"Sister Shangguan, how did you find this place?"

Seeing Shangguan Qin in the Nalan family's house made Ruren very surprised.

Shangguanqin was overjoyed when she saw Ruthless Man, but she did not rush to say hello, but respectfully said to Zhang Tian next to her: "Junior Shangguanqin, see Senior Zhang, and send greetings to Senior Zhang on behalf of the elders of the Heavenly God Academy."

Zhang Tiandan smiled and said, "No gift."

Only then did Shangguanqin straighten up, look at the ruthless man, and sigh softly: "If I hadn't found Li Ming, it would be hard to imagine that Junior Sister Zhang would be able to create such a great prestige in Beihai, the three kings of the sea people, the sea monster. The six demon kings of the clan, the arrogance of the contemporary era, were all lost in the hands of Junior Sister Zhang, and even Jianxilai was vulnerable, and Junior Sister Zhang truly deserves the name of the unparalleled arrogance."

The ruthless man said: "It turned out to be Li Mingyin's way. Senior Sister Shangguan came all the way here. Could it be that there is something important to look for me?"

Shangguan Qin said: "There is indeed a major event. To be precise, it is looking for your three sisters."

Yu Xin and Zi Yan were also slightly taken aback when they heard the words, and immediately listened attentively.

Shangguanqin cleared his throat and said slowly: "Half a month ago, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty released news that the Zhongzhou Tianjiao Battle will be held at the end of this month. The demon clan's arrogance battle is a battle of the alchemy arrogance, and the rewards are rich enough to make all the ancient sect holy places excited. Therefore, the Sanhuang arrogance, whether it is a loose cultivator or a descendant of the holy land, all hear the wind and gather in the holy capital of Zhongzhou."

"Zhongzhou Tianjiao Battle?"

The three ruthless sisters all took a deep breath. Although there are many sects in the Shengyuan Continent, and there are even many ancient holy places that have been inherited for millions of years, but in the present world, the emperor's dynasty is still the first force that cannot be shaken, and now they are willing to take it out. It is no exaggeration to say that Chongbao held the Tianjiao Battle.

After pondering for a long time, he said ruthlessly: "Is there an explanation for the reason why the Holy Ancestor Dynasty held the Zhongzhou Tianjiao Battle?"

Shangguan Qin said: "The Holy Ancestor Dynasty only said that it wanted to promote exchanges between the various wastelands, but the gossip spread that this Tianjiao battle was actually to choose a son-in-law for the king of Zhennan's Pearl Jidu County. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty The number one county lord, naturally, must be the number one arrogant in the mainland to be worthy of it."


Zi Yan suddenly jumped up and said angrily: "The little princess is right, big sister, second sister, we must not let their conspiracy succeed!"

The ruthless man comforted Zi Yan and said, "So, Senior Sister Shangguan came to us to see the Zhongzhou Tianjiao Battle?"

Shangguanqin nodded and said, "This battle will bring together heroes from all over the world, naturally including people from Fengshen Academy and Wushen Academy. It is said that these two academies have produced very amazing talents in contemporary times, and they have the appearance of unparalleled talents. College elders hope that Junior Sister Zhang can advance Getting acquainted with them can be regarded as a warm-up for the 'Fourth Academy Meeting Martial Arts'."

The ruthless man asked curiously, "The arrogance of the world? Does Senior Sister Shangguan know the distance?"

Shangguan Qin said: "I also heard hearsay, one of these two people is Xiao Guyan of Nanhuang Fengshen Academy, who is in control of different fires, and dual cultivation of Danwu. Crawling out of the middle, with an immortal and demon body, all methods are easy to solve!" ,, . .

Chapter 350 A Teenager Born Million Years Ago

Shangguan Qin said: "I also heard from hearsay, one of these two people is Xiao Guyan of Nanhuang Fengshen Academy, who controls the different fire, and the dual cultivation of Danwu. Crawling out of the middle, with a fairy body, all methods are easy!"

