First-Order Advanced Ice Sword Soul!

First-Order Advanced Fire Sword Soul!

A first-order low-level destruction sword soul!

The three powerful sword intents fused together, the sea water swayed, and even the sword energy that escaped from the Extreme Dao Emperor Sword was completely wiped out. The real divine might was invincible.


Under the crushing force of this powerful sword intent, Jian Xilai didn't even have time to snort, so he was directly blasted out, hitting the water for [-] miles and blood waves of [-] feet, and the audience was shocked.

One-shot kill!

With just one sword, the first Tianjiao of Beihai was severely damaged, and life and death were unknown!

"Today, I shall take the name of the Sword King of the North Sea!"

The ruthless man made a rhetoric, crossed the position before Jianxi came, and walked all the way towards the ancient sword monument. on the tombstone.

Ancient Sword Stele, approved!

The whole place is boiling!

Zhang Ruren, the three big characters of Long Feifengwu, jumped on the monument, and the radiance was overwhelming, overshadowing the brilliance of all those who left their names.

Just when the last stroke was exhausted, the Jidao Emperor Sword suddenly trembled violently, a sword intent that seemed to come from millions of years ago, crossed the endless river of time, broke the sword, poured into the body of the ruthless man, and reflected her. Ice muscles and jade bones, fairy spirits are elegant.

The imprint of the eternal sword intent has since become eternal, indicating that the ruthless person has become the new sword king of the North Sea!The real Beihai first person!

Those Tianjiao stopped to watch, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in witnessing history. A young genius in Confucian clothing even shook his head and said:

"Reflecting the ice and snow in the world in the distance, the dark fragrance of the UFO and the river, the heroic road of the world, and the sword king bowing down to the North Sea." ,,..

Chapter 349 Chen Climbing Out of the Immortal Devil Cave..

"Do not!!!"

In the blood vortex, there was a sudden cry of grief and indignation. It was the roar of Jian Xilai. Seeing the ruthless man get the approval of the Jidao Emperor Sword, his whole heart was bleeding!

Beihai Sword King, this not only means a title, but also means that you can get the swordsmanship insight of that sword emperor.

Eternal Sword Intent, which can intercept the vicissitudes of the years, is one of the most magical laws, and it is also the most suitable for inheritance.

This is the real reason why Emperor Sword Lake yearns for Beihai Swordsmen!

For this benefit, Jian Xilai did not hesitate to lock up his cultivation with the seals of eighteen ghosts and gods, and spent decades of precious time sharpening his swordsmanship, paying too much.

But now, everything is like a dream bubble, vanishing into thin air.


The entire Emperor Sword Lake was trembling, and the Jidao Emperor Sword sent out a huge circle of light, sweeping the audience and sending everyone's blast out.

Ruthless beings, as the heirs recognized by Emperor Sword, will be completely closed when receiving the baptism of Sword Intent.

This sword intent baptism lasted for ten days. The number of young geniuses outside the Emperor Sword Lake did not decrease, but increased. There were tens of thousands.

Back then, Shuihuang was defeated by the hand of the emperor, the emperor, and missed the name of the world's arrogance. However, after obtaining the title of the sword king of Beihai, the swordsmanship has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it is impossible to draw the emperor. This shows how big the baptism of sword intent is. The benefits are enough to make people reborn.

"Ms. Zhang's strength, I am afraid that she is invincible in the legendary realm, comparable to Ye Bufan back then, and now she has obtained the inheritance of the Extreme Dao Emperor Sword. It is hard to imagine how terrifying her strength will be."

"This kind of unparalleled arrogance is enough to suppress a great world. Ordinary arrogance, even her back is hard to see, no one knows how far she can go."

"The troubled times are coming, and the arrogance of the East Wilderness is frequent, and it even occupies the title of 'Beihai Sword King'.

Just when the people above were talking about it, the ruthless man also reached the most critical moment of the baptism of the sword intent. The eternal sword intent was thrown into the ruthless man's dantian, but it was absorbed by the stars and the sword map, and a lot of ancient sword kings' insights emerged.

One after another, extremely sharp sword energy came out, forming glaciers, seas of fire, and oceans around her, and all of them turned into nothingness under a black blade.

This is an overall improvement.

The ice-type sword soul has been upgraded from the first-order advanced to the first-order top.

The fire-type sword soul has been upgraded from the first-order advanced to the first-order top.

Destruction Sword Soul, from the first-order elementary level to the first-order intermediate level.

Even the ruthless man has reached the perfection of the water-type sword intent, which has not been comprehended for a long time, and he is only one step away from condensing the sword soul.

Various sword intents were wrapped into a huge sword ball, which burst open with a bang.

"When I come again, I will take the Sword of the Supreme Dao Emperor!"

Finally, he glanced at the Jidao Emperor Sword sinking at the bottom of the lake, and the ruthless man soared into the sky, directly breaking through the sea ban and jumping to the sky.

"The Sword King of the North Sea!"

"Beihai Sword King!"

"Beihai Sword King!"

The voices of the sky rose, shaking the North Sea, and witnessing the birth of the real first person in the North Sea.

Returning to the central island, the ruthless man originally planned to rest for a day to consolidate the huge gains he had gained during this time.

Unexpectedly, the arrival of a person interrupted all plans.

This person is... Shangguan Qin, one of the core five giants of the former Tianshen Academy.

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