tian. , is worthless at all!

After a little silence, the ancestor of the Nalan family who had the closest relationship with Zhang Tian took a step forward and said: "Senior Zhang, please calm down, this fact is strange. Originally, there was a protective barrier between the sea area of ​​the Beihai Alliance and the Sea Monster Clan, but I don't know why this barrier suddenly failed for most of today, making it impossible to detect the breath of creatures below the semi-holy level, which gave these Sea-Monster clansmen a chance to take advantage."

The ancestor of the Yang family also said quickly: "The army of [-] sea monsters has entered, and many islands under the control of the Beihai Alliance and the Holy Ancestor Dynasty have also suffered heavy losses. We have not yet found the internal cause, please senior Zhang for a few days, and we will definitely give it to senior Zhang. A reasonable answer."

Zhang Tian's eyes were cold, and before he could speak, the ruthless man said softly: "There are always feuds between the various tribes of the Kraken, and the eighteen tribes formed a coalition. I think the answer to the failure is clear, right?"

Everyone in the audience couldn't help but shuddered. Ruthless was right. In this case, there is only one explanation, that is, there are inner ghosts operating in secret, colluding with the sea monsters, privately destroying the enchantment circle, and attracting the sea. The monster army came to attack.

The ancestor of the Guo family wiped the cold sweat on his head, and said cautiously: "This time the Beihai Alliance and the Holy Ancestor Dynasty are fighting together, and the protection of the barrier is also controlled by both. The Beihai Alliance is responsible for maintaining the barrier. It is our Guo family. People, but the junior dares to use his life to guarantee, this matter has absolutely nothing to do with my Guo family, I hope senior Zhang can learn from it."

"It has nothing to do with the Guo family. Could it be that you mean that King Jinghai of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty colluded with the Kraken to kill my eldest sister?"

Zi Yan said angrily.

The patriarch of the Guo family was silent for a while, colluding with the Kraken.

The ruthless man frowned slightly, just as he was about to say something, his heart suddenly moved, and he sank his mind into his dantian to observe.

I saw that the remnant soul of Marquis Zhenhai, who was captured by her, was slowly waking up at this time. , , .

Chapter 347 Welcome to Senior Zhang's Triumph

The remnant soul of Marquis Zhenhai is awakening, which is undoubtedly good news.

This person was previously determined by Ruthless to have colluded with the Kraken, and he was King Jinghai's confidant. He must know a lot of King Jinghai's secrets, which is more credible than any investigation.

With this trump card in hand, Ruthless Man believes that he will be able to figure out who is behind this conspiracy.

The breaking of the protective barrier this time has caused great losses to the Beihai Alliance. Apart from the [-] Kraken army that has been prepared for a long time, the other major tribes of the Kraken have also seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to conduct a large-scale sneak attack. , the war has spread to countless seas.

Therefore, the high-level officials of the eight major families did not stay in the ice island for too long. After expressing their apologies to the ruthless people, they left one after another and went to other sea areas to quell the war.

Zhang Tian returned to the island with his three daughters and said to Zi Yan, "Why did you come back by yourself?"

When he left, he had left Zi Yan a world-breaking amulet, which allowed him to freely enter and leave the virtual world, so it was not surprising that she suddenly appeared.

Zi Yan kicked her calf, sat on the chair, and said briskly: "When I come back, I naturally have a big business to ask my father for help. In fact, I went to Jingyue Lake before..."

Zi Yan explained the troubles of Jidu County Lord one by one, and said angrily: "Although this little County Lord is a little bit financially obsessed, his face and figure are not as good as the eldest and second sisters, but he is also so-so, how can he make it? Those bastards have taken over!"

Yu Xin listened patiently and sighed softly: "Poor Hong Yan is always poor, and most ruthless emperor family. The identity of Jidu County Lord is too conspicuous, more majestic than a princess, and naturally everyone cares about it. Even the prince who is in charge of the party doesn't dare to get involved in the fight, so what can we do?"

The ruthless man said: "The trouble with the county master of Jidu is that the Zhennan palace is so powerful that it makes people jealous, while the Zhennan king is at the crux of 'fighting for the destiny' and can't take care of himself and can't go out and preside over the overall situation. The real mastermind is the holy ancestor. The prince of the dynasty, if he wants to break the game, he must go to the holy capital of Zhongzhou to suppress the princes, which is indeed not an easy task."

"Oh, but I have already promised the little princess."

Zi Yan was very anxious and looked at Zhang Tian pitifully.

Zhang Tian smiled slightly, touched Zi Yan's little head, and said, "Don't worry, Dad helped with this."

"Thank you Dad, Dad is the best!"

Zi Yan smiled happily, and suddenly jumped on Zhang Tian, ​​her two calves crossed Zhang Tian's waist, and kissed him on the cheek, leaving a shallow pool of water stains.

"You girl."

Zhang Tianjiao grabbed Zi Yan angrily and patted her circle twice, but his eyes were full of smiles.

Night fell, and the sky was dark.

The ruthless man returned to his room, immediately sat cross-legged, and sank his heart into his dantian. After being nourished by a lot of spiritual power, the remnant soul of Zhenhaihou has gradually recovered his senses, staring blankly at everything around him.

"you're awake?"

The ruthless man used his consciousness to cast a projection, stood in front of Zhenhaihou, pointed a little, and several chains appeared out of nowhere, locking Zhenhaihou. txt novel

"This is my dantian world. Here, I am God, don't try to resist."

The ruthless man carried his hands on his back and said in a low voice, above her head, the sword of destruction was quietly suspended, exuding a peerless ferocity that could destroy the world.

A deep fear flashed in Zhenhaihou's eyes, and he muttered, "What's your intention to capture me?"

The ruthless man said: "You colluded with the Kraken in private, and borrowed Shangguanxiong's hand to pass information to them. Do you recognize this?"

Zhenhai Hou was silent.

"I said, here, I am heaven. If you don't want to suffer too much pain, or even die, you'd better explain it honestly."

The ruthless man's tone was cold for three points, and he bent his finger a little, and shot a sword of destruction, which directly cut off Zhenhaihou's right limb, and the karmic fire burned violently.

"Ahhh... I said! I said!"

This kind of pain that goes deep into the soul is by no means human beings can contend against. The Marquis of Zhenhai couldn't hold on to it, and explained everything one by one.

As expected by Ruthless Man, Zhenhaihou did have transactions with several tribes in the Sea-Monster clan. Every time he had a mission, he would pass on the information through the people below, and he would constantly clean his subordinates to avoid information leakage.

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