"Xian... Xianmo Cave? Isn't that a forbidden place that no living creature can walk out of?"

The three daughters of the Zhang family all showed shocking expressions.

Although the immortal and demon cave in Xihuang was not formed for a long time, its prestige was not under the battlefield of gods and demons in Donghuang.

Legend has it that millions of years ago, there was a huge battle between immortals and demons. I don't know what the final result was, but the bodies of those immortals and demons were all buried in Shengyuan Continent, which is also the origin of the immortal demon cave.

Legend has it that the Immortal Devil Cave was meticulously built by a number of Xeon figures. With the remnant body of the Immortal Devil as the formation flag, they set up the Heaven-defying Immortal Formation, intending to fight against the Dao of Heaven and demand their life from the sky!

Legend has it that there are hundreds of immortal and demon corpses in the entire immortal and demon cave, each of which is extremely tyrannical, and all of this is only to revive one person!

Legend has it that the fairy magic cave has the magic of reversing the years, the living dead, and the flesh and bones.

The superposition of legends has made this Jedi, which should not be entered by strangers, become the last straw for many strong people.

Some world-shattering characters, when their lives withered, were unwilling to disappear in the world, so they forced their way into the immortal cave, trying to find the secret of immortality from the immortal cave.

However, unfortunately, for millions of years, countless unparalleled heroes, including even a quasi-emperor, who entered the fairy cave, did not come out alive.

Now Shangguanqin actually said that someone climbed out of the fairy cave, how could they not be shocked.

"A character who dares to break into the fairy cave is at least half the level of an emperor. How can he become the arrogance of the Martial God Academy?"

Yu Xin expressed her doubts.

Shangguan Qin said: "It is said that although this Chen Beixuan climbed out of the fairy demon cave, his life aura is very young, at most no more than twenty years old, and his cultivation base is almost nothing. But his physique is extremely tyrannical, and he Blood is the real blood of immortals and demons. In just one year, he has cultivated to a half-step king, and some elders of the academy guessed..."

"Guess he is the one who wants to change his life against the sky and bring him back to life?"

The ruthless man said the second half of the sentence for Shangguan Qin.

Shangguanqin nodded slightly and said, "The elders of the academy guessed that Chen Beixuan was not the one who broke into the fairy cave later, but the person who was originally buried there. , and only this explanation can be reasonable.”

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "It's interesting. A young man who should have died a million years ago was sacrificed by several big men with the corpse of a fairy and a demon forcibly brought back to life. Presumably, the identity of this young man must be very extraordinary."

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said, "This person can really sleep, and sleep is a million years."

Yuxin's beautiful eyes flickered, she was not thinking of Chen Beixuan, but another genius, Xiao Guyan of Nanhuang Fengshen Academy.

This Tianjiao, who has had several relationships with her, often carries a heavy ruler with a simple shape on his back, and his combat power is very powerful.If they go to Zhongzhou, the two should have a fight.Keyuan Novel www.kybook.com

Shangguanqin said with emotion: "This is how things are, the great world is coming, this is an unprecedented great world, even the four great colleges of the world have appeared at once, not to mention the powerful descendants that may exist in other ancient sect holy places, Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle, It will be a real situation, I'm afraid I won't even have the qualifications for the first battle."

Zi Yan took Zhang Tian's arm and said, "Dad, let's go to the Holy City, but we can't let those people's conspiracy succeed."

Zhang Tian looked at his daughters and said with a smile, "Then let's go shopping in the holy capital of Zhongzhou."

He was also a little interested in the characters who were about to be resurrected under the arrangement of the Heaven-defying Immortal Array.

After obtaining the name of the Sword King of the North Sea, the ruthless man's affairs in the North Sea came to an end. After two days of repairs, the family embarked on the journey again.


The sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the heavens and the earth. The four Zhang family members and Shangguanqin stood on the coast, and saw a huge blue dragon head breaking out of the sea.

"It's Xiaolong, it's getting bigger again." Zi Yan clapped her hands again and again.

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