"Very good, next question, who is the main messenger behind you?"

The ruthless man's eyes were like lightning, piercing straight into the bottom of Zhenhaihou's heart, making him dare not tell a lie.

"The main messenger behind me is... yes... I can't say, kill me!"

There was a look of extreme fear in Zhenhaihou's eyes. It seemed that as long as he said this name, he would suffer great misfortune.

"Is it really King Jinghai? He is the only one who can make you so frightened. It's shocking. The eight kings with different surnames in the dignified ancestral dynasty, the generation of powerful kings who were responsible for suppressing Beihai, actually colluded with the sea monsters!"

The ruthless man's eyes showed a clear look, and he said lightly, and suddenly the eyes of Zhenhaihou were gray.

This is a terrifying truth. King Jinghai leads an elite army of two million by himself and suppresses the huge Beihai. Even among the eight kings with different surnames, he can still rank in the top three. Things, the whole world will shake.

And the ruthless man has already discovered the truth!

Knowing that the person who planned to frame her this time is likely to be Queen Jinghai, the ruthless person did not have many accidents. She just sealed the remnant soul of Zhenhaihou. For her, this is the key to the fatal blow of King Jinghai. thing!

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, and the new island owner who was in charge of taking over Ice Jue Island finally arrived, and the Ruthless Man and his party were able to leave and return to the central waters.

Sailing all the way, when there are still thousands of nautical miles away from the central sea area, hundreds of ships are lined up in a row, hunting with flags and flags, such as iron ropes crossing the river, each ship is full of young Tianjiao, with anxiety And the color of reverence, overlooking the sea horizon.

When Zhang Tian and the others appeared on the battleship, all the ships were boiling, and they shouted in unison: "Welcome Senior Zhang to come, and welcome Miss Zhang to return." , . . .

Chapter 348 Bow down to the North Sea, there is a Sword King

Tianjiao, such as Nalan Ruoxue, Yang Daoyuan, and Bai Mu, who boasted that they had a good relationship with Ruthless Man, even jumped into the air and rushed to the battleship where Ruthless Man was, and they bowed their hands in salute.

Nalan Ruoxue glanced at Zhang Tian quickly, and said sweetly: "In the battle of Bing Jue Island, Senior Zhang slayed the Black Dragon Demon King, shaking the world. Miss Zhang fought the [-] Sea Monster Clan army alone, also known as the Eight Wilderness. Beihai is recognized as an unparalleled genius, well-deserved!"

Bai Mudao: "Unparalleled Tianjiao, this is an unparalleled honor. Everyone is very happy for Miss Zhang. They have set up a luxurious banquet in Tianhai Restaurant to welcome Miss Zhang."

The ruthless man stroked his broken hair and said with a chuckle: "Thank you for your kindness, but before returning to the central island, I have to go to another place."

"Where?" Everyone asked strangely.

"Emperor Sword Lake!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was shocked.

Yang Daoyuan was shocked and said, "Could it be that Miss Zhang's kendo skills are enough to leave her name on the ancient sword tablet?"

"You'll know if you try it."

The ruthless man smiled slightly, turned into an electric light, and walked directly towards the Emperor Sword Lake.

The news came quickly, and countless young Tianjiao who were watching from behind rushed to escape and chased the ruthless man.

This is a big event. The Sword King of the North Sea has only a hundred people who have left his name for millions of years.

Dijian Lake is magnificent, with less than half of the one-month closing period remaining. The lake surface has begun to shrink, the water is turbulent, and there is a faint whistling of sword energy.


The ruthless man ran to the top of the lake and dived in without hesitation, using his body to control the sword, the invisible sword energy wrapped his body, and all the sea water that approached was divided and unstoppable.

"Who is this? It's so powerful."

"The sword will split the waves, it's too scary."

"It's Zhang Ruren, she's here again, just one step away from leaving her name last time!"

The swordsmen who were cultivating in the Emperor Sword Lake recognized the identity of the ruthless man, which immediately caused an uproar, and they all stopped feeling and followed the ruthless man.

The last time, the ruthless man had dived to the bottom of the [-]-mile lake and touched the sword tablet. He was the Tianjiao swordsman who was closest to the person who left his name except Jianxilai. A sense of anticipation to witness the birth of history.

Seventy thousand miles under the sea, countless people were forced to stop.

Nalan Ruoxue gritted her teeth and threw out a shell-shaped round shield, intending to continue to move forward despite the damage to the treasure.

There are not a few people like her. Such a big event, which is rare in ten thousand years, is destined to leave a strong mark in the history of Beihai. Who doesn't want to observe it more closely.

Eighty thousand miles under the sea, this is a critical point.

Going further down, the sword intent is raging, and you can clearly see the Jidao Emperor Sword buried at the bottom of the lake, like a cloud-piercing magic weapon that penetrates the sky and the ground. In the sea, no one can survive in such a harsh environment for a long time.

But at this time, close to [-] nautical miles, there was a black-haired man standing madly, with black hair flamboyant, as if he was in purgatory, like a god or a devil.

"It's Jianxi, he's still here!" www.mnowoxs.com

Many young Tianjiao issued Tianjiao, [-] blade storms on the bottom of the sea, even if they were famous in the Beihai Tianjiao, their scalps felt numb, but Jianxilai could be at peace, as if standing in their own backyard. Invincible spirit, it makes people feel trembling.

Those swordsmen who have been cultivating at the bottom of Emperor Sword Lake for a long time know that after being defeated by Ruthless Man last time, Jianxilai returned within a few days. That battle was undoubtedly a great shame for him. Scrubbing can only be approved by the Jidao Emperor Sword.

This is his only chance, so for more than ten days, he has been immersed in less than [-] nautical miles, comprehending kendo to the greatest extent possible.

"Get out of here!"

The sword edge of the ruthless man has arrived, the momentum is like a sky-shaking rainbow, and it erupts with a bang, and a huge sword energy descends, like the ancient sacred mountain, smashing towards Jianxi.

"Zhang Ruren, is that you?"

Jian Xilai suddenly woke up from his comprehension, and in the next instant he felt an unrivaled sword intent pressing towards him.

"The Water Emperor is born!"

The Sword Intent of Infinite Water is stimulated from the blade of Jianxi, rolling up tens of thousands of feet of waves. This Sword Intent is extremely powerful, with a first-order advanced sword soul level, and a hint of imperial prestige, which has already reached the level of staying power. The minimum standard for Mingu Sword Stele.

But the strength of the ruthless man is stronger!

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